家里的台式机,装有windows 2000 professional一直做server,本本使用linux做client,后来觉得本本上运行linux太慢,而且也不能在上面随随便便做实验,所以想要把台式机也装上linux,这样一来自然就涉及到了linux下adsl上网和组网的问题,经过几天的实验,总算是成功,因此把整个过程写下来,一来备案,而来希望能对网友们有点帮助。
上传时间: 2015-10-09
Many programs today suffer from the fact that their users have to connect using IP addresses. This is impossible for dialup users, whose IPs change all the time, and painful for LAN users who don t know their IP addresses or whose addresses also change. In addition, many collaborative programs could benefit from offering friends lists, showing friends as online or offline, providing status information. This kind of functionality is hard to provide, requiring a dedicated Internet database and a new client - client protocol. But it is offered today through a system called AwareNet, which is offered free of charge and royalty
标签: addresses programs connect suffer
上传时间: 2013-12-05
基于完成端口的TCP网络通信框架实现 工程iocp中包含了框架实现的所有代码,工程server和client是对该框架的简单测试 和应用。框架实现了基于消息的TCP网络通信,(避免了TCP的数据“粘连”问题)并进 行了封装,封装后的界面iocpapi.h非常简洁,应用程序代码只需要简单包含 iocpapi.h,就可以实现自己的网络应用.具体例子可以参考server和client代码提供 的两个类分别用于服务器端和客户端(一般来说客户端不用管理大量连接,所以有点 杀鸡用牛刀的味道,不过为了和服务器对应,应该使用该客户端,除非你自己实现 框架的消息格式)
上传时间: 2013-12-29
JXTA——Java P2P网络编程技术,最近,P2P(Peer-to-Peer)又成为了因特网上的一个热点。P2P是因特网的一种应用模式,其意思是指网络上的任何设备(包括大型机、PC机、PDA、手机、机顶盒等等)都可以平等地直接进行连接并进行协作。想比当前因特网上主流的应用模式client/Server或者client/Service而言,P2P具有自己鲜明的特点和优势。(这也是我对它着迷的地方。
上传时间: 2015-10-15
标签: com
上传时间: 2015-10-17
Streaming refers to the ability of an application to play synchronised media streams like audio and video streams in a continuous way while those streams are being transmitted to the client over a data network.
标签: synchronised application Streaming ability
上传时间: 2015-10-22
j2me socket连接,运行SocketMIDlet两次打开server和client
上传时间: 2015-11-07
These two classes show an extremely simple example of java.net socket programming. They implement the Unix daytime protocol, an extremely simple protocol that consists entirely of the server sending its current local time and date to the client as an ASCII string. The server, to keep it very simple, does not use multiple threads. This code requires JDK 1.1 or later, but can easily be adapted to JDK 1.0.
标签: programming extremely implement classes
上传时间: 2015-11-16
This Source.zip has three application code folders containing .java and .class files and two .jar files as follows: 1. desktop-side_JXTA4JMS 2. mobile-side_JXTA4JMS 3. JMS Test client 4. Listener.jar 5. JMSTestclient.jar We now explain execution steps, we followed, to run this JXTA4JMS application. Before we try we require Application softwares and need to configure JXTA relay and J2EE server.
标签: application containing and folders
上传时间: 2014-11-17
radius server在linux下的源码,功能强大,有对应的radius client客户端
上传时间: 2013-12-27