AppWizard has created this ShopingList application for you. This application not only demonstrates the basics of using the Microsoft Foundation classes but is also a starting point for writing your application.
标签: application demonstrates ShopingList AppWizard
上传时间: 2014-06-11
ppWizard has created this ShopingList application for you. This application not only demonstrates the basics of using the Microsoft Foundation classes but is also a starting point for writing your application.
标签: application demonstrates ShopingList ppWizard
上传时间: 2013-12-17
AppWizard has created this ShopingList application for you. This application not only demonstrates the basics of using the Microsoft Foundation classes but is also a starting point for writing your application.
标签: application demonstrates ShopingList AppWizard
上传时间: 2013-12-22
jsp+access开发的网上销售手机网站 1.进入“控制面板”-->管理工具”--->“数据源(ODBC)” 2.选择“用户DNS” 3.点击“添加”---〉选择驱动器“Microsoft Access Driver”---点击“完成” 4.填写数据源名:shnxn 5.选择数据库(我们网站的数据库所在位置,缺省为frshop下面database下的db.mdb,为了安全,您可以把数据库放置 在任何地方,只需保证这里的连接到那个数据库即可) 6.单击“确定” 7.完成数据源设置 设置完数据源以后,您只须把我们给您的文件中的classes文件下复制到 网站根目录的web-inf文件夹下面; 然后重启服务器即可。
上传时间: 2016-06-28
PHP Cookbook has a wealth of solutions for problems that you ll face regularly. With topics that range from beginner questions to advanced web programming techniques, this guide contains practical examples -- or "recipes" -- for anyone who uses this scripting language to generate dynamic web content. Updated for PHP 5, this book provides solutions that explain how to use the new language features in detail, including the vastly improved object-oriented capabilities and the new PDO data access extension. New sections on classes and objects are included, along with new material on processing XML, building web services with PHP, and working with SOAP/REST architectures. With each recipe, the authors include a discussion that explains the logic and concepts underlying the solution.
标签: that solutions regularly Cookbook
上传时间: 2014-12-03
GNU Common C++ is a very portable and highly optimized class framework for writing C++ applications that need to use threads and support concurrent sychronization, and that use sockets, XML parsing, object serialization, thread-optimized String and data structure classes, etc. This framework offers a class foundation that hides platform differences from your C++ application so that you need not write platform specific code. GNU Common C++ has been ported to compile nativily on most platforms which support either posix threads, or on maybe be used with Debian hosted mingw32 to build native threading applications for Microsoft Windows.
标签: applications framework optimized portable
上传时间: 2014-01-02
将信息隐藏到图像中。 AppWizard has created this MyImageWork application for you. This application not only demonstrates the basics of using the Microsoft Foundation classes but is also a starting point for writing your application. This file contains a summary of what you will find in each of the files that make up your MyImageWork application.
标签: application MyImageWork AppWizard created
上传时间: 2013-12-22
"TR1 roughly doubles the size of the C++ standard library, and it introduces many new facilities and even new kinds of library components. TR1 has some classes, for example, where some nested types may or may not exist depending on the template arguments. To programmers whose experience stops with the standard library, this is strange and unfamiliar. This book is complete (it covers all TR1 facilities), it is easier to understand than TR1 itself, and it is technically accurate."
标签: introduces facilities and the
上传时间: 2016-07-20
这是个反向工程delphi的程序的全部源代码.能分析几乎所有的结构 Revendepro is a program to reverse engineer Delphi program. Revendepro finds almost all structures (classes, types, procedures, etc) in the program, and generates the pascal representation, procedures will be written in assembler. Due to some limitation in assembler the generated output can not be recompiled.
标签: program Revendepro engineer reverse
上传时间: 2016-07-21
jsp blog系统 说明: 1,使用前,请先打开db.java修改其中的数据库信息,然后用你的jdk编译后放入WEB-INF\classes\dbpac\下。将所有文件上传到服务器,然后运行install.html建立数据库。安装完毕后,请手动删除install.html和install.jsp 2, 如果是unix服务器,请设置config.php,db.php,links.php,skinlist.php的文件权限设置为777 3, 打开js目录下的my.js,根据自己的需要修改即可。 4,打开javamail.jsp,将 "邮件服务器登录用户名"," 邮件服务器登录密码","发送人邮件地址","接受人邮件地址",替换成自己的信息。(邮件服务器最好为163的邮箱,否则有些邮箱可能不支持。推荐 接受人邮件地址为您的QQ邮箱地址,这样方便。注意 发送人邮件地址必须和您的邮件服务器用户名匹配。)
上传时间: 2013-12-15