小信号放大器的设计 1. 放大器是射频/微波系统的必不可少的部件。 2. 放大器有低噪声、小信号、高增益、中功率、大功率等。 3. 放大器按工作点分有A、AB、B、C、D…等类型。 4. 放大器指标有:频率范围、动态范围、增益、噪声系数、工作效率、1dB压缩点、三阶交调等。
上传时间: 2016-02-10
上传时间: 2013-12-15
the calculator s usage! after you have inputed 2 operators,choose + - * / function! But the only situation I did t deal with is that when you choos + fuction ,and the operaters signs is like this -A+B,just turn it to B-A!
标签: calculator the operators function
上传时间: 2016-02-12
The XML Toolbox converts MATLAB data types (such as double, char, struct, complex, sparse, logical) of any level of nesting to XML format and vice versa. For example, >> project.name = MyProject >> project.id = 1234 >> project.param.a = 3.1415 >> project.param.b = 42 becomes with str=xml_format(project, off ) "<project> <name>MyProject</name> <id>1234</id> <param> <a>3.1415</a> <b>42</b> </param> </project>" On the other hand, if an XML string XStr is given, this can be converted easily to a MATLAB data type or structure V with the command V=xml_parse(XStr).
标签: converts Toolbox complex logical
上传时间: 2016-02-12
上传时间: 2016-02-14
DirectX not only provides fast access to the hardware and therefore incredibly speedy performance, but it also makes it much easier for hardware developers to produce new devices that work well in the Windows environment. The DirectX APIs take away the necessity of writing your own low-level, device-specific code to access hardware such as the display adapter and network card, making it much easier for you to write programs that take full advantage of the computer s multimedia capabilities.
标签: performance incredibly therefore hardware
上传时间: 2016-02-16
Floyd-Warshall算法描述 1)适用范围: a)APSP(All Pairs Shortest Paths) b)稠密图效果最佳 c)边权可正可负 2)算法描述: a)初始化:dis[u,v]=w[u,v] b)For k:=1 to n For i:=1 to n For j:=1 to n If dis[i,j]>dis[i,k]+dis[k,j] Then Dis[I,j]:=dis[I,k]+dis[k,j] c)算法结束:dis即为所有点对的最短路径矩阵 3)算法小结:此算法简单有效,由于三重循环结构紧凑,对于稠密图,效率要高于执行|V|次Dijkstra算法。时间复杂度O(n^3)。 考虑下列变形:如(I,j)∈E则dis[I,j]初始为1,else初始为0,这样的Floyd算法最后的最短路径矩阵即成为一个判断I,j是否有通路的矩阵。更简单的,我们可以把dis设成boolean类型,则每次可以用“dis[I,j]:=dis[I,j]or(dis[I,k]and dis[k,j])”来代替算法描述中的蓝色部分,可以更直观地得到I,j的连通情况。
标签: Floyd-Warshall Shortest Pairs Paths
上传时间: 2013-12-01
上传时间: 2014-06-08
// 移频选频原理 //Fvco=[(P*B)+A]*Frefin/R //P=32 //loop filter 100k----prescribe //R=12.8M/100K=128---Parameter1 //Fvco=频点*2+170280 -1400 //B=Fvco/32-----------Parameter2 //A=Fvco-32*B
标签: 100 prescribe Frefin filter
上传时间: 2013-12-26
上传时间: 2016-02-22