The continuing vitality of spread-spectrum communication systems and the devel- opment of new mathematical methods for their analysis provided the motivation to undertake this new edition of the book. This edition is intended to enable readers to understand the current state-of-the-art in this field. Almost twenty percent of the materialinthiseditionisnew, includingseveralnewsections, anewchapteronadap- tive arrays and filters, and a new chapter on code-division multiple-access networks.
标签: Spread-Spectrum Communication Principles of
上传时间: 2020-05-31
This book provides the essential design techniques for radio systems that operate at frequencies of 3 MHz to 100 GHz and which will be employed in the telecommunication service. We may also call these wireless systems, wireless being synonymous with radio, Telecommunications is a vibrant indus- try, particularly on the ‘‘radio side of the house.’’ The major supporter of this upsurge in radio has been the IEEE and its 802 committees. We now devote Ž . an entire chapter to wireless LANs WLANs detailed in IEEE 802.11. We also now have subsections on IEEE 802.15, 802.16, 802.20 and the wireless Ž . Ž metropolitan area network WMAN . WiFi, WiMax,, and UWB ultra wide- . band are described where these comparatively new radio specialties are demonstrating spectacular growth.
标签: Telecommunication Design System Radio for
上传时间: 2020-06-01
The continuing vitality of spread-spectrum communication systems and the devel- opment of new mathematical methods for their analysis provided the motivation to undertake this new edition of the book. This edition is intended to enable readers to understand the current state-of-the-art in this field. Almost twenty percent of the materialinthiseditionisnew, includingseveralnewsections, anewchapteronadap- tive arrays and filters, and a new chapter on code-division multiple-access networks. The remainder of the material has been thoroughly revised, and I have removed a considerable amount of material that has been superseded by more definitive results.
标签: Spread-Spectrum Communication Systems 3rd
上传时间: 2020-06-01
Part I provides a compact survey on classical stochastic geometry models. The basic models defined in this part will be used and extended throughout the whole monograph, and in particular to SINR based models. Note however that these classical stochastic models can be used in a variety of contexts which go far beyond the modeling of wireless networks. chapter 1 reviews the definition and basic properties of Poisson point processes in Euclidean space. We review key operations on Poisson point processes (thinning, superposition, displacement) as well as key formulas like Campbell’s formula. chapter 2 is focused on properties of the spatial shot-noise process: its continuity properties, its Laplace transform, its moments etc. Both additive and max shot-noise processes are studied. chapter 3 bears on coverage processes, and in particular on the Boolean model. Its basic coverage characteristics are reviewed. We also give a brief account of its percolation properties. chapter 4 studies random tessellations; the main focus is on Poisson–Voronoi tessellations and cells. We also discuss various random objects associated with bivariate point processes such as the set of points of the first point process that fall in a Voronoi cell w.r.t. the second point process.
标签: Stochastic Geometry Networks Wireless Volume and
上传时间: 2020-06-01
In Helsinki during a visiting lecture, an internationally well-known professor in communica- tionssaid,‘Inthecommunicationssocietywehavemanagedtoconvertourproposalsandideas to real products, not like in the control engineering society. They have very nice papers and strong mathematics but most of the real systems still use the old PID controllers!’. As our background is mainly in control as well as communications engineering, we know that this thought is not very accurate. We agree that most of the practical controllers are analog and digital PID controllers, simply because they are very reliable and able to achieve the required control goals successfully. Most of the controllers can be explained in terms of PID. The reasons behind this impressive performance of PID will be explained in chapter 2.
标签: Communications Engineering Wireless Systems in
上传时间: 2020-06-01
The first edition of this book was published in 1992. Nine years later it had become clear that a second edition was required because of the rapidly changing nature of telecommunication. In 1992, the Internet was in existence but it was not the household word that it is in the year 2001. Cellular telephones were also in use but they had not yet achieved the popularity that they enjoy today. In the current edition, chapter 1 has been revised to include a section on the Internet. chapter 10 is new and it covers the facsimile machine; I had overlooked this important tele- communication device in the first edition. chapter 11 is also new and it describes the pager, the cordless telephone and the cellular telephone system. These are examples of a growing trend in telecommunications to go ‘‘wireless’’.
标签: Telecommunication Circuit Design 2nd
上传时间: 2020-06-01
The dictionary definition of telecommunications is ‘communication over long distance by cable, telegraph, telephone or broadcasting’, but since its initiation over 100yearsagothingshavemovedrapidly.Telecommunicationsisnowaverycomplex industrywithmanydifferentpressures,operatinginahighlydynamic environment.It is best viewed as part of a wider industry known as information and communication technology (ICT). The purpose of this chapter is to explain where telecommunication fits in, to highlight some of the complexities – hopefully to simplify them – and to position the industry in today’s dynamic business environment.
标签: Telecommunications Understanding Business
上传时间: 2020-06-01
In this first part of the book the Vienna Link Level (LL) Simulators are described. The first chapter provides basics of LL simulations, introduces the most common variables and parameters as well as the transceiver structures that are applied in Long-Term Evolution (LTE) and Long-Term Evolution-Advanced (LTEA). We focus here mostly on the Downlink (DL) of LTE as most results reported in later chapters are related to DL transmissions.
标签: LTE-Advanced Simulators Vienna
上传时间: 2020-06-01
n the first part of this book, we give an introduction to the basic applications of wireless com- munications, as well as the technical problems inherent in this communication paradigm. After a brief history of wireless, chapter 1 describes the different types of wireless services, and works out their fundamental differences. The subsequent Section 1.3 looks at the same problem from a different angle: what data rates, ranges, etc., occur in practical systems, and especially, what combination of performance measures are demanded (e.g., what data rates need to be transmitted over short distances; what data rates are required over long distances?) chapter 2 then describes the technical challenges of communicating without wires, putting special emphasis on fading and co-channel interference. chapter 3 describes the most elementary problem of designing a wireless system, namely to set up a link budget in either a noise-limited or an interference-limited system. After studying this part of the book, the reader should have an overview of different types of wireless services, and understand the technical challenges involved in each of them. The solutions to those challenges are described in the later parts of this book.
标签: Communications Wireless Edition 2nd
上传时间: 2020-06-01
This chapter provides extensive coverage of existing mobile wireless technologies. Much of the emphasis is on the highly anticipated 3G cellular networks and widely deployed wireless local area networks (LANs), as the next-generation smart phones are likely to offer at least these two types of connectivity. Other wireless technologies that either have already been commercialized or are undergoing active research and standardization are introduced as well. Because standardization plays a crucial role in developing a new technology and a market, throughout the discussion standards organizations and industry forums or consortiums of some technologies are introduced. In addition, the last section of this chapter presents a list of standards in the wireless arena.
标签: Networking Wireless Complete
上传时间: 2020-06-01