Most code samples included on this CD were developed with Microsoft Visual C++ version 5.0 and the Microsoft Windows CE Toolkit for Visual C++ version 5.0. The Sspi and Crypto samples were developed with Microsoft Visual C++ version 6.0 and the Microsoft Windows CE Toolkit for Visual C++ 6.0. The code in sample applications is ported for a Handheld PC, but the programming concepts that are presented apply to all Windows CE-based platforms.
标签: Microsoft developed included samples
上传时间: 2015-07-10
The intent of the software contained on this CD is to provide support for the material covered in the textbook. All programs have been developed and tested using MATLAB Version 5.2. Although the authors believe that all routines should be compatible with earlier versions of MATLAB, this may not be the case. The software is maintained and regularly updated through our Web-site at It is assumed that the user has a basic knowledge of MATLAB. Support of MATLAB is maintained through the MathWorks, Inc. Web-site at
标签: contained the material software
上传时间: 2015-07-11
The intent of the software contained on this CD is to provide support for the material covered in the textbook. All programs have been developed and tested using MATLAB Version 5.2. Although the authors believe that all routines should be compatible with earlier versions of MATLAB, this may not be the case. The software is maintained and regularly updated through our Web-site at It is assumed that the user has a basic knowledge of MATLAB. Support of MATLAB is maintained through the MathWorks, Inc. Web-site at
标签: contained the material software
上传时间: 2013-12-30
Rom Backup Tool for PPC, be sure to backup all data before use this tools
标签: Backup backup before tools
上传时间: 2013-12-09
上传时间: 2014-01-03
Flash-ROM(闪存)已经成为了目前最成功、流行的一种固态内存,与 EEPROM 相比具有读写速度快,而与 SRAM 相比具有非易失、以及价廉等优势。而基于 NOR 和 NAND 结构的闪存是现在市场上两种主要的非易失闪存技术。 Intel 于 1988 年首先开发出 NOR flash 技术,彻底改变了原先由 EPROM 和 EEPROM 一统天下的局面。紧接着,1989 年东芝公司发表了 NAND flash 技术(后将该技术无偿转让给韩国 Samsung 公司),强调降低每比特的成本,更高的性能,并且象磁盘一样可以通过接口轻松升级。
上传时间: 2015-08-06
采用MCS_51单片机及CD_ROM设计的CD播放器 希望对大家有帮助
上传时间: 2015-08-08
本程式為並列flash ROM之控制程式, 可將flash rom的資料讀出後, 經過CPLD controller將圖檔轉成VESA影像訊號, 輸出至螢幕, 本程式已經過硬體驗證
标签: flash controller CPLD VESA
上传时间: 2013-11-28
上传时间: 2015-08-10
上传时间: 2014-01-19