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  • //初始化 if(initscr() == NULL) { perror("initcurs") exit(EXIT_FAILURE) } cbreak()

    //初始化 if(initscr() == NULL) { perror("initcurs") exit(EXIT_FAILURE) } cbreak() noecho() keypad(stdscr, TRUE) //建立菜单项 for(i=0 i<N_ITEMS i++){ items[i] = new_item(months[i], "") } //建立菜单 mymenu = new_menu(items) //设置为5行单列的菜单 set_menu_format(mymenu, 5, 1) set_menu_mark(mymenu, "*") //获得菜单的行数很列数 scale_menu(mymenu, &mrows, &mcols) //建立窗口和子窗口 win = newwin(mrows + 2, mcols + 2, 3, 30) keypad(win, TRUE) box(win, 0, 0) subwin = derwin(win, 0, 0, 1, 1) //设置菜单的窗口 set_menu_sub(mymenu, subwin) //在子窗口上放置菜单 post_menu(mymenu) refresh() wrefresh(win)

    标签: EXIT_FAILURE initcurs initscr cbreak

    上传时间: 2013-11-29


  • //初始化 if(initscr() == NULL) { perror("initcurs") exit(EXIT_FAILURE) } //设置模式

    //初始化 if(initscr() == NULL) { perror("initcurs") exit(EXIT_FAILURE) } //设置模式 cbreak() noecho() keypad(stdscr, TRUE) //建立窗口 win = newwin(h, w, 3, 20) box(win, 0, 0) keypad(win, TRUE) wmove(win, cury, curx) mvaddstr(16, 1, "Press arrow keys to move the cursor within the window.\n") mvaddstr(17, 1, "Press q to quit.\n") refresh() wrefresh(win)

    标签: EXIT_FAILURE initcurs initscr perror

    上传时间: 2013-12-20
