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  • it is a campus research on virtualization

    it is a campus research on virtualization

    标签: virtualization research campus it

    上传时间: 2014-01-05


  • Complete coverage of all four CCNP exams: ? EIGRP, OSPF, IS-IS, and BGP ? Optimizing routing ? IP

    Complete coverage of all four CCNP exams: ? EIGRP, OSPF, IS-IS, and BGP ? Optimizing routing ? IP multicast ? IPv6 ? VLAN implementation ? Spanning Tree ? InterVLAN routing ? Layer 3 redundancy ? Wireless LANs ? VoIP in campus networks ? campus network security ? Frame-mode MPLS ? IPsec ? Cisco device hardening ? Cisco IOS? threat defenses ? Cisco VoIP ? QoS and AutoQoS ? Wireless scalability

    标签: Optimizing Complete coverage routing

    上传时间: 2017-09-26


  • 802.11n A Survival Guide

    A decade ago, I first wrote that people moved, and networks needed to adapt to the reality that people worked on the go. Of course, in those days, wireless LANs came with a trade-off. Yes, you could use them while moving, but you had to trade a great deal of throughput to get the mobility. Although it was possible to get bits anywhere, even while in motion, those bits came slower. As one of the network engineers I worked with put it, “We’ve installed switched gigabit Ethernet everywhere on campus, so I don’t understand why you’d want to go back to what is a 25-megabit hub.” He un- derestimated the allure of working on the go.

    标签: Survival 802.11 Guide

    上传时间: 2020-05-26


  • 华为敏捷园区解决方案终端安全技术白皮书(Forescout)

    华为敏捷园区解决方案终端安全技术白皮书(Forescout)1 用户准入检查,保证身份合法: 在用户访问网络访问之前验证用户的身份,只有合法的用户才允许接入网络。这就是 基于用户身份的准入机制,包括 802.1x,Portal,MAC bypass 这几种典型的认证方式。 准入检查由客户端+网络设备+AAA 服务器组成。在 Agile campus 解决方案中,AAA 服务器可以使用自研的 Agile Controller-campus 1.0,也可以与第三方 Server 对接,例 如 Cisco ISE 系统。 2 终端合规性检查,保证终端合规: 检查用户使用的终端是否符合企业制定的安全策略,例如防病毒和操作系统补丁策 略。可疑或有问题的主机将被隔离或限制网络接入范围,直到它经过修补或采取了相 应的安全措施为止。 终端合规检查由客户端+服务器组成,该系统可以独立部署。若需要将合规检查结果作 为 NAC 控制条件,AAA 系统必须与终端合规检查服务器实现联动。 在 Agile campus 解决方案中,终端合规检查采用集成第三方厂家方式实现。 3 业务随行,保证用户业务一致性体验 基于安全组的策略规划,实现全网策略的统一部署与自动同步,确保全网策略一致, 让用户自由移动时享受一致的业务体验。 业务随行由网络设备+AAA 服务器+策略服务器组成。在 Agile campus 解决方案中,若 客户希望同时部署终端合规检查和业务随行,需要部署 Agile Controller-campus 1.0, 同时集成合规检查服务器。

    标签: 华为敏捷园区

    上传时间: 2022-02-28
