Linux driver for FujiFilm FinePix digital camEras in PC-CAM (i.e. webcam) mode driver/ Contains the driver sources. Compile with "make". Then as root, install with "make install". Type "modprobe finepix" to load the module. userspace/ Type "make" to compile. fpix: test program, independant of the driver. Uses libusb to directly access the camera and capture a frame, saved under frame.jpg. Will not work if the driver is loaded. fpixtest: test program. Uses V4L2 to capture an image. fpix-stress-v4l2: never ending (in theory) stress test derived from fpixtest.
标签: driver i.e. FujiFilm FinePix
上传时间: 2014-11-28
a sample WDM stream class video capture driver that supports two IEEE 1394 digital camEras. The same driver may be able to support other digital camEras that conform to 1394-based Digital Camera Specification from 1394 Trade Association. Digital camera supported by dcam.sys is a data source that produces digital image data without any other input connection. It manifests itself in a DirectShow graph as a WDM Streaming Capture Device and as a capture filter that has output capture stream supporting image sizes of 320x240 with a UYVY color space. Its de-compressor, Msyuv.dll, is part of the OS delivery, and it can convert image data format from UYVY to RGB16, RGB8, or to a Direct Draw surface if the video card supports UYVY format.
标签: supports capture camEras digital
上传时间: 2014-01-13
Real-Time Video-Based Rendering from Multiple camEras
标签: Video-Based Real-Time Rendering Multiple
上传时间: 2013-12-28
This is a computer vision project that uses several camEras for people tracking.
标签: computer tracking camEras project
上传时间: 2017-07-22
Piezoelectric motors are used in digital camEras for autofocus,zooming and optical image stabilization. Theyare relatively small, lightweight and effi cient, but theyalso require a complicated driving scheme. Traditionally,this challenge has been met with the use ofseparatecircuits, including a step-up converter and an oversizedgeneric full-bridge drive IC. The resulting high componentcount and large board space are especially problematicin the design of camEras for ever shrinking cell phones.The LT®3572 solves these problems by combining astep-up regulator and a dual full-bridge driver in a 4mm× 4mm QFN package. Figure 1 shows a typical LT3572Piezo motor drive circuit. A step-up converter is usedto generate 30V from a low voltage power source suchas a Li-Ion battery or any input power source within thepart’s wide input voltage range of 2.7V to 10V. The highoutput voltage of the step-up converter, adjustable upto 40V, is available for the drivers at the VOUT pin. Thedrivers operate in a full-bridge fashion, where the OUTAand OUTB pins are the same polarity as the PWMA andPWMB pins, respectively, and the OUTA and OUTB pinsare inverted from PWMA and PWMB, respectively. Thestep-up converter and both Piezo drivers have their ownshutdown control. Figure 2 shows a typical layout
上传时间: 2013-11-18
The PL2303 USB to Serial adapter is your smart and convenient accessory forconnecting RS-232 serial devices to your USB-equipped Windows host computer. Itprovides a bridge connection with a standard DB 9-pin male serial port connector inone end and a standard Type-A USB plug connector on the other end. You simplyattach the serial device onto the serial port of the cable and plug the USB connectorinto your PC USB port. It allows a simple and easy way of adding serial connectionsto your PC without having to go thru inserting a serial card and traditional portconfiguration.This USB to Serial adapter is ideal for connecting modems, cellular phones, PDAs,digital camEras, card readers and other serial devices to your computer. It providesserial connections up to 1Mbps of data transfer rate. And since USB does not requireany IRQ resource, more devices can be attached to the system without the previoushassles of device and resource conflicts.Finally, the PL-2303 USB to Serial adapter is a fully USB Specification compliantdevice and therefore supports advanced power management such as suspend andresume operations as well as remote wakeup. The PL-2303 USB Serial cable adapteris designed to work on all Windows operating systems.
上传时间: 2013-11-01
针对嵌入式机器视觉系统向独立化、智能化发展的要求,介绍了一种嵌入式视觉系统--智能相机。基于对智能相机体系结构、组成模块和图像采集、传输和处理技术的分析,对国内外的几款智能相机进行比较。综合技术发展现状,提出基于FPGA+DSP模式的硬件平台,并提出智能相机的发展方向。分析结果表明,该系统设计可以实现脱离PC运行,完成图像获取与分析,并作出相应输出。 Abstract: This paper introduced an embedded vision system-intelligent camera ,which was for embedded machine vision systems to an independent and intelligent development requirements. Intelligent camera architecture, component modules and image acquisition, transmission and processing technology were analyzed. After comparing integrated technology development of several intelligent camEras at home and abroad, the paper proposed the hardware platform based on FPGA+DSP models and made clear direction of development of intelligent camEras. On the analysis of the design, the results indicate that the system can run from the PC independently to complete the image acquisition and analysis and give a corresponding output.
上传时间: 2013-10-24
Digital camEras have become increasingly popular over the last few years. Digital imagingtechnology has grown to new markets including cellular phones and PDA devices. With thediverse marketplace, a variety of imaging technology must be available. Imaging technologyhas expanded to include both charge-coupled device (CCD) and CMOS image sensors.
标签: CoolRunner-II XAPP CPLD 390
上传时间: 2013-10-16
针对嵌入式机器视觉系统向独立化、智能化发展的要求,介绍了一种嵌入式视觉系统--智能相机。基于对智能相机体系结构、组成模块和图像采集、传输和处理技术的分析,对国内外的几款智能相机进行比较。综合技术发展现状,提出基于FPGA+DSP模式的硬件平台,并提出智能相机的发展方向。分析结果表明,该系统设计可以实现脱离PC运行,完成图像获取与分析,并作出相应输出。 Abstract: This paper introduced an embedded vision system-intelligent camera ,which was for embedded machine vision systems to an independent and intelligent development requirements. Intelligent camera architecture, component modules and image acquisition, transmission and processing technology were analyzed. After comparing integrated technology development of several intelligent camEras at home and abroad, the paper proposed the hardware platform based on FPGA+DSP models and made clear direction of development of intelligent camEras. On the analysis of the design, the results indicate that the system can run from the PC independently to complete the image acquisition and analysis and give a corresponding output.
上传时间: 2013-11-14
FlashEd 0.2 是个游戏引擎包,不过和Gamepackage不同的是: FlashEd is a 3d engine 只要功能如下: • Multiple camEras • Collision Control • Rendering Effects • Gravity • Polygon Animation • Rounded Objects Rendering • Linkable camEras And Objects • Shooting Control • Active Zone Control
上传时间: 2015-06-10