太原理工大学硕 士 学 位 论 文 摘 要 网络缓存(Web caching)把经常访问的网络对象在访问开 销较少的网络节点上存一个副本,当用户再次访问这些对象时, 可以直接从这个开销较少的网络节点上得到满足。从而在有限 的带宽内,达到缩短用户等待时间、提高网络性能和网络可扩 展性的目的,对于提高Internet 访问效率具有重要意义。
上传时间: 2014-01-16
RSS to SQL caching Tools
上传时间: 2014-08-26
IP Video and Video Streaming技术研究 • 预先录制的点播视频(VoD) • 拉缓冲(pull caching) VoD • 实况流拆分 • 反向信道组播 • 网络组播
上传时间: 2013-12-15
www工具包. 这是W3C官方支持的www支撑库. 其中提供通用目的的客户端的WebAPI: complete HTTP/1.1 (with caching, pipelining, PUT, POST, Digest Authentication, deflate, etc), MySQL logging, FTP, HTML/4, XML (expat), RDF (SiRPAC), WebDAV, and much more
标签: pipelining www complete caching
上传时间: 2017-02-24
proxy server for caching and packet filtering final project
标签: filtering caching project packet
上传时间: 2017-04-28
I want to provide an example file system driver for Windows NT/2000/XP. For some time I have worked on an implementation of RomFs. RomFs is a small filesystem originally implemented in Linux, because of its simple disk layout its a good choice for an example driver. The current status is a working read-only driver that supports caching of file data, the create functionallity still needs some work but I m releasing it due to the high public demand.
标签: provide Windows example driver
上传时间: 2013-12-19
Description: Microsoft?Windows?HTTP Services (WinHTTP) provides developers with a server-supported, high-level interface to the HTTP/1.1 Internet protocol. WinHTTP is designed to be used primarily in server-based scenarios by server applications that communicate with HTTP servers. WinHTTP is also designed for use in system services and HTTP-based client applications. WinHTTP is more secure and robust than WinInet. However, single-user applications that need FTP or gopher functionality, cookie persistence, caching, automatic credential dialog handling, Internet Explorer compatibility, or downlevel platform support should still consider using WinInet.
标签: server-supported Description developers Microsoft
上传时间: 2017-02-07
The surge of mobile data traffic forces network operators to cope with capacity shortage. The deployment of small cells in 5G networks is meant to reduce latency, backhaul traffic and increase radio access capacity. In this context, mobile edge computing technology will be used to manage dedicated cache space in the radio access network. Thus, mobile network operators will be able to provision OTT content providers with new caching services to enhance the quality of experience of their customers on the move.
上传时间: 2020-05-26