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  • Professional MFC. Chapter 1: The Microsoft Developer Studio Chapter 2: The Wizards and The Gallery

    Professional MFC. Chapter 1: The Microsoft Developer Studio Chapter 2: The Wizards and The Gallery Chapter 3: The Application Architecture Hierarchy Chapter 4: The Document/View Architecture Chapter 5: Using Dialogs and cOntrols in MFC Chapter 6: User Interface Issues Chapter 7: Advanced User Interface Programming Chapter 8: Using the Windows Common cOntrols Chapter 9: Writing Programs for the Windows Shell Chapter 10: Utility and Exception Classes Chapter 11: Writing Multithreaded Applications with MFC Chapter 12: Creating Dynamic-link Libraries Chapter 13: Writing Database Applications Chapter 14: Writing OLE Containers Chapter 15: Writing OLE Servers Chapter 16: ActiveX cOntrols Chapter 17: ActiveX Control Containers Chapter 18: Internet Client Programming Chapter 19: Internet Server Programming Appendix A: Installing Visual C++

    标签: Chapter The Professional Developer

    上传时间: 2017-08-20


  • git的历史


    标签: git

    上传时间: 2019-02-12


  • 自相关函数和互相关函数的利用MATLAB计算和作图


    标签: MATLAB 自相关函数 函数 计算

    上传时间: 2019-05-16


  • 电路分析基础学习指导


    标签: 电路分析基础

    上传时间: 2019-06-16


  • 双向全桥LLC谐振变换器的理论分析与仿真

    将 LLC 谐振网络引入到全桥双向 DC-DC 变换器中,提出一种新型双向全桥 LLC 谐振变换器。 该变换 器主要由传统全桥双向 DC-DC 电路和 LLC 谐振网络组成。 该电路可以在全负载范围内实现功率开关管的零电压 开通关断和整流环节的零电流开通关断。 文中介绍和分析了变换器的拓扑结构与工作原理,并通过仿真验证了理论 分析的正确性

    标签: LLC 全桥 仿真 谐振变换器

    上传时间: 2019-09-29


  • 基于MIMO技术的无线物理层安全传输研究

    不同于传统秘钥加密技术,无线物理层安全理论技术是根据主窃信道传输速率的差值等特征信息来从信息论的角度降低窃听者获取的有用信息量。 在理想的窃听信道模型中,只要保密容量(主窃听信道容量差)大于0,系统就可以达到保密通信。%在引入信号衰落之后,保密通信只以一定的概率实现。 本文通过建立中断概率模型来对通信系统的保密性进行仿真。 本文主要研究性能中的保密速率和主窃信道信噪比这两个指标。在系统所需保密速率是定值的条件下,主窃信道信噪比之差越低,通信的保密性越好。通过采用MIMO技术中的波速成形技术,合法信道中的信道容量可以被大幅度提高,进而大幅度降低中断概率。环形干扰技术不仅可以降低窃听信道信噪比,而且对主信道的传输速率不会产生负面影响。经过使用Alamouti编码技术,可以很好的解决由于天线数量增多而导致译码复杂度增加的问题。

    标签: MIMO 无线 安全传输 物理层

    上传时间: 2020-03-17


  • 基于指数曲线拟合的高温作业服装最优厚度设计

    在高温环境下工作时,专用的防护服装不可或缺。专用服装通常由多层织物构成,不同织物的密度、比热、热传导率都有所不同,不同的厚度搭配会对服装的防护性能和舒适度有所影响。本文主要通过研究特定的织物在相同的工作防护能力要求下,最优的厚度配比,为高温作业服装最优厚度设计提供参考。 针对问题一,采取控制变量法,根据附件二中的数据,使用MATLAB曲线拟合工具箱对数据进行分析,建立了温度-厚度指数曲线模型,得出假人皮肤外侧的温度与外界环境温度成正比的关系,和II层与IV层的厚度的平方成反比关系的结论,计算出在不同的温度环境和不同厚度的织物材料条件下的温度分布,得到了problem1.xlsx。 针对问题二,根据问题一中建立的温度-厚度指数曲线模型建立出最优化模型,将题目中的已知条件带入数学模型表达式,再根据已知条件建立相关不等式,使用MATLAB软件对相关不等式进行非线性规划求得最优解,即可获得问题二的解,根据模型一确定的II层最优厚度为6.167mm,根据模型二确定的II层最优厚度为5.835mm。 针对问题三,考虑到舒适性和功能性两大特性的平衡,将附件1中的三个指标以热扩散率来整合,将其与问题一和问题二中的模型进行联系,建立了热扩散-最优厚度模型,带入题目中的已知条件,使用lingo软件,通过非线性规划方法,建立最优化模型,对数据的最优化解进行求解,即可得到II层和IV层的最优厚度,根据模型一确定的II层和IV层的最优厚度分别为6.225mm和0.6mm。

    标签: 曲线拟合 服装

    上传时间: 2020-03-17


  • Essentials+of+Short-Range+Wireless

    Over the past ten years there has been a revolution in the devel- opment and acceptance of mobile products. In that period, cel- lular telephony and consumer electronics have moved from the realm of science fiction to everyday reality. Much of that revolu- tion is unremarkable – we use wireless, in its broadest sense, for TV remote cOntrols, car keyfobs, travel tickets and credit card transactions every day. At the same time, we have increased the number of mobile devices that we carry around with us. However, in many cases the design and function of these and other static products are still constrained by the wired connections that they use to transfer and share data.

    标签: Short-Range Essentials Wireless of

    上传时间: 2020-05-27


  • Short-Range+Wireless

    Over the past ten years there has been a revolution in the devel- opment and acceptance of mobile products. In that period, cel- lular telephony and consumer electronics have moved from the realm of science fiction to everyday reality. Much of that revolu- tion is unremarkable – we use wireless, in its broadest sense, for TV remote cOntrols, car keyfobs, travel tickets and credit card transactions every day. 

    标签: Short-Range Wireless

    上传时间: 2020-06-01



    In a world where consumers,businesses and organizations are demanding faster,amerter and more seamlessly converged information technology and communization services,concepts such as Driverless Cars,combining advanced automatic cOntrols,artficial intelligences and automotive transport technologies are soon expected to become a commercial realty.At the same time,new blueprints such as industrial internet and industry 4.0 are driving the increased digitization of entire industries and economic sectors,boosting efficiencies and productivity.

    标签: ZTE-M-ICT

    上传时间: 2020-06-01
