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  • cOntrolling stepper from parallelport

    cOntrolling stepper from parallelport

    标签: parallelport cOntrolling stepper from

    上传时间: 2014-12-06


  • stepper cOntrolling by AT89c2051

    stepper cOntrolling by AT89c2051

    标签: cOntrolling stepper c2051 2051

    上传时间: 2014-01-02


  • cOntrolling stepper motor by AVR (Proteus simulation included)

    cOntrolling stepper motor by AVR (Proteus simulation included)

    标签: cOntrolling simulation included stepper

    上传时间: 2014-01-04


  • basic routines for cOntrolling winamp from application with delphi.

    basic routines for cOntrolling winamp from application with delphi.

    标签: application cOntrolling routines delphi

    上传时间: 2014-10-11


  • RS232 cOntrolling MSP430

    RS232 cOntrolling MSP430

    标签: cOntrolling 232 MSP 430

    上传时间: 2013-12-21


  • 电流采样方法

    Sensing and/or cOntrolling current flow is a fundamental requirement in many electronics systems, and the tech-niques to do so are as diverse as the applications them-selves.

    标签: 电流采样

    上传时间: 2013-10-15


  • 基于微网的光伏变流器系统设计

    光伏发电是未来新能源发电重要方向之一,而光伏变流器是光伏发电系统的核心。介绍一种基于微网理念的光伏变流器设计。以该变流器为核心的光伏发电系统可以看做一个小型的微网系统。该系统能根据外部电网情况,工作于并网模式和离网模式。介绍了该系统的各个组成部件的设计以及变流器主电路部分器件的选型。最后,由实验样机进行测试。试验结果验证了电路拓扑结构及控制方案的可行性,也说明了系统参数设计方法的正确性。 Abstract:  Solar Photovoltaic generation is an important direction of new energy power generation in the future,while photovoltaic converter is the core of photovoltaic generation system. This paper deals with a study on photovoltaic inverter based on the concept of microgrid. This paper describes a system whose core component is the photovoltaic inverter,can work on grid-connected mode or run independently according to the external situation. The paper simply describes the main components of the system. At last,the prototype was produced and tested. Test result has proved feasibility of circuit topology structure and cOntrolling scheme and shown correctness of system parameters.Key words: PV inverter; microgrid; off-grid; storage battery

    标签: 光伏 变流器 系统设计

    上传时间: 2014-12-24


  • 电流检测电路手册

      Sensing and/or cOntrolling current flow is a fundamental requirement in many electronics systems, and the tech-niques to do so are as diverse as the applications them-selves. This Application Note compiles solutions to cur-rent sensing problems and organizes the solutions by general application type. These circuits have been culled from a variety of Linear Technology documents

    标签: 电流检测电路

    上传时间: 2013-10-22


  • 基于PIC16C71的数字水温配制阀的设计

      设计了一种基于PIC16C71单片机的数字水温配制阀。该配制阀采用NTC热敏电阻作温度传感器,与固定电阻组成简单分压电路作为水温测量电路,利用PIC16C71单片机内置的8位A/D转换器把热敏电阻上的模拟电压转换为数字量,PIC16C71单片机控制直流电机驱动混水阀调节冷热水的混合比例实现水温调节。给出了控制电路图,对水温测量电路的参数选择和测温精度作了详细讨论。实验和分析表明,选用阻值较大的NTC热敏电阻和分压电阻可较好地解决热敏电阻因功耗较大造成的热击穿问题。   Abstract:   A digital valve for cOntrolling water temperature based on PIC16C71 was presented in this paper.A bleeder circuit which consisted of a NTC thermistor as temperature sensor and a fixed resistance was designed as water temperature measuring circuit.The analog voltage on the thermistor was converted into digital signal by a 8-bit A/D converter embedded in PIC16C71. Based on the digital signal, the MCU PIC16C71 drived the valve by a DC motor to adjust the water temperature through adjusting the proportion of hot water and cold water.The circuit diagram of controller was given,the principle,the component parameters and the accuracy of measuring temperatures were also dissertated in detail. It was found by experiment and analysis that thermal breakdown of thermistor caused by high power could be solved by selecting thermistor and fixed resistance with high impedance value.

    标签: PIC 16C C71 16

    上传时间: 2013-11-08

    上传用户:Yue Zhong

  • 基于单片机89S52的多功能计数器设计

    该系统由单片机89S52控制模块,程控宽带放大模块,整形模块,FPGA内频率、相位差测量模块等构成,采用等精度测频法测出频率和周期,可测量有效值为0.01~5V,频率范围1Hz~20MHz信号的频率、周期信号,精度高达10-6。采用计数法测量相位差,该系统可测量有效值0.5~5V,频率10Hz~100kHz信号的相位差,精度为1°。系统功能由按键控制,测量结果实时显示,人机界面友好。 Abstract:  The system consists of the following functional blocks:89S52microcontroller cOntrolling module,programmable amplifier module,comparator module,frequency and phase difference testing module in the FPGA.The system use the equal accuracy frequency-examining technique it measures frequency and circle of signal which its ranges is from1Hz to20MHz and the amplitude of which its range is from0.01Vrms to5Vrms,precision is up to10-6.Using of count method,the system detects the phase difference of signal,the amplitude of whic its range is from0.5Vrms to5Vrms and the frequency of which its ranges is from10Hz to100kHz,precision is up to1°,The system functions is controlled by certain keys,measurement results are displayed in real-time and it is friendly interface.

    标签: 89S52 单片机 多功能 计数器

    上传时间: 2013-11-04
