The Standard Template Library, or STL, is a C++ library of container classes, algorithms, and iterators it provides many of the basic algorithms and data structures of cOMputer science
标签: algorithms container Standard Template
上传时间: 2016-08-17
The purpose of this Primer is to help you begin to use MATLAB. It is not intended to be a substitute for the online help facility or the MATLAB documentation (such as Getting Started with MATLAB, available in printed form and online). The Primer can best be used hands-on. You are encouraged to work at the cOMputer as you read the Primer and freely experiment with the examples. This Primer, along with the online help facility, usually suffices for students in a class requiring the use of MATLAB.
标签: intended substitu to purpose
上传时间: 2013-12-27
Learn how to build a custom Linux® distribution to use in an embedded environment, in this case to drive a Technologic Systems TS-7800 single-board cOMputer. In this tutorial, you learn about cross-compiling, the boot loader, file systems, the root file system, disk images, and the boot process, all with respect to the decisions you make as you re building the system and creating the distribution.
标签: distribution environment embedded custom
上传时间: 2013-12-23
這本書是多年來我對專業程式員所做的C++ 教學課程下的一個自然產物。我發現,大部份學生在一個星期的密集訓練之後,即可適應這個語言的基本架構,但要他們「將這些基礎架構以有效的方式組合運用」,我實在不感樂觀。於是我開始嘗試組織出一些簡短、明確、容易記憶的準則,做為C++ 高實效性程式開發過程之用。那都是經驗豐富的C++ 程式員幾乎總是會奉行或幾乎肯定要避免的一些事情。structures of cOMputer science.
标签: 程式
上传时间: 2016-10-13
动态链接库(DLLs)是从C语言函数库和Pascal库单元的概念发展而来的。所有的C语言标准库函数都存放在某一函数库中,同时用户也可以用LIB程序创建自己的函数库。在链接应用程序的过程中,链接器从库文件中拷贝程序调用的函数代码,并把这些函数代码添加到可执行文件中。structures of cOMputer science.
上传时间: 2016-10-13
This book is the product of a twenty-year resarch project at Rice University to develop fundamental compiler technologies for vector and parallel cOMputer systems. The effort was by Randy Allen and Ken Kennedy with the help of David Kuck and Michael Wolfe.
标签: fundamental twenty-year University develop
上传时间: 2016-10-16
Because of the poor observability of Inertial Navigation System on stationary base, the estimation error of the azimuth will converge very slowly in initial alignment by means of Kalmari filtering, and making the time initial alignment is longer. In this paper, a fast estimation method of the azimuth error is creatively proposed for the initial alignment of INS on stationary base. On the basis of the the fast convergence of the leveling error, the azimuth error can be directly calculated. By means of this fast initial alignment method, the time of initial alignment is reduced greatly. The cOMputer simulation results illustrate the efficiency of the method.
标签: observability Navigation estimation stationary
上传时间: 2014-01-03
The widespread use of embedded systems mandates the development of industrial software design methods, i.e. cOMputer-aided design and engineering of embedded applications using formal models (frameworks) and standardized prefabricated components, much in the same way as in other mature areas of engineering such as mechanical engineering and electronics. These guidelines have been used to develop Component-based Design of Software for Embedded Systems (COMDES). The paper gives an overview of the COMDES framework, followed by a presentation of a generic component types, such as function blocks, activities and function units. The execution of function units is discussed in the context of a newly developed execution model, i.e. timed-multitasking, which has been extended to distributed embedded systems.
标签: development widespread industrial embedded
上传时间: 2014-01-23
This note introduces the two main user adjustments of a video monitor, BRIGHTNESS and CONTRAST . I explain the effect that these controls have on picture reproduction, and I explain how to set them. This note applies to cOMputer monitors, studio video monitors, and television receivers.
标签: adjustments BRIGHTNESS introduces CONTRAST
上传时间: 2016-11-13
LabVIEW入门教程,计算机虚拟图形编程实验教材。Virtual instrument cOMputer graphics programming Labview experimental materials,an useful Getting Started Guide for Labview learners.
上传时间: 2014-01-23