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  • Rf And Microwave Power Amplifier Design(2005)

    The main objective of this book is to present all the relevant informationrequired for RF and micro-wave power amplifier design includingwell-known and novel theoretical approaches and practical design techniquesas well as to suggest optimum design approaches effectively combininganalytical calculations and cOMputer-aided design. This bookcan also be very useful for lecturing to promote the analytical way ofthinking with practical verification by making a bridge between theoryand practice of RF and microwave engineering. As it often happens, anew result is the well-forgotten old one. Therefore, the demonstrationof not only new results based on new technologies or circuit schematicsis given, but some sufficiently old ideas or approaches are also introduced,that could be very useful in modern practice or could contributeto appearance of new ideas or schematic techniques.

    标签: Amplifier Microwave Design Power

    上传时间: 2013-12-22


  • 天正建筑8.5破解版免费下载

    这个 天正建筑8.5破解版支持最新AutoCAD2012 CAD即计算机辅助设计(CAD-cOMputer Aided Design) 利用计算机及其图形设备帮助设计人员进行设计工作 。简称cad。 在工程和产品设计中,计算机可以帮助设计人员担负计算、信息存储和制图等项工作。CAD还包含:电气CAD、外贸结算CAD、加拿大元、冠状动脉性心脏病、计算机辅助诊断、服装CAD等含义。 天正建筑8.5/8.0注册机是一款通用的天正建筑注册机,可以用于天正建筑8.5注册算号,以及天正建筑8.0等低版本注册算号   下面顺便提供两组免费天正建筑注册码   机器码:nf0def108c175002682b52cda   注册码:2F1091EF97ADFD859F077AE93D14E388CBD52D128DBF8395DC   机器码:N984BE1A8F64990004E4B4CB4   注册码:2F6F48D81D9E4A856BFBBF4798248713860848FC7DCCC4372C 使用方法:将压缩包全部下载后解压,安装虽然显示是试用版,但等下破解后就是正式版了! 加压安装后,打开软件,会提示输入注册码,这时打开注册机,选天正建筑8.0破解,将授权码复制到注册机中,再点计算注册码,将计算出的注册码,复制到之前打开的天正软件中,即注册完成!! 1、墙、柱、墙体造型、凸窗挡板、门窗套全面支持绘保温层。   2、门窗系统大幅度改进。新增在同一洞口插入多个门窗、门窗编号   利用AutoCAD图形平台开发的最新一代建筑软件TArch 8.5,继续以先进的建筑对象概念服务于建筑施工图设计,成为建筑CAD的首选软件,同时天正建筑对象创建的建筑模型已经成为天正日照、节能、给排水、暖通、电气等系列软件的数据来源,很多三维渲染图也基于天正三维模型制作而成。   2008年9月天正建筑TArch软件通过建设部科技成果的评估,在建筑设计领域二次开发方面达到国际先进水平。   天正表格使用了先进的表格对象,其交互界面类似Excel的电子表格编辑界面。表格对象具有层次结构,用户可以完整地把握如何控制表格的外观表现,制作出有个性化的表格。更值得一提的是,天正表格还实现了与Excel的数据双向交换,使工程制表同办公制表一样方便高效。   强大的图库管理系统和图块功能   天正的图库管理系统采用先进的编程技术,支持贴附材质的多视图图块,支持同时打开多个图库的操作。 【天正建筑8.5破解版特色功能】 主要包括交互技术、图形变换技术、曲面造型和实体造型技术等。    在计算机辅助设计中,交互技术是必不可少的。交互式cad系统, 指用户在使用计 cad系统 算机系统进行设计时,人和机器可以及时地交换信息。采用交互式系统,人们可以边构思 、边打样、边修改,随时可从图形终端屏幕上看到每一步操作的显示结果,非常直观。   图形变换的主要功能是把用户坐标系和图形输出设备的坐标系联系起来;对图形作平移、旋转、缩放、透视变换 ;通过矩阵运算来实现图形变换。    计算机设计自动化 计算机自身的cad,旨在实现计算机自身设计和研制过程的自动化或半自动化。研究内容包括功能设计自动化和组装设计自动化,涉及计算机硬件描述语言、系统级模拟、自动逻辑综合、逻辑模拟、微程序设计自动化、自动逻辑划分、自动布局布线,以及相应的交互图形系统和工程数据库系统。集成电路 cad有时也列入计算机设计自动化的范围  

    标签: 8.5 免费下载 破解版

    上传时间: 2013-10-14


  • CTP知识全解

      1.什么是CTP?   CTP包括几种含义:   脱机直接制版(cOMputer-to-plate)   在机直接制版(cOMputer-to-press)   直接印刷(cOMputer-to-paper/print)   数字打样(cOMputer-to-proof)   普通PS版直接制版技术,即CTcP(cOMputer-to-conventional plate)   这里所论述的CTP系统是脱机直接制版(cOMputer-to-plate)。CTP就是计算机直接到印版,是一种数字化印版成像过程。CTP直接制版机与照排机结构原理相仿。起制版设备均是用计算机直接控制,用激光扫描成像,再通过显影、定影生成直接可上机印刷的印版。计算机直接制版是采用数字化工作流程,直接将文字、图象转变为数字,直接生成印版,省去了胶片这一材料、人工拼版的过程、半自动或全自动晒版工序。

    标签: CTP

    上传时间: 2014-01-22


  • 基于MASON公式的多功能二阶通用滤波器设计

    基于通用集成运算放大器,利用MASON公式设计了一个多功能二阶通用滤波器,能同时或分别实现低通、高通和带通滤波,也能设计成一个正交振荡器。电路的极点频率和品质因数能够独立、精确地调节。电路使用4个集成运放、2个电容和11个电阻,所有集成运放的反相端虚地。利用计算机仿真电路的通用滤波功能、极点频率和品质因数的独立控制和正交正弦振荡,从而证明该滤波器正确有效。 Abstract:  A new multifunctional second-order filter based on OPs was presented by MASON formula. Functions, such as high-pass, band-pass, low-pass filtering, can be realized respectively and simultaneously, and can become a quadrature oscillator by modifying resistance ratio. Its pole angular frequency and quality factor can be tuned accurately and independently. The circuit presented contains four OPs, two capacitors, and eleven resistances, and inverting input of all OPs is virtual ground. Its general filtering, the independent control of pole frequency and quality factor and quadrature sinusoidal oscillation were simulated by cOMputer, and the result shows that the presented circuit is valid and effective.

    标签: MASON 多功能 二阶 滤波器设计

    上传时间: 2013-10-09


  • 一个很棒的网络控制系统仿真软件

    一个很棒的网络控制系统仿真软件,Truetime工具箱包括TrueTime cOMputer与Truetime Network 两个接口模块。计算机模块具有灵活的实时内核,A/D和D/A转换器,网络接口和外部通道。计算机模块按照用户定义的任务执行,代码采用Matlab或C++编写。

    标签: 网络控制系统 仿真软件

    上传时间: 2015-03-14


  • The VideoTransmit class is a simple wrapper that can be programmed to take video input from a source

    The VideoTransmit class is a simple wrapper that can be programmed to take video input from a source of your choice and transmit the video to a destination cOMputer or network in JPEG format.

    标签: VideoTransmit programmed wrapper simple

    上传时间: 2014-01-06


  • The audioTransmit class is a simple wrapper that can be programmed to take audio input from a source

    The audioTransmit class is a simple wrapper that can be programmed to take audio input from a source of your choice and transmit the audio to a destination cOMputer

    标签: audioTransmit programmed wrapper simple

    上传时间: 2013-12-16


  • Addressbook using double-linked list. This example shows the use of a double-linked list by implemen

    Addressbook using double-linked list. This example shows the use of a double-linked list by implementing an addressbook for the console. It has features like inserting, searching(linear), sorting(bubble sort), deleting and load/save to a file. I wrote this during my study of Applied cOMputer Science so it s intended mainly for students who want to know about some advanced programming techniques in C. The Code was compiled with MSVC++ 6.0 but it should compile with any ANSI-compliant compiler.

    标签: double-linked list Addressbook implemen

    上传时间: 2014-01-24


  • This toolbox distributes processes over matlab workers available over the intranet/internet (SPMD or

    This toolbox distributes processes over matlab workers available over the intranet/internet (SPMD or MPMD parallel model). It is very useful for corsely granular parallelization problems and in the precesence of a distributed and heterogeneus cOMputer enviroment. No need for configuration files ! Cross platforms, cross OS and cross MATLAB versions. Workers can be added to the parallel computation even if it has started. No need of a common file system, all comms are using tcpip connections

    标签: over distributes available processes

    上传时间: 2014-01-03


  • Tic Tac Toe程序。可以供一到两个玩家使用。程序中使用了visual basic 计时器

    Tic Tac Toe程序。可以供一到两个玩家使用。程序中使用了visual basic 计时器,所以每一个步骤都有时间限制。此外,计算机可是一个有简单智能的对手,他不但不会随便出手,反而还要竭力赢了你才罢休。 Tic Tac Toe program. One or two players. It uses the visual basic timer, so each move has time limit. Simple artificial intelligence: cOMputer does not play randomly, but "tries" to win and stop you from winning.

    标签: visual basic Tic Tac

    上传时间: 2015-04-11
