IC卡破解,教程 可以破解一般加密的A.B类智能IC卡
上传时间: 2014-08-26
程序计算了国产矩形波导BJ-100的传输特性。通过查阅资料可以知道BJ-100波导管的结构参数为频率范围(8.2GHz~12.5GHz)结构参数a=22.86mm,b=10.16mm FDTD计算 fortran 语言
上传时间: 2014-12-02
The 1.4 release of Java 2 Standard edition brings a load of new features - and the potential for frustration. Fret not, our new 4th edition has answers. The accelerated introduction lets you start writing code right away, and because the book s classic quick reference contains all the classes in the essential Java packages, you can find exactly what you need to make Java s new version work for you.
标签: potential Standard features release
上传时间: 2014-11-27
Written by the inventors of the technology, The Java™ Language Specification, Third Edition, is the definitive technical reference for the Java™ programming language. If you want to know the precise meaning of the language s constructs, this is the source for you. The book provides complete, accurate, and detailed coverage of the Java programming language. It provides full coverage of all new features added since the previous edition, including generics, annotations, asserts, autoboxing, enums, for-each loops, variable arity methods, and static import clauses.
标签: Specification technology the inventors
上传时间: 2016-01-26
convert numbers from h to d or b to h
上传时间: 2014-11-17
上传时间: 2016-01-26
n皇后问题求解(8<=n<=1000) a) 皇后个数的设定 在指定文本框内输入皇后个数即可,注意: 皇后个数在8和1000 之间(包括8和1000) b) 求解 点击<Solve>按钮即可进行求解. c) 求解过程显示 在标有Total Collision的静态文本框中将输出当前棋盘上的皇后总冲突数. 当冲突数降到0时,求解完毕. d) 求解结果显示 程序可以图形化显示8<=n<=50的皇后求解结果. e) 退出程序,点击<Exit>即可退出程序.
上传时间: 2016-01-28
This the fourth edition of the Writing Device Drivers articles. This article will introduce the idea of device stacks and how devices interact with each other. We will use the previously created example device driver to demonstrate this topic. To do this we will introduce the idea of a “filter” driver in which we will create to attach to our own driver’s device stack.
标签: the This introduce articles
上传时间: 2016-01-28
This the third edition of the Writing Device Drivers articles. The first article helped to simply get you acquainted with device drivers and a simple framework for developing a device driver for NT. The second tutorial attempted to show to use IOCTLs and display what the memory layout of Windows NT is. In this edition, we will go into the idea of contexts and pools. The driver we write today will also be a little more interesting as it will allow two user mode applications to communicate with each other in a simple manner. We will call this the “poor man’s pipes” implementation.
标签: the articles Drivers edition
上传时间: 2014-01-16
mpeg test inter b. Dequantizer Algorithm hardware realization method and comparison c. Dequantizer Hardware Architecture Design
标签: b. c. Dequantizer realization
上传时间: 2016-01-29