The PCA9519 is a 4-channel level translating I2C-bus/SMBus repeater that enables theprocessor low voltage 2-wire serial bus to interface with standard I2C-bus or SMBus I/O.While retaining all the operating modes and features of the I2C-bus system during thelevel shifts, it also permits extension of the I2C-bus by providing bidirectional buffering forboth the data (SDA) and the clock (SCL) lines, thus enabling the I2C-bus or SMBusmaximum capacitance of 400 pF on the higher voltage side. The SDA and SCL pins areover-voltage tolerant and are high-impedance when the PCA9519 is unpowered.
标签: 4channel transla level 9519
上传时间: 2013-11-19
PCA9519 是一个4 通道的I2C 总线/SMBus 中继器,可以实现将低电压两线串行总线接口的处理器与标准的I2C 总线或SMBus I/O 相连。该中继器在电平转换中保持I2C 总线系统所有的模式和特点的同时,允许通过给数据总线(SDA)和时钟总线(SCK)提供双向缓冲区来扩展I2C 总线,从而使I2C 总线或SMBus 在高电压下最大容限电容为400PF。SDA 和SCL 引脚具有耐压保护功能,当PCA9519 掉电时,均呈现出高阻抗特性。
上传时间: 2013-11-23
The PCA9670 provides general purpose remote I/O expansion for most microcontrollerfamilies via the two-line bidirectional bus (I2C-bus) and is a part of the Fast-mode Plusfamily.The PCA9670 is a drop-in upgrade for the PCF8574 providing higher Fast-mode Plus(Fm+) I2C-bus speeds (1 MHz versus 400 kHz) so that the output can support PWMdimming of LEDs, higher I2C-bus drive (30 mA versus 3 mA) so that many more devicescan be on the bus without the need for bus buffers, higher total package sink capacity(200 mA versus 100 mA) that supports having all 25 mA LEDs on at the same time andmore device addresses (64 versus 8) are available to allow many more devices on the buswithout address conflicts.
上传时间: 2013-10-15
The PCA9671 provides general purpose remote I/O expansion for most microcontrollerfamilies via the two-line bidirectional bus (I2C-bus) and is a part of the Fast-mode Plus(Fm+) family.The PCA9671 is a drop in upgrade for the PCF8575 providing higher I2C-bus speeds(1 MHz versus 400 kHz) so that the output can support PWM dimming of LEDs, higherI2C-bus drive (30 mA versus 3 mA) so that many more devices can be on the bus withoutthe need for bus buffers, higher total package sink capacity (400 mA versus 100 mA) thatsupports having all 25 mA LEDs on at the same time and more device addresses (64versus 8) to allow many more devices on the bus without address conflicts.
上传时间: 2013-10-12
The PCA9672 provides general purpose remote I/O expansion for most microcontrollerfamilies via the two-line bidirectional bus (I2C-bus) and is a part of the Fast-mode Plusfamily.The PCA9672 is a drop-in upgrade for the PCF8574 providing higher Fast-mode Plus(Fm+) I2C-bus speeds (1 MHz versus 400 kHz) so that the output can support PWMdimming of LEDs, higher I2C-bus drive (30 mA versus 3 mA) so that many more devicescan be on the bus without the need for bus buffers, higher total package sink capacity(200 mA versus 100 mA) that supports having all LEDs on at the same time and moredevice addresses (16 versus 8) are available to allow many more devices on the buswithout address conflicts.
上传时间: 2013-10-23
The PCA9673 provides general purpose remote I/O expansion for most microcontrollerfamilies via the two-line bidirectional bus (I2C-bus) and is a part of the Fast-mode Plusfamily.The PCA9673 is a drop in upgrade for the PCF8575 providing higher Fast-mode Plus(Fm+) I2C-bus speeds (1 MHz versus 400 kHz) so that the output can support PWMdimming of LEDs, higher I2C-bus drive (30 mA versus 3 mA) so that many more devicescan be on the bus without the need for bus buffers, higher total package sink capacity(400 mA versus 100 mA) that supports having all 25 mA LEDs on at the same time andmore device addresses (16 versus 8) are available to allow many more devices on the buswithout address conflicts.
上传时间: 2013-10-29
The PCA9674/74A is a drop-in upgrade for the PCF8574/74A providing higher Fast-modePlus I2C-bus speeds (1 MHz versus 400 kHz) so that the output can support PWMdimming of LEDs, higher I2C-bus drive (30 mA versus 3 mA) so that many more devicescan be on the bus without the need for bus buffers, higher total package sink capacity(200 mA versus 100 mA) that supports having all LEDs on at the same time and moredevice addresses (64 versus 8) are available to allow many more devices on the buswithout address conflicts.
上传时间: 2013-10-22
The TJA1042 is a high-speed CAN transceiver that provides an interface between aController Area Network (CAN) protocol controller and the physical two-wire CAN bus.The transceiver is designed for high-speed (up to 1 Mbit/s) CAN applications in theautomotive industry, providing the differential transmit and receive capability to (amicrocontroller with) a CAN protocol controller.
标签: High-speed transce 1042 TJA
上传时间: 2014-12-28
The TJA1051 is a high-speed CAN transceiver that provides an interface between aController Area Network (CAN) protocol controller and the physical two-wire CAN bus.The transceiver is designed for high-speed (up to 1 Mbit/s) CAN applications in theautomotive industry, providing differential transmit and receive capability to (amicrocontroller with) a CAN protocol controller.
标签: High-speed transce 1051 TJA
上传时间: 2013-10-17
Although Stellaris microcontrollers have generous internal SRAM capabilities, certain applicationsmay have data storage requirements that exceed the 8 KB limit of the Stellaris LM3S8xx seriesdevices. Since microcontrollers do not have an external parallel data-bus, serial memory optionsmust be considered. Until recently, the ubiquitous serial EEPROM/flash device was the only serialmemory solution. The major limitations of EEPROM and flash technology are slow write speed, slowerase times, and limited write/erase endurance.Recently, serial SRAM devices have become available as a solution for high-speed dataapplications. The N256S08xxHDA series of devices, from AMI Semiconductor, offer 32 K x 8 bits oflow-power data storage, a fast Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) serial bus, and unlimited write cycles.The parts are available in 8-pin SOIC and compact TSSOP packages.
上传时间: 2013-10-14