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  • 基于HITAG读写芯片HTRC110的读写设备设计

    Designing read/write device (RWD) units for industrial RF-Identification applications is strongly facilitated by the NXP Semiconductors HITAG Reader Chip HTRC110. All needed function blocks, like the antenna driver, modulator demodulator and antenna diagnosis unit, are integrated in the HTRC110. Therefore only a minimum number of additional passive components are required for a complete RWD. This Application Note describes how to design an industrial RF-Identification system with the HTRC110. The major focus is dimensioning of the antenna, all other external components including clock and power supply, as well as the demodulation principle and its implementatio

    标签: HITAG HTRC 110 读写芯片

    上传时间: 2013-10-22


  • 基于MSP430单片机的智能水位计设计

      为解决我国水位监测野外条件下长期无人看守的问题,研制开发了基于MSP430单片机的智能水位计。从其组成到各功能分别进行了详细的介绍,该智能水位计不仅实现了水位数据的实时监测、记录和定期采集等多种工作模式,而且提高了水位监测精度,实现了水位监测的智能化。   Abstract:   In order to solve the problems of long-term unmanned observation in the field water monitoring,an intelligence water-level meter based on MSP430 is developed composition and every function moduce of the water level meter was introduced in detail. It not only realizes water level data collection and storage, regularly gathering and so on, but also improves the water-level precision , finally realizes the intelligence.  

    标签: MSP 430 单片机 水位计

    上传时间: 2013-11-17


  • MAXX9257 MAX9258芯片可编程SerDes持续时间计算

    The MAX9257/MAX9258 programmable serializer/deserializer (SerDes) devices transfer both video data and control signals over the same twisted-pair cable. However, control data can only be transmitted during the vertical blank time, which is indicated by the control-channel-enabled output (CCEN) signal. The electronic control unit (ECU) firmware designer needs to know how quickly to respond to the CCEN signal before it times out and how to calculate this duration. This application note describes how to calculate the duration of the CCEN for the MAX9257/MAX9258 SerDes chipset. The calculation is based on STO timeout, clock frequency, and UART bit timing. The CCEN duration is programmable and can be closed if not in use.

    标签: SerDes MAXX 9257 9258

    上传时间: 2014-01-24


  • 基于MAX7219的LED数码显示驱动电路设计

      现有基于MAX7219芯片的数码管驱动电路只适用于小尺寸LED,为扩展其使用范围,在介绍动态显示芯片MAX7219功能的基础上,提出了一个基于该芯片的8位高亮度8英寸数码管驱动电路。电路保留了MAX7219芯片的功能强大、编程简单等优点,通过74LS273锁存器和ULN2803达林顿驱动器,实现了对任意大尺寸数码管提供较高电压和电流驱动的静态显示,并亮度可调。   Abstract:   The existing display-driving circuit based on MAX7219 was only applicable to small-size LED. To expand its use, based on the function introduction of dynamic display chip MAX7219, a display-driving circuit for high-brightness 8-bit LED with the size of 8-inch was proposed. The advantages of MAX7219 were retained, such as powerful function and simple programming. Static display with adjustable brightness for large-size LED with higher voltage and current was achieved with the help of 74LS273 and ULN2803.

    标签: 7219 MAX LED 数码显示

    上传时间: 2013-10-23


  • 基于CH341A的USB串口通讯设计

    为解决当前计算机串行通讯接口只有USB,难以满足旧型号设备或某些单片机要求RS232通讯的问题,设计出两款RS232/USB电路。采用CH341A与MAX223集成电路芯片构建标准9线RS232/USB通用接口转换器,无需编程。采用CH341A与PIC16F877A构建单片机与计算机之间的USB通讯电路,软件遵循RS232通讯协议,硬件进行电平转换。实际使用表明,这两款产品与计算机端Windows 操作系统下的串口应用程序完全兼容,且通讯过程中无握手失败现象。 Abstract:  To solve the problem that current computer serial communication only with USB interface can not satisfy with the old type equipments or MCU to communicate with RS232, two kinds of RS232/USB circuit were designed.CH341A and MAX223 integrated circuit chips were used to create a standard 9-line RS232/USB universal interface convertor without programme. CH341A and PIC16F877A chips were adopted to build the USB communication circuit between computers and MCU. The software follows RS232 communication protocol, and the hardware converts electrical levels. Actual practices indicate that the two manufactures are compatible with serial application program of Windows operation system completely,and get avoid of handshake lost.    

    标签: 341A 341 USB CH

    上传时间: 2013-11-03


  • 基于C8051F040的以太网-CAN转换电路设计

    以太网和CAN总线应用广泛,但由于其通信协议不同,两种总线器件间无法进行数据通信,因此,设计了基于CP2200与C8051F040的以太网总线与CAN总线接口转换电路,并给出部分相关硬件电路与软件设计分析。在保证数据完整和协议可靠的前提下,通过握手协议和简化的以太网协议,不仅实现了以太网数据与CAN数据的转发,同时还顺利的解决了以太网的高速性与CAN的低速率冲突,以及两者数据包之间的大小不同的矛盾。 Abstract:  In the development of actual application, Ethernet and CAN bus are used very extensively. Owing to its various communication protocols, the communicating between two kinds of bus device can’t be carried out. Therefore, in order to solve this problem, the Ethernet-CAN bus interface circuit based on CP2200 and C8051F040 was designed in this paper, and part of the related hardware circuit and software design analysis were given. On the condition of data’s integrity and protocols’reliability, through the handshaking protocols and the simplified the Ethernet protocol, not only the data switching between CAN and Ethernet was realized, but also the differ in velocity and packet size was solved.

    标签: C8051F040 CAN 以太网 转换

    上传时间: 2013-10-15


  • 单片机P0口的片外数据存储器扩展

    单片机作为一种微型计算机,其内部具有一定的存储单元(8031除外),但由于其内部存储单元及端口有限,很多情况下难以满足实际需求。为此介绍一种新的扩展方法,将数据线与地址线合并使用,通过软件控制的方法实现数据线与地址线功能的分时转换,数据线不仅用于传送数据信号,还可作为地址线、控制线,用于传送地址信号和控制信号,从而实现单片机与存储器件的有效连接。以单片机片外256KB数据存储空间的扩展为例,通过该扩展方法,仅用10个I/O端口便可实现,与传统的扩展方法相比,可节约8个I/O端口。 Abstract:  As a micro-computer,the SCM internal memory has a certain units(except8031),but because of its internal storage units and the ports are limited,in many cases it can not meet the actual demand.So we introduced a new extension method,the data line and address lines combined through software-controlled approach to realize the time-conversion functions of data lines and address lines,so the data lines not only transmited data signals,but also served as address lines and control lines to transmit address signals and control signals,in order to achieve an effective connection of microcontroller and memory chips.Take microcontroller chip with256KB of data storage space expansion as example,through this extension method,with only10I/O ports it was achieved,compared with the traditional extension methods,this method saves8I/O ports.

    标签: 单片机 P0口 数据存储器 扩展

    上传时间: 2014-12-26


  • 基于AVR的新型防汽车追尾安全装置设计

    针对目前汽车追尾事件频发问题,提出一种防汽车车前和车后追尾的安全装置设计。该设计以高性能、低功耗的8位AVR微处理器ATmega8L为核心,结合霍尔式车速传感器、激光雷达测距装置和MMA7260QT加速度传感器,能够兼顾车前和车后,摒弃以往设计中只考虑车前或车后单一性缺点,尤其适用于高速、夜晚或新手行车。 Abstract:  Aiming at the high frequency of vehicle rear-end collision,a safe device design of anti-vehicle rear-end collision is presented.In the design,the high-performance,low-power8-bit AVR microprocessor ATmega8L is utilized as a core combined with Hall-type speed sensor,laser-radar ranging devices and the acceleration sensor MMA7260QT.The design considers both the front and back of a car,and overcomes the drawbacks of former designs in which only the front or the back of the car is considered,so it is especially suitable for high-speed,night or the beginner’s driving.

    标签: AVR 汽车追尾 装置

    上传时间: 2013-10-14


  • 基于AVR单片机Mega16的电子时钟设计

    Mega16是一款采用先进RISC精简指令,内置A/D的8位单片机,可支持低电压联机 Flash和EEPROM 写入功能;同时还支持 Basic和C 等高级语言编程。用它设计电子时钟不仅成本低,硬件简单,而且很容易实现系统移植。介绍了如何利用AVR系列单片机Mega16及1602字符液晶来设计电子时钟的方法,同时给出了相应的电路原理及部分语言程序。 Abstract:  ?Mega16 is a high-performance, low power consumption, the use of advanced RISC concise instructions, built-in A/D 8-bit microcontrollers, the on-line support for low-voltage Flash, EEPROM write function. Except Mega16 also support the Basic, C, and other high-level language programming.The electronic clock which is deisgned by Mega16 is not only low-cost, simple hardware, but easy to achieve system migration.The design method of electrioic clock based on the AVR Mega16 and character LCD1602 is introduced in this paper,and the corresponding circuit electrionic and some language program are given.

    标签: Mega AVR 16 单片机

    上传时间: 2014-12-27


  • 基于AVR单片机的USB接口设计

    以AVR单片机ATmega8和USB接口器件PDIUSBD12为核心,基于标准的USB1.1协议,设计一种通用USB接口模块,以满足嵌入式系统中对USB接口的需求。对模块的硬件电路或单片机固件程序的硬件接口层稍加修改即可用于其他各种微处理器。该模块可为各种嵌入式系统增加USB接口,实现与USB主机系统通信。 Abstract:  Based on AVR microcontroller ATmega8 and USB interface chip PDIUSBD12, a general USB interface module is designed according to USB1.1 protocol for various requirements of embedded systems. Only with few modifications in circuit or hardware abstract layer of firmware, the module can be used on many types of microprocessors. All kinds of embedded systems can realize high speed and stable communication with USB host systems, owing to the facility of this module.

    标签: AVR USB 单片机 接口设计

    上传时间: 2014-01-08
