This code outputs various NMEA strings to a com port. The code was originally used to test naviation programmes. First select the required com port and the required NMEA message string. There is a default starting position but this can be changed to suit just by typing in a new position. Click on the Start button the current position displayed will change according to the speed and heading selected and the selected NMEA string will be output to the com port and will reflect the current position as displayed. There is a text box which is normally not visible. If you change this to visible the relevant NMEA string can be displayed.
标签: code originally outputs naviati
上传时间: 2013-11-30
The sample provided here is a simple control panel application that will just display the memory usage of the system using a message box. Windows Mobile
标签: application provided control display
上传时间: 2014-01-25
This m file hide an image jpeg,png in another jpeg,png image. The height and width of the secret image is in LSB of 1st 32 pixels of 1st row of the cover image.This helps in the recovery of secret image. The secret image must be smaller than cover image.A message box will appear with a number ,that number is the maximum product of width and height of secret image that can be successfully embedded in the cover image. The final png image will appear in workspace with random name.This image contains the secret image.One such png image is in the zip file with name 4447.png it contains an image of res 100x122.
上传时间: 2017-07-25
Memory allocation in C Dynamic memory allocation and the structures that implement it in C are so universal that they re sometimes treated as a black box. In the real world of embedded systems, that may not be desirable or even possible.
标签: allocation structures implement Dynamic
上传时间: 2017-09-05
The STi7141 is a highly integrated SoC (systemon- chip) designed to meet the demanding needs of the interactive cable set top box market place. The STi7141 integrates all the major system functions into a single device, and provides world leading, multi-layer, advanced security technologies to protect valuable video and audio assets.
标签: integrated demanding designed systemon
上传时间: 2014-01-14
Biokey200/URU4000B指纹仪驱动与SDK 升级到4000B注意事项 原使用Biokey SDK的客户,需要升级SDK开发包并安装4000B的驱动。 注意:安装4000B驱动前需卸载4000的驱动。 其步骤如下: 1、备份注册表:在开始菜单中的‘运行’中运行‘Regedit’,打开注册表,然后选中注册表中的 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\DigitalPersona]项,单击菜单上的注册表->导出注册表文件,将该项导出到文件中。 2、卸载4000的驱动程序(Biokey200/URU4000驱动)。 卸载步骤如下: 1)运行控制面板中的“添加/删除'程序”,卸载指纹采集设备的驱动程序; 2)在开始菜单中的‘运行’中运行‘Regedit’,查看 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\DigitalPersona键值,如果有则删除; 3)查看系统安装目录下system32 目录(win98为windows\system)下的DP*.dll ,如果有则全部删除; 4)察看Program files\zksoftware\biokey200目录,如果有则整个删除。 3、重新启动计算机,安装4000B驱动程序, 4、将Biokey SDK升级,用新的Biokey.ocx替换旧的控件,一般情况下,VB程序可以直接使用,Delphi程序则需要重新编译。 5、用4000B的驱动,必须使用新的控件,目前只完成了1:N的控件升级,1:1的控件,暂时使用原来3.5版本的控件。 6、测试原来登记的指纹模板,看是否能正常比对,如果不能,双击原来备份的注册表文件,添加到注册表中,就可以了。 原来使用U.R.U SDK的客户,需要更新驱动程序,同时由于U.R.U的模板有一些变化,所以需要一些改动,我们提供一份升级须知,请查看ReleaseNotes.txt.升级过程前三个步骤同上,只是需要注意,卸载的时候,查看Program files\DigitalPersona目录,如果有则整个删除。
标签: 指纹仪URU4000B
上传时间: 2015-03-30
Freescale XS128 UC/OS II 移植工程
标签: Freescale XS128 UC/OS II 移植工程
上传时间: 2015-04-04
1: 驱动板5V供电即可。 2:必须使用EasyUSB WriterV4.5 版本升级。(将4.5软件升级包解压到EasyUSB WriterV4.1安装目录下 覆盖OK。) 3:程序请使用09年8月8号以后的NTA91B程序即可。 4:软件安装方法相见 NTA91B 安装指导。
标签: 乐华 刷写
上传时间: 2015-05-22
一个简单的处方系统, Java Web开发实战宝典医药管理系统源代码
标签: 中药处方
上传时间: 2015-06-07
《GRE/GMAT/LSAT长难句300例精讲精练》是GRE超人气名师陈琦老师团队的又一本新作,也是“再要你命3000”的新成员,从之前的词汇、短语、练习,提升到长难句层面,相信学完本书后,考生在备考阶段肯定会更上一层楼。另外,本书的“六字真经”——倒装、省略、长句,一定会颠覆你的语法学习观,让你从今往后享受阅读带来的乐趣。 《GRE/GMAT/LSAT长难句300例精讲精练》不仅仅局限于书上文字内容的讲解,为了方便读者的理解,陈琦老师还精心挑选了50例录制了讲解视频,时不时“出现”给你“打点鸡血”,特别是在介绍本书学习方法的部分也录制了视频讲解,你还会担心看不懂吗?你还会觉得看书很枯燥吗?琦叔相伴,备考路上不再孤单。
上传时间: 2015-08-22