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  • blind signal detection using the gradual change algorithm

    blind signal detection using the gradual change algorithm

    标签: algorithm detection gradual signal

    上传时间: 2013-12-21


  • the blind signal detection using the various length of the LSCMA algorithm

    the blind signal detection using the various length of the LSCMA algorithm

    标签: the algorithm detection various

    上传时间: 2017-08-10


  • 印刷电路板的过孔设置原则

    过孔(via)是多层PCB的重要组成部分之一,钻孔的费用通常占PCB制板费用的30%到40%。简单的说来,PCB上的每一个孔都可以称之为过孔。从作用上看,过孔可以分成两类:一是用作各层间的电气连接;二是用作器件的固定或定位。如果从工艺制程上来说,这些过孔一般又分为三类,即盲孔(blind via)、埋孔(buried via)和通孔(through via)。盲孔位于印刷线路板的顶层和底层表面,具有一定深度,用于表层线路和下面的内层线路的连接,孔的深度通常不超过一定的比率(孔径)。埋孔是指位于印刷线路板内层的连接孔,它不会延伸到线路板的表面。上述两类孔都位于线路板的内层,层压前利用通孔成型工艺完成,在过孔形成过程中可能还会重叠做好几个内层。第三种称为通孔,这种孔穿过整个线路板,可用于实现内部互连或作为元件的安装定位孔。由于通孔在工艺上更易于实现,成本较低,所以绝大部分印刷电路板均使用它,而不用另外两种过孔。以下所说的过孔,没有特殊说明的,均作为通孔考虑。

    标签: 印刷电路板 过孔

    上传时间: 2013-11-08


  • 基于C8051F310的山路转弯预防警示系统

    针对盘山路存在的转弯盲区,即在转弯时司机无法得知弯路对面是否有车辆通过,设计一种基于C8051F310的山路转弯预防警示系统。该系统利用一阶滤波算法检测山路转弯时是否有车辆通过。运用该算法可增强系统检测的实时性,提高检测机动车辆的灵敏度,同时大大减少环境温度对检测的干扰。试验表明该系统能够正确指示出在山路转弯时是否有车辆通过,目前该系统已安装在盘山路上,可大大减少事故的发生率。 Abstract:  Aiming at passing hilly road,there is a turn blind spot.Motormen usually do not know if the passing of vehicles pass the road.So a system of defending accident on hilly road is designed,which is based on MCU C8051F310.The sys-tem uses the first-order filter algorithm to detect whether there are passing vehicles.This algorithm enhances the real-time detection and improves the sensitivity of detection vehicles.Meanwhile,it reduces the detection interference of environmen-tal temperature.The experimental results show that this system can exactly indicate if there are passing vehicles.At present,the system has been successfully applied to hilly road.The system can greatly decrease accident.

    标签: C8051F310 转弯

    上传时间: 2013-10-10


  • 印刷电路板的过孔设置原则

    过孔(via)是多层PCB的重要组成部分之一,钻孔的费用通常占PCB制板费用的30%到40%。简单的说来,PCB上的每一个孔都可以称之为过孔。从作用上看,过孔可以分成两类:一是用作各层间的电气连接;二是用作器件的固定或定位。如果从工艺制程上来说,这些过孔一般又分为三类,即盲孔(blind via)、埋孔(buried via)和通孔(through via)。盲孔位于印刷线路板的顶层和底层表面,具有一定深度,用于表层线路和下面的内层线路的连接,孔的深度通常不超过一定的比率(孔径)。埋孔是指位于印刷线路板内层的连接孔,它不会延伸到线路板的表面。上述两类孔都位于线路板的内层,层压前利用通孔成型工艺完成,在过孔形成过程中可能还会重叠做好几个内层。第三种称为通孔,这种孔穿过整个线路板,可用于实现内部互连或作为元件的安装定位孔。由于通孔在工艺上更易于实现,成本较低,所以绝大部分印刷电路板均使用它,而不用另外两种过孔。以下所说的过孔,没有特殊说明的,均作为通孔考虑。

    标签: 印刷电路板 过孔

    上传时间: 2013-11-06


  • 互信息盲源分离

    互信息盲源分离,这基于这么一个事实,混合信号的互信息最小时,意味着信号独立。可以参考有关书籍。在google里面,搜索mutual information blind source separation.即可搜到文章。

    标签: 盲源分离

    上传时间: 2014-07-20


  • Make and answer phone calls Detect tone and pulse digit from the phone line Capture Caller ID

    Make and answer phone calls Detect tone and pulse digit from the phone line Capture Caller ID Support blind transfer, single-step transfer/conference, consultation transfer/conference, hold, unhold. Control of the local phone handset, microphone and speaker of the modem Send and receive faxes Play and record on the phone line or sound card Play music in background mode Silence detection VU Meter Wave sound editor that allows your end-users to edit their own sound files. Voice recognition and voice synthesis. Full control over the serial port device ZModem file transfer utility File compression and encryption utility

    标签: phone and Capture Detect

    上传时间: 2013-11-30


  • ICA介绍课件。There has been a wide discussion about the application of Independence Component Analysis (I

    ICA介绍课件。There has been a wide discussion about the application of Independence Component Analysis (ICA) in Signal Processing, Neural Computation and Finance, first introduced as a novel tool to separate blind sources in a mixed signal. The Basic idea of ICA is to reconstruct from observation sequences the hypothesized independent original sequences

    标签: Independence application discussion Component

    上传时间: 2016-01-12


  • Introduction+to+RF+Propagation

    With the rapid expansion of wireless consumer products,there has been a con- siderable increase in the need for radio-frequency (RF) planning, link plan- ning, and propagation modeling.A network designer with no RF background may find himself/herself designing a wireless network. A wide array of RF planning software packages can provide some support, but there is no substi- tute for a fundamental understanding of the propagation process and the lim- itations of the models employed. blind use of computer-aided design (CAD) programs with no understanding of the physical fundamentals underlying the process can be a recipe for disaster. Having witnessed the results of this approach, I hope to spare others this frustration.

    标签: Introduction Propagation to RF

    上传时间: 2020-05-27


  • Smart Grid Security

    The field of cyber security, or information security, or information assurance, depending on your preference, is an interdisciplinary one. It is part computer science, part statistics, part psychology, part law, and a part of many other fields. Moreover, any cyber security practi- tioner needs to know what he or she is protecting and where to pri- oritize. Just as someone should not spend $100 to protect something worth $10, one cannot be blind to the other disciplines.

    标签: Security Smart Grid

    上传时间: 2020-06-07
