This zip describes SPI communication with a Serial DataFlash AT45DB and/or with a DataFlashCard AT45DCB. It shows how to configure the SPI peripheral on the AT91RM9200EK. Includes main.html file for help. For use under Green Hills 3.6.1 Multi?2000 Software Tool
标签: with DataFlashCard communication DataFlash
上传时间: 2015-05-24
This zip describes an AT91 USART with PDC Transmission and Reception chain.Includes main.html file for help. For use under Green Hills 3.6.1 Multi?2000 Software Tool.
标签: Transmission Reception describes Includes
上传时间: 2015-05-24
This zip file shows the use ROM Services in order to speed up an application and reduce its code size. It shows how to open services such as ROM Entry, Xmodem and DataFlash and how to simply use their methods. Includes main.html file for help.
标签: application Services reduce shows
上传时间: 2014-11-02
This zip file shows the use ROM Services in order to speed up an application and reduce its code size. It shows how to load a method of the Xmodem service and obtain a first level bootloader. Includes main.html file for help.
标签: application Services reduce shows
上传时间: 2013-12-06
This zip describes MCI communication with an MMC and SDCard Device. Includes main.html file for help.
标签: communication describes Includes Device
上传时间: 2013-12-08
This zip describes how two SSCs in I2S mode play and record wave files through a two-input data method. Includes main.html file for help.
标签: describes two-input through record
上传时间: 2013-12-23
This zip describes a benchmark software provided by IXXAT. It shows how to use the DBGU and timer peripherals on the AT91RM9200. Includes main.html file for help.
标签: describes benchmark software provided
上传时间: 2015-05-24
Far too many programmers and software designers consider efficient C++ to be an oxymoron. They regard C++ as inherently slow and inappropriate for performancecritical applications. Consequently, C++ has had little success penetrating domains such as networking, operating system kernels, device drivers, and others.
标签: programmers designers efficient consider
上传时间: 2013-11-30
swt/jface的api和例子,Apress The Definitive Guide to SWT and JFace.chm
标签: Definitive Apress jface Guide
上传时间: 2014-01-23
This toolbox contains Matlab code for several graph and mesh partitioning methods, including geometric, spectral, geometric spectral, and coordinate bisection. It also has routines to generate recursive multiway partitions, vertex separators, and nested dissection orderings and it has some sample meshes and mesh generators. The toolbox contains a Matlab interface to Leland and Hendrickson s Chaco partitioning package, but it doesn t contain Chaco itself. The file "chaco/README" tells how to install the interface to Chaco. It also contains a Matlab interface to Karypis et al. s Metis partitioning package, using Robert Bridson s "metismex" code.
标签: partitioning including contains toolbox
上传时间: 2015-05-25