Electrostatic discharge (ESD) phenomena have been known to mankind since Thales of Miletus in approximately 600 B.C.E. noticed the attraction of strands of hay to amber. Two thousand six hundred years have passed and the quest to obtain a better under- standing of electrostatics and ESD phenomenon continues. Today, the manufacturing of microelectronics has continued the interest in the field of electrostatic phenomenon spanning factory issues, tooling, materials, and the microelectronic industry
上传时间: 2020-06-05
The Raspberry Pi has become a computing phenomenon. This single-board miniature computer, first released in February 2012 by the Raspberry Pi Foundation, has grown into a series of nearly a dozen models that have sold a total of more than 10 million units in five years. Inexpensive to buy and to run, Raspberry Pi computers are great for enthusiasts, good for games, and fun for children. Raspberry Pi computers are also terrific in the classroom, enabling you to put on each desk an easily-manageable computer on which students can do everything from learning Internet use and essential office software skills, through grasping programming basics in an easy-to-learn format, to performing full-on programming in Python, Java, C, and other languages. better yet, you can install all the software needed for those activities automatically alongside the operating system.
标签: Deploying Classroom Raspberry the Pi in
上传时间: 2020-06-06
District energy (DE) systems use central heating and/or cooling facilities to provide heating and/or cooling services for communities. The advantages of district energy over conventional heating and cooling include improved efficiency, reliability and safety, reduced environmental impact, and for many situations better economics. DE systems can be particularly beneficial when integrated with cogeneration plants for electricity and heat, i.e., with combined heat and power (CHP) plants. One of the main impediments to increased use of cogeneration-based district energy is a lack of understanding of the behavior of integrated forms of such systems. This book is aimed at providing information on district energy and cogeneration tech- nologies, as well as systems that combine them.
标签: Cogeneration District Systems Energy and
上传时间: 2020-06-07
GaN is an already well implanted semiconductor technology, widely diffused in the LED optoelectronics industry. For about 10 years, GaN devices have also been developed for RF wireless applications where they can replace Silicon transistors in some selected systems. That incursion in the RF field has open the door to the power switching capability in the lower frequency range and thus to the power electronic applications. Compared to Silicon, GaN exhibits largely better figures for most of the key specifications: Electric field, energy gap, electron mobility and melting point. Intrinsically, GaN could offer better performance than Silicon in terms of: breakdown voltage, switching frequency and Overall systems efficiency.
标签: GaN-on-Si Displace and SiC Si
上传时间: 2020-06-07
Battery systems for energy storage are among the most relevant technologies of the 21 st century. They – in particular modern lithium-ion batteries (LIB) – are enablers for the market success of electric vehicles (EV) as well as for stationary energy storage solutions for balancing fluctuations in electricity grids resulting from the integrationofrenewableenergysourceswithvolatilesupply 1 .BothEVandstationary storage solutions are important because they foster the transition from the usage of fossil energy carriers towards cleaner renewable energy sources. Furthermore, EV cause less local air pollution and noise emissions compared to conventional combustion engine vehicles resulting in better air quality especially in urban areas. Unfortunately, to this day, various technological and economic challenges impede a broad application of batteries for EV as well as for large scale energy storage and load leveling in electricity grids.
标签: Multiscale Simulation Approach
上传时间: 2020-06-07
There have been many developments in the field of power electronics since the publication of the second edition, almost five years ago. Devices have become bigger and better - bigger silicon die, and current and voltage ratings. However, semiconductor devices have also become smaller and better, integrated circuit devices, that is. And the marriage of low power integrated circuit tecnology and high power semiconductors has resulted in benefit to both fields.
标签: Electronics Handbook Edition Power
上传时间: 2020-06-07
Thepredecessorvolumeofthisbookwaspublishedin1996.Intheyears since then, some things have changed and some have not. Two of the things that have not changed are the desire for better models and faster simulations. I performed the original simulations on my “hyperfast” 133-MHz computer! At the time, I thought if I could just getafastercomputer,allofourSPICEproblemswouldbehistory,right? TodayIamsimulatingonacomputerthathasa2.6-GHzprocessorwith 512 MB of RAM, and I would still say that simulations run too slow. The computer technology has evolved, but so have the models. In 1996 wewereperformingsimulationson100-kHzpowerconverters,whereas today I routinely see 1- and 2-MHz power converters.
标签: Switch-Mode Simulation Supply Power
上传时间: 2020-06-07
stract With global drivers such as better energy consumption, energy efficiency and reduction of greenhouse gases, CO 2 emission reduction has become key in every layer of the value chain. Power Electronics has definitely a role to play in these thrilling challenges. From converters down to compound semiconductors, innovation is leading to breakthrough technologies. Wide BandGap, Power Module Packaging, growth of Electric Vehicle market will game change the overall power electronic industry and supply chain. In this presentation we will review power electronics trends, from technologies to markets.
标签: Electronics Materials Power WBG for
上传时间: 2020-06-07
Sensors are points ofcontact betweenthe material world ofatoms, mass, andenergy and the seemingly immaterial world of information, computation, and cognition. Linking these two domains more tightly yields all sorts of practical benefits, such as improvedinputdevicesforcomputers,moreeffectivemedicaldevices(implantedor worn), more precise agricultural operations, better monitored buildings or bridges, more secure payment systems, and more reliable sensor–actuator control systems. There are many settings in which tighter coupling between digital and physical planes can enhance safety, security, performance, and reliability.
标签: Computational RFID
上传时间: 2020-06-08
The present era of research and development is all about interdisciplinary studies attempting to better comprehend and model our understanding of this vast universe. The fields of biology and computer science are no exception. This book discusses some of the innumerable ways in which computational methods can be used to facilitate research in biology and medicine—from storing enormous amounts of biological data to solving complex biological problems and enhancing the treatment of various diseases.
上传时间: 2020-06-10