RFID networks are currently recognized as one a research area of priority. Research activities related to RFID technology have been booming recently. A number of ongoing projects are being funded in Europe, Asia, and North America. According to leading market analysts, the development of the RFID market is projected to increase from approximately $3 billion in 2005 to $25 billion in 2015. Several countries have dedicated innovation programs to support and develop RFID systems and related technologies: the RFID initiative in Taiwan, Ubiquitous Japan and the NSF SBIR program in the USA. The EU has recently advertised its Strategic Research Roadmap concerning the Internet of Things, which first of all refers to the RFID technology beFore being extended to commu- nicating devices as in M2M (Machine to Machine). In this roadmap, several application domains have been identified:
上传时间: 2020-06-08
This introductory chapter is devoted to reviewing the fundamental ideas of control from a multivariable point of view. In some cases, the mathematics and operations on systems (modelling, pole placement, etc.), as previously treated in introductory courses and textbooks, convey to the readers an un- realistic image of systems engineering. The simplifying assumptions, simple examples and “perfect” model set-up usually used in these scenarios present the control problem as a pure mathematical problem, sometimes losing the physical meaning of the involved concepts and operations. We try to empha- sise the engineering implication of some of these concepts and, beFore entering into a detailed treatment of the different topics, a general qualitative overview is provided in this chapter.
标签: MultivariableControlSystems
上传时间: 2020-06-10
n recent years, there have been many books published on power system optimization. Most of these books do not cover applications of artifi cial intelligence based methods. Moreover, with the recent increase of artifi cial intelligence applications in various fi elds, it is becoming a new trend in solving optimization problems in engineering in general due to its advantages of being simple and effi cient in tackling complex problems. For this reason, the application of artifi cial intelligence in power systems has attracted the interest of many researchers around the world during the last two decades. This book is a result of our effort to provide information on the latest applications of artifi cial intelligence to optimization problems in power systems beFore and after deregulation.
标签: Intelligence Artificial System Power in
上传时间: 2020-06-10
摘 要 在网络越来越发达的今天,人们对网络的依赖越来越多,越来越离不开网络,由此而产生的聊天工具越来越多,例如,国外的ICQ、国内腾讯公司开发的OICQ。随着网络聊天一类的聊天系统的发展日新月异,因此产生了制作一个类似QQ的网络聊天工具。Java是一种程序设计语言,它具有简单的、完全面向对象以及与平台无关的结构,也具有可移植性、高性能和安全性,并提供了多线程的功能,而Java语言最大的成功之处在于它的平台无关性和具有强大的网络编程功能,基于Java网络编程的强大功能,本人将用Java编写一个网络聊天系统。论文首先论述了系统的开发背景,并对所用到的开发工具与关键技术做了简单的介绍。接着对系统的研究意义,研究现状及设计目标进行分析,通过对系统需求和可行性进行分析,确定了系统的功能模块,并画出相应的功能结构图、模块图和数据流图。其次按系统总体设计的结果,对系统中的数据库进行结构设计。一般来说,聊天工具大多数由客户端程序和服务器程序,外加服务器端用于存放客户数据的数据库组成,本系统采用客户机/服务器架构模式,通过Java提供的Socket类来连接客户机和服务器并使客户机和服务器之间相互通信,由于聊天是多点对多点的,而Java提供的多线程功能,用多线程可完成多点对多点的聊天。数据库管理系统用SQL Server2000,完成并通过JDBC-ODBC桥访问数据库。聊天系统完成后将可进行多人对多人的聊天,对好友进行添加、删除,对新用户的注册,发送消息、接受消息,传输文件等功能。界面设计细分化,方便使用者操作和理解。服务器实现了查询和修改等功能,程序逻辑联系较紧密。 关键词:JAVA,C/S,SQL Server 2000, 多线程, 数据库管理系统
上传时间: 2021-10-25
基于JAVA CS远程监控系统软件的实现(源代码+WORD论文文档论文)基于JAVA C/S远程监控系统软件的实现摘 要近年来,网络技术的不断发展,为远程监控技术的发展创造了条件。远程监控系统软件越来越受到人们的重视,其实用性也毋庸质疑。基于JAVA C/S远程监控系统软件突破了空间的限制,使用者不用亲临,在自己的电脑面前就能轻松的实现对被监控端机器的监控。本系统采用Java网络编程和Java图形编程实现。笔者在开发过程中将网络技术与远程监控理论基础相结合,实现了以下功能:能连续获得被监控端机器屏幕变化;实现被监控端硬盘文件的上传、下载;实现对鼠标、键盘的模拟;实现在远程机器上执行任意DOS命令;远程关机、远程重启计算机,方便了用户监视和操作被监控端机器。本系统从系统需求分析、概要设计、详细设计到具体的编码实现和后期的代码优化、功能测试都严格遵循了软件工程的思想。 关键词:远程监控;Java Robot;屏幕截取;Java Socket
上传时间: 2021-10-25
上传时间: 2021-12-01
目录前言4简介6 1 范围72 规范性引用文件73 术语和定义74 试验要求104.1 所需特性104.1.1 基本运动104.1.2 虚假运动104.1.3 信号容差114.1.4 振幅公差114.1.5 频率公差114.1.6 扫描124.2 控制策略124.2.1 单点/多点控制124.2.2 多参考控制134.3 安装135 严重程度135.1 频率范围145.1.1 低频f Hz 1415.1.2 高频f Hz 142
上传时间: 2021-12-11
基于FPGA设计的sdram读写测试实验Verilog逻辑源码Quartus工程文件+文档说明,DRAM选用海力士公司的 HY57V2562 型号,容量为的 256Mbit,采用了 54 引脚的TSOP 封装, 数据宽度都为 16 位, 工作电压为 3.3V,并丏采用同步接口方式所有的信号都是时钟信号。FPGA型号Cyclone4E系列中的EP4CE6F17C8,Quartus版本17.1。timescale 1ps/1psmodule top(input clk,input rst_n,output[1:0] led,output sdram_clk, //sdram clockoutput sdram_cke, //sdram clock enableoutput sdram_cs_n, //sdram chip selectoutput sdram_we_n, //sdram write enableoutput sdram_cas_n, //sdram column address strobeoutput sdram_ras_n, //sdram row address strobeoutput[1:0] sdram_dqm, //sdram data enable output[1:0] sdram_ba, //sdram bank addressoutput[12:0] sdram_addr, //sdram addressinout[15:0] sdram_dq //sdram data);parameter MEM_DATA_BITS = 16 ; //external memory user interface data widthparameter ADDR_BITS = 24 ; //external memory user interface address widthparameter BUSRT_BITS = 10 ; //external memory user interface burst widthparameter BURST_SIZE = 128 ; //burst sizewire wr_burst_data_req; // from external memory controller,write data request ,beFore data 1 clockwire wr_burst_finish; // from external memory controller,burst write finish
标签: fpga sdram verilog quartus
上传时间: 2021-12-18
ABB机器人编程手册.pdfAliasIO is used to define a signal of any type with an alias name or to use signals in builtin task modules. Signals with alias names can be used for predefined generic programs, without any modification of the program beFore running in different robot installations. The instruction AliasIO must be run beFore any use of the actual signal. See Basic examples on page 21 for loaded modules, and More examples on page 22 for installed modules.
上传时间: 2022-03-28
1. Preface2. The concept2.2. Prescience 2.3. Reading guide 2.4. Abbreviations 2.5. Version management3. Hardware3.2. ESP32 3.3.2. Hardware schema 3.3.3. DHT22 and level shifter 3.3.4. Geekcreit® ESP32 Development Board4. Software4.2. Installatie van GIT 4.3. Installatation of the ESP32 Core 4.4. Installation of the Xtensa and ESP32 Tools 4.5. Python 4.5.1. Install Python 4.5.2. Installation of pySerial and EspTool 4.6. Test the software installation5. The ESP32 IoT project 5.1.1. WiFi connection 5.1.2. Setup date and time 5.1.3. MQTT connection 5.1.4. Determining temperature and humidity 5.2. IOT_ESP32_Project source6. Test6.2. ESP32, NodeJS, MongoDB en Mosca 6.2.1. Start MongoDB 6.2.2. Start NodeJS Express serve and Mosca broker 6.2.3. Start the ESP32 6.2.4. Start an Chrome browser
上传时间: 2022-04-05