8051 UART autoset baudrate
标签: baudrate autoset 8051 UART
上传时间: 2014-01-10
C++BUILDER 模仿RS232 設備發出XONXOFF 軟體流量控制訊號,含源碼 可更該baudrate 基本為7.E.2
标签: baudrate BUILDER XONXOFF 232
上传时间: 2014-12-20
baudrate for 9600 program
上传时间: 2014-12-06
to help you calcualte baudrate when program UART using LPC2000
标签: calcualte baudrate program using
上传时间: 2013-12-07
This example provides a description of how to use the USART with hardware flowcontrol and communicate with the Hyperterminal.First, the USART2 sends the TxBuffer to the hyperterminal and still waiting fora string from the hyperterminal that you must enter which must end by '\r'character (keypad ENTER button). Each byte received is retransmitted to theHyperterminal. The string that you have entered is stored in the RxBuffer array. The receivebuffer have a RxBufferSize bytes as maximum. The USART2 is configured as follow: - baudrate = 115200 baud - Word Length = 8 Bits - One Stop Bit - No parity - Hardware flow control enabled (RTS and CTS signals) - Receive and transmit enabled - USART Clock disabled - USART CPOL: Clock is active low - USART CPHA: Data is captured on the second edge - USART LastBit: The clock pulse of the last data bit is not output to the SCLK pin
上传时间: 2013-10-31
串口编程--接收PC发过来的字符串,回发字符串.发送期间中断控制LED灯闪烁 采用外部晶振22.1184MHz 使用定时器1,方式2产生波特率,SMOD = 0或者1 定时器初值X=256-SYSCLK*(SMOD+1)(baudrate*384)
上传时间: 2015-05-08
标签: oscillator 计算
上传时间: 2014-01-23
Pico-IrDA is a minimalistic IrDA stack for microcontrollers. It supports IrOBEX in primary and secondary IrDA mode and IrCOMM in secondary mode only. Pico-IrDA works with a fixed baudrate of 9600 bps and is restricted to two communication peers
标签: microcontrollers minimalistic Pico-IrDA supports
上传时间: 2015-11-02
说明: GR(M)-87目前只能应用于WINCE5.0版本中,其它版本用不了。 1.该软件是用来检测GPS的COM以及GPS信号的软件,应用广泛 2.mGpsCmd是PPC(WINCE系统)用的,GpsViewer 1.5是PC和PPC的安装程序,考到SD卡上就可以直接用! 用法1:搜索COM口,连上GPS,点SCAN,如果提示找到FOUNDGPS,那么就是对应的COM口 3..在WINDOWS XP/2000系统使用,安装USB_driver -V2.1.0.exe 驱动程序,串口也通用。 4.安装GpsViewer 1.5.exe。安装完后,打开进入界面,COM Port 不用选择,会自动扫描,见GPS1的图片;baudrate:4800. 然后按Scan...进行扫描到串口后,再按Open GPS,即可会自动找到卫星,从图上或下面的显示可以看到。见GPS2图片。 5.GPS天线必须放在室外才有效。 6.GpsViewer, mGpsCmd软件不会自动刷新,请一会按下最小化,一会再点弹出来,手动刷新。
上传时间: 2017-03-05