As mentioned, most computers include a serial port. The only hardware setup required is connecting the serial cable to the serial port on the PC and the serial port on the instrument. The serial instrument may include some hardware drivers or software utilities for communication, and should include documentation on the baud rate, packet size, stop bits, and parity bits that the instrument will use. Additionally, check the National Instruments Instrument Driver Network to see if LabVIEW drivers already exist for yout instrument, as
标签: connecting mentioned computers hardware
上传时间: 2016-05-27
自己编写的串口-CAN口的转换程序,已经测试过没有问题! 一.传输数据协议: 1.初始化 初始化波特率(CAN):$baud($:起始符;baud:波特率标识符; 相应编码:0x24 0x42 0x41 0x55 0x44) 传输ID号设置:$IDERSTD(相应编码:0x24 0x49 0x44 0x45 0x52 0x53 0x54 0x44) $IDEREXT(相应编码:0x24 0x49 0x44 0x45 0x52 0x45 0x58 0x54) ($:起始符;IDER:ID标识符;STD:标准帧;EXT:扩展帧) 2.数据发送 发送数据 :$DATA($:起始符;DATA:数据标识符 相应编码:0x24 0x44 0x41 0x54 0x41)
上传时间: 2014-01-02
RS232.C was written to provide all of the basic functionality needed to employ serial I/O in any application written with Borland C language compilers. Some features are: 1. Ease of use. No assembly language or library files are used and a simple "#include" statement is all that is required to access all of the functions provided. 2. Both input and output are buffered and interrupt driven for efficiency. 3. Serial ports 1 - 4 are supported on PC, AT and PS/2 compatibles.Chained interrupts used on port 3 and 4 are allowed for so as not to interfere with devices such as a mouse or printer. Transmission speeds of 110 to 115200 baud are available. 4. Detection and utilization of hardware buffered UARTs (NS16550AF etc.) found in some machines is automatic. 5. Interrupt driven hardware and XON/XOFF flow control is provided for. 6. All source code is included. RS232.C can be used with all memory models.
标签: functionality provide written employ
上传时间: 2016-08-24
Echo a received character, RX ISR used. Normal mode is LPM0. // USART1 RX interrupt triggers TX Echo. // baud rate divider with 1048576hz = 1048576/38400 = ~27.31 (01Bh|03h) // ACLK = LFXT1 = 32768Hz, MCLK = SMCLK = default DCO = 32 x ACLK = 1048576Hz // //* An external watch crystal between XIN & XOUT is required for ACLK
标签: character interrupt received triggers
上传时间: 2016-10-31
PC与单片机双向通讯智能温控程序 #include <AT89X51.H> #include <intrins.h> #define Key_UP P1_0 #define Key_DOWN P1_1 #define Key_SET P1_2 #define RelayOutPort P2_0 #define LEDPort P0 #define DELPort P2_1 #define LEDTwoC P3_6 #define LEDThreeC P3_7 #define TMPort P2_7 #define INBUF_LEN 5 //数据长度 unsigned char inbuf1[INBUF_LEN]={ 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 } //发送缓冲区 unsigned char inbuf2[50] //接收缓冲区 unsigned char count3 void init_serialcomm( void ) { SCON = 0x50 //SCON: serail mode 1, 8-bit UART, enable ucvr TMOD |= 0x20 //TMOD: timer 1, mode 2, 8-bit reload PCON |= 0x80 //SMOD=1 TH1 = 0xFA //baud:4800 fosc=11.0592MHz IE |= 0x90 //Enable Serial Interrupt TR1 = 1 // timer 1 run } //向串口发送一个字符 void send_char_com( unsigned char ch) { SBUF=ch while (TI== 0 ) TI= 0
标签: include intrins define Key_UP
上传时间: 2014-11-29
Software uart using a general purpose io and an external interrupt pin of an atmel uc. half duplex operation, adjustable baud rate
标签: interrupt Software external general
上传时间: 2013-12-31
This example shows how you can use signal functions in the Visiondebugger to simulate a signal that is coming into one of the analog inputs of the LPC21xx.The Measure example is described in detail in the Getting StartedUser's Guide.The MEASURE example program is available for several targets:Simulator: uVision Simulator for LPC2129MCB2100: Keil MCB2100 evaluation board with ULINK debugger - Application is loaded to internal Flash. - Switch S2 (INT1) is used as GPIO and sampled (jumper positions: J1= off, J7= on) - potentiometer POT1 is sampled as AIN0 (jumper position: J2= on) - serial port COM1 parameters: 9600 baud, no parity, 8-bits, 1 stop bit, flow control noneMCB2130: Keil MCB2130 evaluation board with ULINK debugger - Application is loaded to internal Flash. - Switch S2 (INT1) is used as GPIO and sampled (jumper positions: J1= off, J7= on) - potentiometer POT1 is sampled as AIN1 (jumper position: J2= on) - serial port COM1 parameters: 9600 baud, no parity, 8-bits, 1 stop bit, flow control none
标签: dac8568
上传时间: 2022-06-28