his research aims at creating broadband tunable, fully integrated filters for the application of cognitive radio and signal classification receivers. The approach under study is the N-path filter technique which is capable of translating a baseband impedance to a reference frequency creating a tunable filter. The traditional N-path filter suffers from fundamental architectural limitations, namely : a trade-off between insertion loss and out-of-band rejection, reference clock feed- through, and jammer power handling limitations. In the first approach, the fundamental trade- off of the traditional N-path filter between insertion loss and out-of-band rejection is improved by a transmission line (T-line) N-path filter technique.
上传时间: 2020-05-31
This book provides the essential design techniques for radio systems that operate at frequencies of 3 MHz to 100 GHz and which will be employed in the telecommunication service. We may also call these wireless systems, wireless being synonymous with radio, Telecommunications is a vibrant indus- try, particularly on the ‘‘radio side of the house.’’ The major supporter of this upsurge in radio has been the IEEE and its 802 committees. We now devote Ž . an entire chapter to wireless LANs WLANs detailed in IEEE 802.11. We also now have subsections on IEEE 802.15, 802.16, 802.20 and the wireless Ž . Ž metropolitan area network WMAN . WiFi, WiMax,, and UWB ultra wide- . band are described where these comparatively new radio specialties are demonstrating spectacular growth.
标签: Telecommunication Design System Radio for
上传时间: 2020-06-01
Software Radio (SR) is one of the most important emerging technologies for the future of wireless communication services. By moving radio functionality into software, it promises to give flexible radio systems that are multi-service, multi- standard, multi-band, reconfigurable and reprogrammable by software. Today’s radios are matched to a particular class of signals that are well defined bytheircarrierfrequencies,modulationformatsandbandwidths.Aradiotransmitter today can only up convert signals with well-defined bandwidths over defined center frequencies, while, on the other side of the communication chain, a radio receiver can only down convert well-defined signal bandwidths, transmitted over specified carrier frequencies.
上传时间: 2020-06-01
Recent advances in wireless communication technologies have had a transforma- tive impact on society and have directly contributed to several economic and social aspects of daily life. Increasingly, the untethered exchange of information between devices is becoming a prime requirement for further progress, which is placing an ever greater demand on wireless bandwidth. The ultra wideband (UWB) system marks a major milestone in this progress. Since 2002, when the FCC allowed the unlicensed use of low-power, UWB radio signals in the 3.1–10.6GHz frequency band, there has been significant synergistic advance in this technology at the cir- cuits, architectural and communication systems levels. This technology allows for devices to communicate wirelessly, while coexisting with other users by ensuring that its power density is sufficiently low so that it is perceived as noise to other users.
上传时间: 2020-06-01
高通(Qualcomm)蓝牙芯片QCC5151_硬件设计详细指导书(官方内部培训手册)共52页其内容是针对硬件设计、部分重要元器件选择(ESD,Filter)及走线注意事项的详细说明。2 Power management 2.1 SMPS 2.1.1 Components specification 2.1.2 Input power supply selection 2.1.3 Minimize SMPS EMI emissions 2.1.4 Internal LDOs and digital core decoupling 2.1.5 Powering external components 2.2 Charger 2.2.1 Charger connections.2.2.2 General charger operation2.2.3 Temperature measurement during charging 2.3 SYS_CTRL 3 Bluetooth radio3.1 RF PSU component choice 3.2 RF band-pass filter3.3 Layout (天线 走线的注意事项)4 Audio4.1 Audio bypass capacitors 4.2 Earphone speaker output4.3 Line/Mic input 4.4 Headphone output optimizition5 LED pads 5.1 LED driver 5.2 Digital/Button input 5.3 Analog input5.4 Disabled 6 Reset pin (Reset#)7 QSPIinterface 8 USB interfaces 8.1 USB device port8.1.1 USB connections8.1.2 Layout notes8.1.3 USB charger detection
上传时间: 2022-01-24
高通(Qualcomm)蓝牙芯片QCC5144_硬件设计详细指导书(官方内部培训手册)其内容是针对硬件设计、部分重要元器件选择(ESD,Filter)及走线注意事项的详细说明。2 Power management 2.1 SMPS 2.1.1 Components specification 2.1.2 Input power supply selection 92.1.3 Minimize SMPS EMI emissions 2.1.4 Internal LDOs and digital core decoupling 2.1.5 Powering external components 2.2 Charger 2.2.1 Charger connections.2.2.2 General charger operation2.2.3 Temperature measurement during charging 2.3 SYS_CTRL 3 Bluetooth radio3.1 RF PSU component choice 3.2 RF band-pass filter3.3 Layout (天线 走线的注意事项)4 Audio4.1 Audio bypass capacitors 4.2 Earphone speaker output4.3 Line/Mic input 4.4 Headphone output optimizition5 LED pads 5.1 LED driver 5.2 Digital/Button input 5.3 Analog input5.4 Disabled 6 Reset pin (Reset#)7 USB interfaces7.1 USB device port7.1.1 USB device port7.1.2 Layout notes 7.1.3 USB charger detectionA QCC5144 VFBGA example schematic and BOM B Recommended SMPS components specificationB.1 Inductor specifition B.2 Recommended inductors B.3 SMPS capacitor specifition
上传时间: 2022-04-07
窄带物联网(NB-IoT)窄带物联网(Narrow band Internet of Things, NB-IoT)成为万物互联网络的一个重要分支。NB-IoT构建于蜂窝网络,只消耗大约180kHz的带宽,可直接部署于GSM网络、UMTS网络或LTE网络,以降低部署成本、实现平滑升级。 NB-IoT是IoT领域一个新兴的技术,支持低功耗设备在广域网的蜂窝数据连接,也被叫作低功耗广域网(LPWAN)。NB-IoT支持待机时间长、对网络连接要求较高设备的高效连接。据说NB-IoT设备电池寿命可以提高至少10年,同时还能提供非常全面的室内蜂窝数据连接覆盖。2017年7月13日,ofo小黄车与中国电信、华为共同宣布,三家联合研发的NB-IoT(Narrow band Internet of Things,窄带物联网)“物联网智能锁”全面启动商用。 [9] 据了解,在此次三方合作中,ofo负责智能锁设备开发,中国电信负责提供NB-IoT物联网的商用网络、华为负责芯片方面的服务。此前ofo已经开始使用这款物联网智能锁,而此次将启动全面的商用。
标签: NB-IOT
上传时间: 2022-04-19
LwM2M协议是OMA组织制定的轻量化的M2M协议,主要面向基于蜂窝的窄带物联网(Narrow band Internet of Things, NB-IoT)场景下物联网应用,聚焦于低功耗广覆盖(LPWA)物联网(IoT)市场,是一种可在全球范围内广泛应用的新兴技术。具有覆盖广、连接多、速率低、成本低、功耗低、架构优等特点
标签: lwm2m协议
上传时间: 2022-06-05
【摘要】介绍一种滤波器辅助设计软件Filter Solutions,利用其设计一款常用的带通滤波器,并将仿真曲线与实测结果进行比较。【关键词】Filter Solutions;滤波器;辅助设计Use Filter Solutions aid filter design Abstract:Introduce a software-Filter Solutions,which aid to design filter.Use it to digign a common band pass filter,then compare the result ofreslstemeasweothe simuetur,I1.Com Key words:Filter Solutions;filter;aid design1引言广义上的滤波器深入到我们生活中的每一个角落,人眼对图像的反应符合低通滤波器的特征,人耳对声音的反应则符合带通滤波器的特征。随着近年来电子工业的飞速发展,滤波器已成为电子技术应用中不可缺少的基础器件之一,尤其广泛地应用于通信领域。能快捷而准确地设计出预期特性的滤波器已成为所有电子工程师越来越强烈的需要。
上传时间: 2022-06-25
NB-IOT学习总结基于蜂窝的窄带物联网(Narrow band Internet of Things,NB-loT)成为万物互联网络的一个重要分支。NB-loT构建于蜂窝网络,只消耗大约180KHz的带宽,可直接部署于GSM网络、UMTS网络或LTE网络,以降低部署成本、实现平滑升级。NB-loT是loT领域一个新兴的技术,支持低功耗设备在广域网的蜂窝数据连接,也被叫作低功耗广域网(LPWA)(Low Power Wide Area,低功耗广域技术)。NB-loT支持待机时间长、对网络连接要求较高设备的高效连接。据说NB-loT设备电池寿命可以提高至至少10年,同时还能提供非常全面的室内蜂窝数据连接覆盖。一、NB-IOT架构NB-loT端到端系统框架的建议
标签: NB-IoT
上传时间: 2022-07-02