上传时间: 2020-05-11
双向DC/DC变换器(Bi-directionalDC/DCconverters)是能够根据需要调节能量双向传输的直流/直流变换器。随着科技的发展,双向DC/DC变换器的应用需求越来越多,正逐步应用到无轨电车、地铁、列车、电动车等直流电机驱动系统,直流不间断电源系统,航天电源等场合。一方面,双向DC/DC变换器为这些系统提供能量,另一方面,又使可回收能量反向给供电端充电,从而节约能量。 大多数双向DC/DC变换器采用复杂的辅助网络来实现软开关技术,本文所研究的Buck/Boost双向的DC/DC变换器从拓扑上解决器件软开关的问题;由于Buck/Boost双向DC/DC变换器的电流纹波较大,这会带来严重的电磁干扰,本文结合Buck/Boost双向DC/DC变换器拓扑与磁耦合技术使电感电流纹波减小;由于在同一频率下不同负载时电流纹波不同,本文在控制时根据负载改变PWM频率,从而使轻载时的电流纹波均较小。 本文所研究的双向DC/DC变换器采用DSP处理器进行控制,其原因在于:目前没有专门用于控制该Buck/Boost双向DC/DC变换器的控制芯片,而DSP具有多路的高分辨率PWM,通过对DSP寄存器的配置可以实现Buck/Boost双向DC/DC变换器的控制PWM;DSP具有多路高速的A/D转换接口,并可以通过配合PWM完成对反馈采样,具备一定的滤波功能。 本文所研究的数字双向DC/DC变换器实现了在Buck模式下功率MOSFET的零电压开通及零电压关断,电感电流的交迭使其电感输出端电流纹波明显变小,轻载时PWM频率的提升也使得电流纹波变小。
上传时间: 2013-06-08
在国内Protel软件一直大受欢迎,从DOS时代的Protel3.3(Autotrax 1.61)到现在具有EDA Client/Server (客户/服务器)即C/S“框架”体系结构的Protel98,它始终是PCB设计和制造领域的大众化工具软件,成为电子设计工作者们的首选。 在规范化的设计管理中,设计文件图样必须遵守相应的国家标准,如《电子产品图样绘制规则》、《设计文件管理制图》和《印制板制图》等,而由于Protel软件都是英文版,因此无法直接打印出符合国家标准的图纸,要将图纸规范化常用的方式是套打,即先将符合国家标准的表和汉字等打在纸上,再将该纸放入打印机,用Protel软件将印制板图打印其上,形成符合标准的文件,但这种做法效率很低,而且图形常会打偏,有时甚至会打反,经笔者试验,找到了一种简便的方法,使印制板图转换为AUTOCAD格式,再在AUTOCAD里一次性打印出符合标准的图纸。
上传时间: 2013-10-12
标签: nbsp Transmission Line Ca
上传时间: 2013-11-18
上传时间: 2013-11-03
555 定时器是一种模拟和数字功能相结合的中规模集成器件。一般用双极性工艺制作的称为 555,用 CMOS 工艺制作的称为 7555,除单定时器外,还有对应的双定时器 556/7556。555 定时器的电源电压范围宽,可在 4.5V~16V 工作,7555 可在 3~18V 工作,输出驱动电流约为 200mA,因而其输出可与 TTL、CMOS 或者模拟电路电平兼容。 555 定时器成本低,性能可靠,只需要外接几个电阻、电容,就可以实现多谐振荡器、单稳态触发器及施密特触发器等脉冲产生与变换电路。它也常作为定时器广泛应用于仪器仪表、家用电器、电子测量及自动控制等方面。555 定时器的内部包括两个电压比较器,三个等值串联电阻,一个 RS 触发器,一个放电管 T 及功率输出级。它提供两个基准电压VCC /3 和 2VCC /3 555 定时器的功能主要由两个比较器决定。两个比较器的输出电压控制 RS 触发器和放电管的状态。在电源与地之间加上电压,当 5 脚悬空时,则电压比较器 A1 的反相输入端的电压为 2VCC /3,A2 的同相输入端的电压为VCC /3。若触发输入端 TR 的电压小于VCC /3,则比较器 A2 的输出为 1,可使 RS 触发器置 1,使输出端 OUT=1。如果阈值输入端 TH 的电压大于 2VCC/3,同时 TR 端的电压大于VCC /3,则 A1 的输出为 1,A2 的输出为 0,可将 RS 触发器置 0,使输出为 0 电平。
上传时间: 2013-10-15
高速数字系统设计下载pdf:High-Speed Digital SystemDesign—A Handbook ofInterconnect Theory and DesignPracticesStephen H. HallGarrett W. HallJames A. McCallA Wiley-Interscience Publication JOHN WILEY & SONS, INC.New York • Chichester • Weinheim • Brisbane • Singapore • TorontoCopyright © 2000 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.speeddigital systems at the platform level. The book walks the reader through everyrequired concept, from basic transmission line theory to digital timing analysis, high-speedmeasurement techniques, as well as many other topics. In doing so, a unique balancebetween theory and practical applications is achieved that will allow the reader not only tounderstand the nature of the problem, but also provide practical guidance to the solution.The level of theoretical understanding is such that the reader will be equipped to see beyondthe immediate practical application and solve problems not contained within these pages.Much of the information in this book has not been needed in past digital designs but isabsolutely necessary today. Most of the information covered here is not covered in standardcollege curricula, at least not in its focus on digital design, which is arguably one of the mostsignificant industries in electrical engineering.The focus of this book is on the design of robust high-volume, high-speed digital productssuch as computer systems, with particular attention paid to computer busses. However, thetheory presented is applicable to any high-speed digital system. All of the techniquescovered in this book have been applied in industry to actual digital products that have beensuccessfully produced and sold in high volume.Practicing engineers and graduate and undergraduate students who have completed basicelectromagnetic or microwave design classes are equipped to fully comprehend the theorypresented in this book. At a practical level, however, basic circuit theory is all thebackground required to apply the formulas in this book.
上传时间: 2013-10-26
差动保护整定范例一: 三圈变压器参数如下表: 变压器容量Se 31500KVA 变压器接线方式 Yn,y,d11 变压器变比Ue 110kV/35kV/10kV 110kV侧TA变比nTA 300/5 35KV侧TA变比nTA 1000/5 10KV侧TA变比nTA 2000/5 TA接线 外部变换方式 一次接线 10kV侧双分支 调压ΔU ±8×1.25% 电流互感器接线系数Kjx 当为Y接线时为1,当为Δ接线时为 区外三相最大短路电流 假设为1000A(此值需根据现场情况计算确定) 计算: 高压侧二次额定电流 中压侧二次额定电流 低压侧二次额定电流
上传时间: 2013-11-01
HIGH SPEED 8051 μC CORE - Pipe-lined Instruction Architecture; Executes 70% of Instructions in 1 or 2 System Clocks - Up to 25MIPS Throughput with 25MHz System Clock - 22 Vectored Interrupt Sources MEMORY - 4352 Bytes Internal Data RAM (256 + 4k) - 64k Bytes In-System Programmable FLASH Program Memory - External Parallel Data Memory Interface – up to 5Mbytes/sec DIGITAL PERIPHERALS - 64 Port I/O; All are 5V tolerant - Hardware SMBusTM (I2CTM Compatible), SPITM, and Two UART Serial Ports Available Concurrently - Programmable 16-bit Counter/Timer Array with 5 Capture/Compare Modules - 5 General Purpose 16-bit Counter/Timers - Dedicated Watch-Dog Timer; Bi-directional Reset CLOCK SOURCES - Internal Programmable Oscillator: 2-to-16MHz - External Oscillator: Crystal, RC, C, or Clock - Real-Time Clock Mode using Timer 3 or PCA SUPPLY VOLTAGE ........................ 2.7V to 3.6V - Typical Operating Current: 10mA @ 25MHz - Multiple Power Saving Sleep and Shutdown Modes 100-Pin TQFP (64-Pin Version Available) Temperature Range: –40°C to +85°C
标签: C8051F020
上传时间: 2013-10-12
基于幅移键控技术ASK(Amplitude-Shift Keying),以C8051F340单片机作为监测终端控制器,C8051F330D单片机作为探测节点控制器,采用半双工的通信方式,通过监控终端和探测节点的无线收发电路,实现数据的双向无线传输。收发电路采用直径为0.8 mm的漆包线自行绕制成圆形空心线圈天线,天线直径为(3.4±0.3)cm。试验表明,探测节点与监测终端的通信距离为24 cm,通过桥接方式,节点收发功率为102 mW时,节点间的通信距离可达20 cm。与传统无线收发模块相比,该无线收发电路在受体积、功耗、成本限制的场合有广阔的应用前景。 Abstract: Based on ASK technology and with the C8051F340 and C8051F330D MCU as the controller, using half-duplex communication mode, this paper achieves bi-directional data transfer. Transceiver circuit constituted by enameled wire which diameter is 0.8mm and wound into a diameter (3.4±0.3) cm circular hollow coil antenna. Tests show that the communication distance between detection and monitoring of the terminal is 24cm,the distance is up to 20cm between two nodes when using the manner of bridging and the node transceiver power is 102mW. Compared with the conventional wireless transceiver modules, the circuit has wide application prospect in small size, low cost and low power consumption and other characteristics.
上传时间: 2013-10-19