开发环境:C语言 简要说明:BackProp算法:BP网络是反向传播(Back Propagation)网络。它是一种多层前向网络,采用最小均方差学习方式。这是一种最广泛应用的网络。它可用于语言综合,识别和自适应控制等用途。BP网络需有教师训练。
标签: Propagation BackProp Back 网络
上传时间: 2013-12-28
误差反向传播网络(Back propagation network,简称BP网络)是神经网络中最活跃的方法,且绝大多数采用了三层结构(输入层、一个隐含层和输出层).BP网络是一种非线性映射人工神经网络.本程序用vb实现的bp算法
标签: propagation network Back 误差
上传时间: 2015-04-22
Back propagation neural networks and its Application: Time-Series Forecasting Prediction of the Annual Number of Sunspots
标签: Application propagation Time-Series Forecasting
上传时间: 2015-05-13
Neuro network demo. Include SOM, Back Propagation and some simple example.
标签: Propagation Include network example
上传时间: 2013-12-27
Introduction to neural networks, Back Propagation networks, Recurrent networks, Self Oganising networks, Reinforcement learning. Robot Control, Vision systems. Hardware and software Implementaionts.
标签: networks Introduction Propagation Oganising
上传时间: 2014-01-14
Batch version of the back-Propagation algorithm. % Given a set of corresponding input-output pairs and an initial network % [W1,W2,critvec,iter]=batbp(NetDef,W1,W2,PHI,Y,trparms) trains the % network with backpropagation. % % The activation functions must be either linear or tanh. The network % architecture is defined by the matrix NetDef consisting of two % rows. The first row specifies the hidden layer while the second % specifies the output layer. %
标签: back-Propagation corresponding input-output algorithm
上传时间: 2016-12-27
上传时间: 2015-12-31
人工神经网络(Aartificial Neural Network,下简称ANN)是模拟生物神经元的结构而提出的一种信息处理方法。早在1943年,已由心理学家Warren S.Mcculloch和数学家Walth H.Pitts提出神经元数学模型,后被冷落了一段时间,80年代又迅猛兴起[1]。ANN之所以受到人们的普遍关注,是由于它具有本质的非线形特征、并行处理能力、强鲁棒性以及自组织自学习的能力。其中研究得最为成熟的是误差的反传模型算法(BP算法,Back Propagation),它的网络结构及算法直观、简单,在工业领域中应用较多。
标签: Aartificial Network Neural 人工神经网络
上传时间: 2014-01-03
This program is to one-step EEG prediction. it is done by a fuzzy neural network based on a chaotic back propagation training method.
标签: prediction one-step program chaotic
上传时间: 2017-07-15
This program is prepared as an one-step EEG predictor. this is used a fuzzy neural network which is trained by a chaotic back propagation method
标签: predictor is prepared one-step
上传时间: 2013-12-26