C51 Keyboard and Watchdog Program Examples. Atmel官方例程,C和汇编都有,很有帮助
标签: Keyboard Examples Watchdog Program
上传时间: 2014-01-10
C51 Timers Program Example. 80C51单片机定时器例程. Atmel官方例程,C和汇编都有,很有帮助
标签: Program Example Timers 80C51
上传时间: 2014-08-09
C51 ADC Program Examples. 适用于AT89C51CC01,AT89C51CC02,AT89C51CC03单片机内建CAN总线控制器. Atmel官方例程,C和汇编都有,很有帮助
上传时间: 2014-01-16
Mac OS X for Java Geeks delivers a complete and detailed look at the Mac OS X platform, geared specifically at Java developers. Programmers using the 10.2 (Jaguar) release of Mac OS X, and the new JDK 1.4, have unprecedented new functionality available to them. Whether you are a Java newbie, working your way through Java Swing and classpath issues, or you are a Java guru, comfortable with digital media, reflection, and J2EE, this book will teach you how to get around on Mac OS X. You ll also get the latest information on how to build applications that run seamlessly, and identically, on Windows, Linux, Unix, and the Mac.
标签: Mac delivers complete detailed
上传时间: 2017-04-08
上传时间: 2014-01-24
AT&T ASM Syntax,嵌入式里面编写makefile等的时候需要用到,同时u-boot语法也是这个
上传时间: 2014-01-21
PS/2 技术参考 这个文件描述了用于PS/2 鼠标PS/2 键盘及AT 键盘的接口
上传时间: 2013-11-29
This is a PHP search engine. It searches for text and then displays results. At the time I completed it it was the first of its kind. I spent many hours looking for something like it, but could not find anything. It searches the directory you put it in.
标签: displays searches complet results
上传时间: 2013-12-25
ITU-T G.729 Annex C+ - Reference C code for floating point implementation of G.729 at 6.4/8/11.8 kbit/s with DTX functionality (integration of Annexes B, D and E)
标签: implementation 729 Reference floating
上传时间: 2017-04-10
GSM+AT命令手册.pdf 本文档以针对AYG-59C GSM MODEM 均逐一列举并附有使用的例子 对 充和修改 另外 为方便用户查找 第2 章介绍一般的一些AT 命令
上传时间: 2017-04-10