Internal Interrupts are used to respond to asynchronous requests from a certain part of themicrocontroller that needs to be serviced. Each peripheral in the TriCore as well as theBus Control Unit, the Debug Unit, the Peripheral Control Processor (PCP) and the CPUitself can generate an Interrupt Request.So what is an external Interrupt?An external Interrupt is something alike as the internal Interrupt. The difference is that anexternal Interrupt request is caused by an external event. Normally this would be a pulseon Port0 or Port1, but it can be even a signal from the input buffer of the SSC, indicatingthat a service is requested.The User’s Manual does not explain this aspect in detail so this ApNote will explain themost common form of an external Interrupt request. This ApNote will show that there is aneasy way to react on a pulse on Port0 or Port1 and to create with this impulse an InterruptService Request. Later in the second part of the document, you can find hints on how todebounce impulses to enable the use of a simple switch as the input device.Note: You will find additional information on how to setup the Interrupt System in theApNote “First steps through the TriCore Interrupt System” (AP3222xx)1. It would gobeyond the scope of this document to explain this here, but you will find selfexplanatoryexamples later on.
上传时间: 2013-10-27
The exacting technological demands created byincreasing bandwidth requirements have given riseto significant advances in FPGA technology thatenable engineers to successfully incorporate highspeedI/O interfaces in their designs. One aspect ofdesign that plays an increasingly important role isthat of the FPGA package. As the interfaces get fasterand wider, choosing the right package has becomeone of the key considerations for the systemdesigner.
上传时间: 2013-10-22
The exacting technological demands created byincreasing bandwidth requirements have given riseto significant advances in FPGA technology thatenable engineers to successfully incorporate highspeedI/O interfaces in their designs. One aspect ofdesign that plays an increasingly important role isthat of the FPGA package. As the interfaces get fasterand wider, choosing the right package has becomeone of the key considerations for the systemdesigner.
上传时间: 2013-11-07
The Art of C++ by Herbert Schildt ISBN:0072255129 McGraw-Hill/Osborne © 2004 The author of this text applies C++ to a wide variety of high-powered, practical applications, each focusing on a different aspect of the language. Examples range from a garbage collector subsystem and a thread control panel to AI-based searches and more.
标签: McGraw-Hill 0072255129 The Herbert
上传时间: 2015-07-18
<Spring in action>原版和代码,是学习Spring的好资料,本书分为三大部分和两个附录,每一部分专注于Spring框架的一个领域:核心层、中间层和Web层。第一部分展示了Spring框架的两个核心概念:反向控制(Inversion of Control,IoC)和面向切面编程(aspect-Oriented Programming,AOP),以便理解Spring的基础原理,这些基础原理在本书各个章节都会用到。第二部分在第1章介绍的IoC和AOP基础之上,展示了如何将这两个概念应用到应用系统的中间层。第三部分走出中间层迈向显示层,在很多J2EE系统中显示层被称为Web层。附录A介绍如何开始自己的Spring应用系统,如何下载Spring以及如何编写Ant配置文件。本书的每一部分既是建立在前一部分的基础上,同时也都是独立存在的,所以,读者不必从头开始就可以深入到各个主题。
上传时间: 2014-01-02
Dr. Dobb s Journal - Issue 402 @ 2007 November - Smart Compilers BUT SMART ENOUGH ? - GRID-ENABLING YOUR APPS - Building Desktop Apps Using Web Technologies - JavaScript & aspect-Oriented Programming - C++ & Reusable Associations *** A Programmer s MUST-READ magazine... ***
标签: GRID-ENABL Compilers November Journal
上传时间: 2016-03-04
The authors show to identify, design, implement, test, and refactor use-case modules, as well as extend them. They also demonstrate how to design use-case modules with the Unified Modeling Language (UML)emphasizing enhancements made in UML 2.0and how to achieve use-case modularity using aspect technologies, notably aspectJ. Key topics include Making the case for use cases and aspects Capturing and modeling concerns with use cases Keeping concerns separate with use-case modules Modeling use-cases slices and aspects using the newest extensions to the UML notation Applying use cases and aspects in projects
标签: implement identify refactor use-case
上传时间: 2016-10-06
The purpose of this booklet is to give you a quick introduction to VHDL. This is done by informally describing the facilities provided by the language, and using examples to illustrate them. This booklet does not fully describe every aspect of the language. For such fine details, you should consult the IEEE Standard VHDL Language Reference Manual. However, be warned: the standard is like a legal document,
标签: introduction informally purpose booklet
上传时间: 2017-07-24
Abstract—The contourlet transform is a new two-dimensional extension of the wavelet transform using multiscale and direc- tional fi lter banks. The contourlet expansion is composed of basis images oriented at various directions in multiple scales, with fl exible aspect ratios. Given this rich set of basis images, the contourlet transform effectively captures smooth contours that are the dominant feature in natural images.
标签: transform two-dimensional contourlet extension
上传时间: 2014-01-18
In the hit CBS crime show Person of Interest, which debuted in 2011, the two heroes—one a former Central Intelligence Agency agent and the other a billionaire technology genius—work together using the ubiquitous surveillance system in New York City to try to stop violent crime. It’s referred to by some as a science fiction cop show. But the use of advanced technology for crime analysis in almost every major police department in the United States may surpass what’s depicted on TV crime dramas such as Person of Interest. Real-time crime cen- ters (RTCCs) are a vital aspect of intelligent policing. Crime analysis is no longer the stuff of science fiction. It’s real.
标签: Intelligence Analysis Crime
上传时间: 2020-05-25