MIB Browser allows you to view the hierarchy of SNMP MIB variables in the form of a tree and provides you with additional information about each node. With MIB Browser you can easily load (compile) standard and proprietary MIB files, view and manipulate data that is available in an SNMP agent.
标签: MIB the hierarchy variables
上传时间: 2015-06-30
本书第二版和第三版之间的变化非常大其中最值得注意的是C++已经通过了国际标 准化这不但为语言增加了新的特性比如异常处理运行时刻类型识别RTTI 名字空 间内置布尔数据类型新的强制转换方式而且还大量修改并扩展了现有的特性比如模 板template 支持面向对象object-oriented 和基于对象object-based 程序设计所需 要的类class 机制嵌套类型以及重载函数的解析机制也许更重要的是一个覆盖面非 常广阔的库现在成了标准C++的一部分其中包括以前称为STL 标准模板库的内容新 的string 类型一组顺序和关联容器类型比如vector list map 和set 以及在这些类型 上进行操作的一组可扩展的泛型算法generic algorithm 都是这个新标准库的特性本书 不但包括了许多新的资料而且还阐述了怎样在C++中进行程序设计的新的思考方法简而 言之实际上不但C++已经被重新创造本书第三版也是如此
上传时间: 2014-01-18
"More for C++" is a class library that provides some features that are usually common for object oriented programming languages like Java or Python, but not for C
标签: that for features provides
上传时间: 2015-07-12
定时提醒程序,Delphi制作,演示Micorsoft Agent的使用。
上传时间: 2015-07-15
上传时间: 2014-01-09
sipbomber - tool for testing SIP-protocol implementation (RFC3261). Current version can check only server implementation - UAS (UAS are proxies, user agent servers, redirect servers, and registrars).
标签: implementation SIP-protocol sipbomber Current
上传时间: 2014-09-10
This book is intended for "hands-on" developers or advanced students interested in understanding the strategies and tactics of concurrent network programming using C++ and object-oriented design. We describe the key design dimensions, patterns, and principles needed to develop flexible and efficient concurrent networked applications quickly and easily. Our numerous C++ code examples reinforce the design concepts and illustrate concretely how to use the core classes in ACE right away. We also take you "behind the scenes" to understand how and why the IPC and concurrency mechanisms in the ACE toolkit are designed the way they are. This material will help to enhance your design skills and to apply C++ and patterns more effectively in your own object-oriented networked applications.
标签: understanding developers interested advanced
上传时间: 2015-08-09
Here are some short instructions for use of mod-xslt. The stylesheet is specified using the Processing Instruction <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="URL-OF-YOUR-STYLESHEET"?> or now new <?xslt-stylesheet agent="THE-USER-AGENT-STRING-OF-THE-BROWSER" href="URL-OF-YOUR-STYLESHEET"?> This now enables you to use different Stylesheets for different browsers. (For example Netscape & IE) (or Web & WAP for that matter)
标签: instructions stylesheet specified mod-xslt
上传时间: 2014-01-14
上传时间: 2013-12-03
标签: 编写
上传时间: 2013-12-19