unix环境高级编程英文版,很经典的一本书 advAnced Programming in the UNIX® Environment: Second Edition By W. Richard Stevens, Stephen A. Rago Publisher: Addison Wesley Professional Pub Date: June 17, 2005 ISBN: 0201433079 Pages: 960
上传时间: 2013-12-22
微软的.NET技术目前正是风风火火,作为全球软件业最大的公司,微软在.NET技术上投入了大量的人力物力,把公司未来战略重心放在了.NET上,而从目前看来,.NET技术无疑代表了未来Internet技术的方向。 ASP.NET技术就是由微软的.NET技术细化而来的,它跟ASP技术有些关系,然而又不是仅仅是一个继承,可以讲,ASP.NET跟ASP想比较的话,已经是变得面目全非了,当然好得至少是一个量级以上。 ASP.NET完全基于模块与组件,具有更好的可扩展性与可定制性,数据处理方面更是引入了许多激动人心的新技术,正是这些具有革新意义的新特性,让ASP.NET远远超越了ASP,同时也提供给web开发人员更好的灵活性,有效缩短了web应用程序的开发周期。 ASP.NET与Windows 2000 Server/advAnced Server的完美组合,为中小型乃至企业级的web商业模型提供了一个更为稳定,高效,安全的运行环境。
上传时间: 2014-07-08
Welcome to Visual C++. Over the next 21 days, you will learn how to use the features that Microsoft has built into its C++ development environment to enable you to create very advAnced applications for the Windows and NT platforms
标签: Microsoft the features Welcome
上传时间: 2016-05-09
JLAB is a set of Matlab functions I have written or co-written over the past fifteen years for the purpose of analyzing data. It consists of four hundred m-files spanning thirty thousand lines of code. JLAB includes functions ranging in complexity from one-line aliases to high-level algorithms for certain specialized tasks. These have been collected together and made publicly available for you to use, modify, and --- subject to certain very reasonable constraints --- to redistribute. Some of the highlights are: a suite of functions for the rapid manipulation of multi-component, potentially multi-dimensional datasets a systematic way of dealing with datasets having components of non-uniform length tools for fine-tuning figures using compact, straightforward statements and specialized functions for spectral and time / frequency analysis, including advAnced wavelet algorithms developed by myself and collaborators.
标签: co-written functions the fifteen
上传时间: 2014-01-26
PHP Cookbook has a wealth of solutions for problems that you ll face regularly. With topics that range from beginner questions to advAnced web programming techniques, this guide contains practical examples -- or "recipes" -- for anyone who uses this scripting language to generate dynamic web content. Updated for PHP 5, this book provides solutions that explain how to use the new language features in detail, including the vastly improved object-oriented capabilities and the new PDO data access extension. New sections on classes and objects are included, along with new material on processing XML, building web services with PHP, and working with SOAP/REST architectures. With each recipe, the authors include a discussion that explains the logic and concepts underlying the solution.
标签: that solutions regularly Cookbook
上传时间: 2014-12-03
Finally: a hands-on, Java-centric workbook companion for the classic Design Patterns! Workbook approach deepens your understanding, builds your confidence, and strengthens your skills. Covers all five categories of design pattern intent: interfaces, responsibility, construction, operations, and extensions. CD-ROM contains all code examples from the book -- plus bonus code examples not found in the book. About the Author: Steven John Metsker is a researcher and author focused on advAnced techniques for magnifying the abilities of object-oriented software developers. A rising star in the patterns community, he was recently invited to join the acclaimed Hillside Group. He is author of Building Parsers with Java? (Addison-Wesley).
标签: Java-centric companion hands-on Patterns
上传时间: 2013-12-01
Today s ActionScript-based applications require increasingly sophisticated architectures and code. This book aids intermediate and advAnced ActionScript developers in learning how to plan and build applications more effectively. You ll learn how to apply design patterns as solutions to common programming scenarios. Beyond a reference, advAnced ActionScript with Design Patterns is a practical guide complete with sample mini-applications illustrating each design pattern. The accompanying CD includes a trial version of Flash 8 along
标签: ActionScript-based architectures sophisticated applications
上传时间: 2016-08-17
Host Identity Protocol on Linux is an implemetation of the Host Identity Protocol (HIP) and the related architecture. HIP is a proposal to change the TCP/IP stack to securely support mobility and multi-homing. Additionally, it provides for enhanced security and privacy and advAnced network concepts, such as moving networks and mobile ad hoc networks. HIP is "cool", which means that as a mobile VPN solution, when your network interfaces go up or down, there is no need to re-establish a secure tunnel.
标签: Identity Protocol Host implemetation
上传时间: 2016-09-01
LCD Driver datasheet The SPF54126A, a 262144-color System-on-Chip (SoC) driver LSI designed for small and medium sizes of TFT LCD display, is capable of supporting up to 176xRGBx220 in resolution which can be achieved by the designated RAM for graphic data. The 528-channel source driver has true 6-bit resolution, which generates 64 Gamma-corrected values by an internal D/A converter. The source driver of SPFD54126A adopts OP-AMP structure to enhance display quality and it cooperates with advAnced circuitry techniques to reduce power consumption.
标签: System-on-Chip datasheet designed Driver
上传时间: 2016-09-22
是一本介绍java基础应用的好书 Java For Artists targets both the undergraduate computer science or information technology student and the practicing programmer. It is both an introductory-level textbook and trade book. As a textbook it employs learning objectives, skill-building exercises, suggested projects, and self-test questions to reinforce the learning experience. The projects offered range from the easy to the extremely challenging. It covers all the topics you’d expect to find in an introductory Java programming textbook and then some. As a trade book it goes purposefully deeper into topics cut short or avoided completely in most introductory textbooks. Its coverage of advAnced GUI programming techniques, network programming and object-oriented theory will enable you to take your skills to a higher level.
标签: undergraduate information computer Artists
上传时间: 2016-09-28