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  • This example application requires several components to be setup and configured before running. It

    This example application requires several components to be setup and configured before running. It is assumed that you understand how to setup a Web application and add the components below.

    标签: application components configured requires

    上传时间: 2016-12-02


  • ResOrg 图形化管理Vc项目的资源ID的工具的源代码。 ResOrg - Manage and Renumber Resource Symbol IDs Introduction The

    ResOrg 图形化管理Vc项目的资源ID的工具的源代码。 ResOrg - Manage and Renumber Resource Symbol IDs Introduction The Resource ID Organiser (ResOrg for short) is an Add-in for Visual C++ designed to help overcome one of the most annoying (and unnecessary) chores of developing/maintaining Windows applications - maintaining resource symbol ID values.

    标签: ResOrg Introduction Renumber Resource

    上传时间: 2013-12-25


  • Family Tree This a geneology program for entering your family tree. It s a complete working app but

    Family Tree This a geneology program for entering your family tree. It s a complete working app but has no reports within it. You can add pictures and name the individuals in the pictures using a really cool frame and name technique. You can also add census information and lots more.

    标签: geneology entering complete program

    上传时间: 2016-12-16


  • (1 . Higher Educati on Admissi on Committee Office of L ianyungang,L ianyungang 222006, China 2 .

    (1 . Higher Educati on Admissi on Committee Office of L ianyungang,L ianyungang 222006, China 2 . Modern Educati on Technique Center, Huaihai I nstitute of Technol ogy, L ianyungang 222005, China) Abstract: The outbreak ofARP cheating virus interferes with the nor mal functi oning of LAN. On the basis of thoroughly und standing of the p rinci p les, this paper analyzes the p rinci p les, pattern and classificati ons ofARP in details . And it also discu the tactics t o take strict p recauti ons ofARP fr om t wo sides— — —the administrati on ofLAN and Client Host . The pur pose of the cussi on is t o guarantee the normal running of LAN users . Key words: virus p rinci p les LAN client host

    标签: ianyungang Committee Educati Admissi

    上传时间: 2013-12-23


  • Protel DXP 2004注册文件,打开DXP 2004

    Protel DXP 2004注册文件,打开DXP 2004,点击"add license file",在浏览中找到DXP2004.alf

    标签: 2004 DXP Protel

    上传时间: 2014-01-19


  • 远程抄表系统的客户端程序 安徽六安项目-客户端程序 0 开发环境 Delphi 7.0 所需控件 mxOutlookBar 数 据 库 Sybase 11.5 1 04-12-

    远程抄表系统的客户端程序 安徽六安项目-客户端程序 0 开发环境 Delphi 7.0 所需控件 mxOutlookBar 数 据 库 Sybase 11.5 1 04-12-17 根据安徽六安项目需求开发。 2 04-12-31 基本功能模块定义完毕。 05-01-10 开发基本完毕。 3 05-3月下旬 六安现场调试、测试、试运行、正式运行。 4 05-07-19 更改可以远方调试DSP参数,新增加 50 - 59号指令。 更改数据库结构 alter table tx_BianTai add fd_DspMaxU decimal(6,2) null, fd_DspMinU decimal(6,2) null, fd_DspMaxT decimal(6,2) null, fd_DspMinT decimal(6,2) null, fd_DspMaxXB decimal(6,2) null, fd_DspTQTime decimal(6,2) null, //投切间隔 fd_DspLQTime decimal(6,2) null //冷却时间 更改一些小细节,比如:密码验证模块等等。 5 05-07-19

    标签: mxOutlookBar Delphi Sybase 11.5

    上传时间: 2016-12-31


  • AR6001 WLAN Driver for SDIO installation Read Me March 26,2007 (based on k14 fw1.1) Windows CE Em

    AR6001 WLAN Driver for SDIO installation Read Me March 26,2007 (based on k14 fw1.1) Windows CE Embedded CE 6.0 driver installation. 1. Unzip the installation file onto your system (called installation directory below) 2. Create an OS design or open an existing OS design in Platform Builder 6.0. a. The OS must support the SD bus driver and have an SD Host Controller driver (add these from Catalog Items). b. Run image size should be set to allow greater than 32MB. 3. a. From the Project menu select Add Existing Subproject... b. select AR6K_DRV.pbxml c. select open This should create a subproject within your OS Design project for the AR6K_DRV driver. 4. Build the solution.

    标签: installation Windows Driver March

    上传时间: 2014-09-06


  • 用jAVA实现的一个CPU32位的指令代码

    用jAVA实现的一个CPU32位的指令代码,虽然简单点实现move,add,sub id,num等指令,但有比较好的参考学习

    标签: jAVA CPU 32 指令

    上传时间: 2017-01-04


  • 创建进度条 jpb = new JProgressBar() jbutton = new JButton("观看演示") jbutton.addActionListener(th

    创建进度条 jpb = new JProgressBar() jbutton = new JButton("观看演示") jbutton.addActionListener(this) this.getContentPane().add(jbutton) //设置进度条的前景色为红色 jpb.setForeground(Color.red) this.getContentPane().add(jpb) //给进度条注册事件监听器

    标签: jbutton addActionListener JProgressBar new

    上传时间: 2017-01-06


  • COM组件调用方法: 首先 运行 “注册USBPass组件.bat”

    COM组件调用方法: 首先 运行 “注册USBPass组件.bat” ,在系统中注册USBPassW.dll 和 USBPassR.dll 1>在VB6.0的调用 打开一个工程 菜单->工程->引用-> 在打开的窗口中 选择“USBPass-Write (基于U盘的授权系统 V3.0)”和“USBPass-Write (基于U盘的授权系统 V3.0)” 然后可按照Demo中的方式使用。 2>在Delphi7的调用 打开一个工程 菜单-> Project-> Import Type Library...->在打开的窗口中分别选择 “USBPass-Write (基于U盘的授权系统 V3.0)(Version 1.0)”和“USBPass-Write (基于U盘的授权系统 V3.0)(Version 1.0)” 然后点击按钮"Install..." 然后在 控件栏的“ActiveX”页上找到两个对应的COM,再按照Demo中的方法使用。 3>在VC6.0 中调用 打开一个工程 按Ctrl+W调出类向导,按Add Class按钮弹出新菜单,选From a type libarary,然后定位到USBPassW.dll 和USBPassR.dll,接下来会出来 该simpCOM中的所有接口,选择你想生成的接口包装类后,向导会自动生成相应的.cpp和.h文件. 这样你就可以在你的MFC工程中像使用普通类那样使用COM组件了. 具体的见 如何在VC++中调用标准COM组件.mht

    标签: USBPass COM bat 运行

    上传时间: 2014-01-06
