这个工具集提供以下结构化分析和UML分析中所用的图形化绘图工具:ER-diagrams, data and event flow diagrams and state-transition diagrams,class-diagram editor, a use-case diagram editor and an activity diagram editor
标签: state-transition ER-diagrams and diagrams
上传时间: 2014-12-09
Aardvark Example Source Code Version: 4.00 Date: 2007-04-20 Source code which shows how to use the Aardvark I2C/SPI Host Adapter software libraries. Examples are available in C, C#, Python, Visual Basic 6, Visual Basic .NET, and Aardvark XML batch script code and make use of the targets on the I2C/SPI activity Board. Explanatory notes and build instructions are included in the README.txt file.
标签: Source Aardvark Example Version
上传时间: 2017-07-06
In the next generation of wireless communication systems, there will be a need for the rapid deployment of independent mobile users. Significant examples include establishing survivable, efficient, dynamic communication for emergency operations, disaster relief efforts, and military networks. Such network scenarios cannot rely on centralized and organized connectivity, and can be conceived as applications of mobile ad hoc networks. A MANET is an autonomous collection of mobile users that communicate over relatively bandwidth constrained wireless links. Since the nodes are mobile, the network topology may change rapidly and unpredictably over time. The network is decentralized, where all network activity including discovering the
标签: communication generation the wireless
上传时间: 2014-01-07
In the next generation of wireless communication systems, there will be a need for the rapid deployment of independent mobile users. Significant examples include establishing survivable, efficient, dynamic communication for emergency operations, disaster relief efforts, and military networks. Such network scenarios cannot rely on centralized and organized connectivity, and can be conceived as applications of mobile ad hoc networks. A MANET is an autonomous collection of mobile users that communicate over relatively bandwidth constrained wireless links. Since the nodes are decentralized, where all network activity including discovering the
标签: communication generation the wireless
上传时间: 2014-01-04
The 4.0 kbit/s speech codec described in this paper is based on a Frequency Domain Interpolative (FDI) coding technique, which belongs to the class of prototype waveform Interpolation (PWI) coding techniques. The codec also has an integrated voice activity detector (VAD) and a noise reduction capability. The input signal is subjected to LPC analysis and the prediction residual is separated into a slowly evolving waveform (SEW) and a rapidly evolving waveform (REW) components. The SEW magnitude component is quantized using a hierarchical predictive vector quantization approach. The REW magnitude is quantized using a gain and a sub-band based shape. SEW and REW phases are derived at the decoder using a phase model, based on a transmitted measure of voice periodicity. The spectral (LSP) parameters are quantized using a combination of scalar and vector quantizers. The 4.0 kbits/s coder has an algorithmic delay of 60 ms and an estimated floating point complexity of 21.5 MIPS. The performance of this coder has been evaluated using in-house MOS tests under various conditions such as background noise. channel errors, self-tandem. and DTX mode of operation, and has been shown to be statistically equivalent to ITU-T (3.729 8 kbps codec across all conditions tested.
标签: frequency-domain interpolation performance Design kbit_s speech coder based and of
上传时间: 2018-04-08
60个Android开发精典案例 Android软件源码:2-1(activity生命周期)3-1(Button与点击监听器)3-10-1(列表之ArrayAdapter适配)3-10-2(列表之SimpleAdapter适配)3-11(Dialog对话框)3-12-5(activity跳转与操作)3-12-6(横竖屏切换处理)3-3(ImageButton图片按钮)3-4(EditText文本编辑)3-5(CheckBox与监听)3-6(RadioButton与监听)3-7(ProgressBar进度条)3-8(SeekBar 拖动条)3-9(Tab分页式菜单)4-10(可视区域)4-11-1(Animation动画)4-11-2-1(动态位图)4-11-2-2(帧动画)4-11-2-3(剪切图动画)4-13(操作游戏主角)4-14-1(矩形碰撞)4-14-2(圆形碰撞)4-14-4(多矩形碰撞)4-14-5(Region碰撞检测)4-15-1(MediaPlayer音乐)4-15-2(SoundPool音效)4-16-1(游戏保存之SharedPreference)4-16-2(游戏保存之Stream)4-3(View游戏框架)4-4(SurfaceView游戏框架)4-7-1(贝塞尔曲线)4-7-2(Canvas画布)4-8(Paint画笔)4-9(Bitmap位图渲染与操作)5-1(飞行射击游戏实战)6-1(360°平滑游戏摇杆)6-10-1(Socket协议)6-10-2(Http协议)6-11(本地化与国际化)6-2(多触点缩放位图)6-3(触屏手势识别)6-4(加速度传感器)6-5(9patch工具)]6-6(截屏)6-8(游戏视图与系统组件)6-9(蓝牙对战游戏)7-10-1(遍历Body)7-10-2(Body的m_userData)7-11(为Body施加力)7-12(Body碰撞监听)7-13-1(距离关节)7-13-2(旋转关节)7-13-3(齿轮关节)7-13-4(滑轮关节)7-13-5-1(通过移动关节移动Body)7-13-5-2(通过移动关节绑定两个Body动作)7-13-6(鼠标关节-拖拽Body)7-14(AABB获取Body)7-4(Box2d物理世界)7-5在物理世界中添加矩形)7-7(添加自定义多边形)7-9(在物理世界中添加圆形)8-1(迷宫小球)8-2(堆房子)
标签: android
上传时间: 2021-11-30