I have written this aRTicle to capture a Windows image into a bitmap file that will support all PaintBrush tools and Thumbnail Views of Windows Explorer. I have found many programmers suffering from this problem, including me, until I wrote this aRTicle. 捕获一个窗口图像并存入一个支持MS画笔的位图文件中 我写的这篇文章介绍了捕获一个窗口图像并存入一个支持所有画笔和Windows Explorer的位图文件中。 我发现许多程序员因这个问题而烦恼,包括我在内,直到我写了这篇文章。 来源: http://www.codeguru.com/bitmap/WndToBmpFile.html
标签: aRTicle Windows capture written
上传时间: 2015-01-10
This aRTicle is based in part on Bob Place s ADO is AOK (a simple ADO tutorial). Wrapper Usage This is consist of 2 classes. CDyndb : This Class manages connections and recordsets. Recordsets are organized as linked list (CList) and you can access them using their ids. CDynRec : This class is the node to populate for each recordsets. ADO封装器类 这篇文章一部分基于Bob Place的《ADO is AOK》 (简单的ADO指导) 。 包裹的用法 由2个类组成。 类CDyndb: 这个类别管理连接和记录集。记录集是连接起来的记录的集合,你可以通过他们的ID访问他们。 类CDynRec: 这个类别存放记录集的代码。
上传时间: 2013-12-14
TCP/IP and Windows 95. Sources from DDJ aRTicle
标签: Sources Windows aRTicle from
上传时间: 2015-02-15
This aRTicle is a very simple introduction writing a Windows Form application for the Microsoft.NET framework using C#. The sample application demonstrates how to create and layout controls on a simple form and the handling of mouse click events. The application displays a form showing attributes of a file. This form is similar to the properties dialog box of a file (Right click on a file and Click on Properties menu item). Since attributes of a file will be shown, the sample will show how to use File IO operations in .NET framework.
标签: introduction application Microsoft aRTicle
上传时间: 2015-04-09
Struts aRTicle ,study demo
上传时间: 2015-04-14
background subtraction Fast lighting algorthim aRTicle
标签: subtraction background algorthim lighting
上传时间: 2013-12-13
驱动开发向导 I came across an aRTicle QuickSYS which implements an NT driver framework. That aRTicle demonstrates a MFC application that gets a project name as a parameter and creates Visual C++ workspace with NT driver framework. I decided to copy the NT driver framework source and to put it in the Visual Studio project wizard as seen above. This is simpler rather than running an external executable application that generates the code for you.
标签: aRTicle implements framework QuickSYS
上传时间: 2014-01-07
System Image List.This aRTicle was contributed by Mark Otway.
标签: contributed aRTicle System Image
上传时间: 2014-01-26
This aRTicle helps in creating a Data Grid with radio button and allows single selection.
标签: selection creating aRTicle allows
上传时间: 2014-12-21
An aRTicle on the implementation of a fast C++ delegate with many advanced features.
标签: implementation advanced delegate features
上传时间: 2014-01-02