ZigBee问答 ZigBee问答ZigBee问答
上传时间: 2015-09-12
OpenCV means Intel® Open Source Computer Vision Library. It is a collection of C functions and a few C++ classes that implement some popular Image Processing and Computer Vision algorithms. OpenCV has cross-platform middle-to-high level API that consists of a few hundreds (>300) C functions. It does not rely on external libraries, though it can use some when it is possible. OpenCV is free for both non-commercial and commercial use (see the license for details). OpenCV provides transparent interface to Intel® Integrated Performance Primitives (IPP). That is, it loads automatically IPP libraries optimized for specific processor at runtime, if they are available. More information about IPP can be retrieved at http://www.intel.com/software/products/ipp/index.htm -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 本文是opencv的入门教程
标签: collection functions Computer Library
上传时间: 2015-09-12
A Java package (library/API) to connect and use the Yahoo Instant Messager and Chat protocols (YMSG), in a reasonably coder-friendly and abstract way. Although methods the API exposes are closely matched to Yahoo IM features, the API attempts to hide Download jYMSG API - Yahoo IM Jars
标签: and protocols Messager Instant
上传时间: 2015-09-14
C++ Standard Library provides a set of common classes and interfaces that greatly extend the core C++ language. The library, however, is not self-explanatory. To make full use of its components-and to benefit from their power-you need a resource that does far more than list the classes and their functions. The C++ Standard Library not only provides comprehensive documentation of each library component, it also offers clearly written explanations of complex concepts, describes the practical programming details needed for effective use, and gives example after example of working code.
标签: interfaces Standard provides Library
上传时间: 2014-03-01
Library of assembly-language subroutines with example source
标签: assembly-language subroutines Library example
上传时间: 2015-09-16
This libusb version 0.1.12. libusb is a library which allows userspace application access to USB devices. The official ftp site is: ftp://ftp.libusb.sourceforge.net/pub/libusb/ The official web site is: http://libusb.sourceforge.net/ A mailing list is located at: libusb-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
标签: libusb application userspace library
上传时间: 2013-12-21
TI TMS320C64系列标准代码C64xDSPLIB Library Installation
标签: Installation C64 Library xDSPLIB
上传时间: 2014-09-04
Linux/Unix下的绘图函数库(Graphic Drawing Library),支持JPG、PNG、BMP等多种输出格式,可直接对已有的图象文件进行操作,使用手册在压缩包中
标签: Graphic Drawing Library Linux
上传时间: 2013-12-27
The MatlabBGL library fills a hole in Matlab s suite of algorithms. Namely, it provides a rich set of algorithms to work with graphs, as in graph theory graphs. The MatlabBGL package uses Matlab s native sparse matrix type as a graph and provides algorithms that work
标签: algorithms MatlabBGL provides library
上传时间: 2014-11-17
ZigBee msstatePAN程序 有Stack源码 公开MAC层源码 国外网站可更新Stack
标签: Stack msstatePAN ZigBee MAC
上传时间: 2015-09-24