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  • This file is a function under matlab which allow to compute several statistical parameter of random

    This file is a function under matlab which allow to compute several statistical parameter of random signal such as variance, power, mean values, std, ...

    标签: statistical parameter function compute

    上传时间: 2017-06-27


  • Consider a BPSK and a QPSK system for the following two cases: 1) The probability that the symbol 1

    Consider a BPSK and a QPSK system for the following two cases: 1) The probability that the symbol 1 is sent and the probability that the symbol 0 is sent are all the same. 2) The probability that the symbol 1 is sent is two times than the probability that the symbol 0 is sent. Assume that the noise is Gaussian distributed with mean=0 and  2 = 1.

    标签: probability following the Consider

    上传时间: 2017-08-15


  • 算法


    标签: 算法

    上传时间: 2017-08-20


  • System identification with adaptive filter using full and partial-update Generalised-Sideband-Decomp

    System identification with adaptive filter using full and partial-update Generalised-Sideband-Decomposition Least-Mean-Squares

    标签: Generalised-Sideband-Decomp identification partial-update adaptive

    上传时间: 2017-09-13


  • 有限差分法

    function [alpha,N,U]=youxianchafen2(r1,r2,up,under,num,deta)      %[alpha,N,U]=youxianchafen2(a,r1,r2,up,under,num,deta)   %该函数用有限差分法求解有两种介质的正方形区域的二维拉普拉斯方程的数值解   %函数返回迭代因子、迭代次数以及迭代完成后所求区域内网格节点处的值   %a为正方形求解区域的边长   %r1,r2分别表示两种介质的电导率   %up,under分别为上下边界值   %num表示将区域每边的网格剖分个数   %deta为迭代过程中所允许的相对误差限      n=num+1; %每边节点数   U(n,n)=0; %节点处数值矩阵   N=0; %迭代次数初值   alpha=2/(1+sin(pi/num));%超松弛迭代因子   k=r1/r2; %两介质电导率之比   U(1,1:n)=up; %求解区域上边界第一类边界条件   U(n,1:n)=under; %求解区域下边界第一类边界条件   U(2:num,1)=0;U(2:num,n)=0;      for i=2:num   U(i,2:num)=up-(up-under)/num*(i-1);%采用线性赋值对上下边界之间的节点赋迭代初值   end   G=1;   while G>0 %迭代条件:不满足相对误差限要求的节点数目G不为零   Un=U; %完成第n次迭代后所有节点处的值   G=0; %每完成一次迭代将不满足相对误差限要求的节点数目归零   for j=1:n   for i=2:num   U1=U(i,j); %第n次迭代时网格节点处的值      if j==1 %第n+1次迭代左边界第二类边界条件   U(i,j)=1/4*(2*U(i,j+1)+U(i-1,j)+U(i+1,j));   end         if (j>1)&&(j                 U2=1/4*(U(i,j+1)+ U(i-1,j)+ U(i,j-1)+ U(i+1,j));    U(i,j)=U1+alpha*(U2-U1); %引入超松弛迭代因子后的网格节点处的值      end      if i==n+1-j %第n+1次迭代两介质分界面(与网格对角线重合)第二类边界条件   U(i,j)=1/4*(2/(1+k)*(U(i,j+1)+U(i+1,j))+2*k/(1+k)*(U(i-1,j)+U(i,j-1)));      end      if j==n %第n+1次迭代右边界第二类边界条件   U(i,n)=1/4*(2*U(i,j-1)+U(i-1,j)+U(i+1,j));   end   end   end   N=N+1 %显示迭代次数   Un1=U; %完成第n+1次迭代后所有节点处的值   err=abs((Un1-Un)./Un1);%第n+1次迭代与第n次迭代所有节点值的相对误差   err(1,1:n)=0; %上边界节点相对误差置零   err(n,1:n)=0; %下边界节点相对误差置零    G=sum(sum(err>deta))%显示每次迭代后不满足相对误差限要求的节点数目G   end

    标签: 有限差分

    上传时间: 2018-07-13


  • 仙剑vs版

    Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 9.00 # Visual Studio 2005

    标签: 游戏

    上传时间: 2019-07-19


  • 多元散射校正MSC

    function [R,k,b] = msc(A) % 多元散射校正 % 输入待处理矩阵,通过多元散射校正,求得校正后的矩阵 %% 获得矩阵行列数 [m,n] = size(A); %% 求平均光谱 M = mean(A,2); %% 利用最小二乘法求每一列的斜率k和截距b for i = 1:n a = polyfit(M,A(:,i),1); if i == 1 k = a(1); b = a(2); else k = [k,a(1)]; b = [b,a(2)]; end end %% 求得结果 for i = 1:n Ai = (A(:,i)-b(i))/k(i); if i == 1 R = Ai; else R = [R,Ai]; end end

    标签: MSC 多元 散射 校正

    上传时间: 2020-03-12


  • Communication+Networks+Economy

    The term economics is generally understood to mean sound management. This is associated with openness, good faith, accurate figures and integrity in company accounts, with transparency ensured through satisfactory standards of good practice in relation to investors and the clients who have placed their trust in an organization’s managers.

    标签: Communication Networks Economy

    上传时间: 2020-05-26


  • Signal Processing for Telecommunications

    This paper presents a Hidden Markov Model (HMM)-based speech enhancement method, aiming at reducing non-stationary noise from speech signals. The system is based on the assumption that the speech and the noise are additive and uncorrelated. Cepstral features are used to extract statistical information from both the speech and the noise. A-priori statistical information is collected from long training sequences into ergodic hidden Markov models. Given the ergodic models for the speech and the noise, a compensated speech-noise model is created by means of parallel model combination, using a log-normal approximation. During the compensation, the mean of every mixture in the speech and noise model is stored. The stored means are then used in the enhancement process to create the most likely speech and noise power spectral distributions using the forward algorithm combined with mixture probability. The distributions are used to generate a Wiener filter for every observation. The paper includes a performance evaluation of the speech enhancer for stationary as well as non-stationary noise environment.

    标签: Telecommunications Processing Signal for

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • Understanding+Telecommunications+Networks

    Telecommunications is today widely understood to mean the electrical means of communicating over a distance. The first form of telecommunications was that of the Telegraph, which was invented quite independently in 1837 by two scientists, Wheatstone and Morse. Telegraphy was on a point-to-point unidirectional basis and relied on trained operators to interpret between the spoken or written word and the special signals sent over the telegraph wire. However, the use of telegraphy did greatly enhance the operations of railways and, of course, the dissemination of news and personal messages between towns.

    标签: Telecommunications Understanding Networks

    上传时间: 2020-06-01
