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  • LTP5900 Hardware Integration Guide

    The LTP5900 includes sufficient power supply filtering and decoupling capacitancesuch that additional filtering should not be necessary for most battery-powereddesigns. Care must be taken to avoid large transient voltages on the supply as theM2510 steps up its current consumption (see the section on Supply Design below).  

    标签: Integration Hardware Guide 5900

    上传时间: 2014-12-24


  • MR16 LED驱动MR16 LED灯与电子变压器兼容

    Abstract: There are differences between the operation of low-frequency AC transformers and electronic transformersthat supply current to MR16 lamps, and there are also differences in the current draw for MR16 halogen lamps andMR16 LED lamps. These contrasts typically prevent an MR16 LED lamp from operating with most electronictransformers. This article explains how a high-brightness (HB) LED driver optimized for MR16 lamps will allow LEDlamps to be compatible with most electronic transformers.A similar version of this article appeared on Display Plus, July 7, 2012 and in German in Elektronikpraxis, October 1,2012.

    标签: LED MR 16 驱动

    上传时间: 2013-10-14


  • 折衷选择输入电容链波电流的线压范围

    透過增加輸入電容,可以在獲得更多鏈波電流的同時,還能藉由降低輸入電容的壓降來縮小電源的工作輸入電壓範圍。這會影響電源的變壓器圈數比以及各種電壓與電流應力(current stresscurrent stress current stresscurrent stress current stress current stress )。電容鏈波電流額定值越大,應力越小,電源效率也就越高。

    标签: 输入电容 电流

    上传时间: 2013-11-11


  • 电源工程师-电路设计中的英雄

    Abstract: We don't expect manufacturers to produce clothes that in one size that fits everyone. In thesame way, one ESD component can't solve all issues—each application has different ESD requirements.Knowing that "one size fits all" cannot apply to power design, the power designer, or the engineering"super hero," must consider all the potential disruptions to a steady flow of power and thenvarious waysto mitigate them. This tutorial describes voltage- and current-limiting devices and risetime reducers tomanage the power. It also points to free and low-cost software tools to help design lowpass filters, checkcapacitor self-resonance, and simulate circuits.

    标签: 电源工程师 电路设计

    上传时间: 2013-11-18


  • ASC8512-CN两节锂电充电芯片

    两节锂电充电IC-ASC8512 ASC8512 为开关型两节锂聚合物电池充电管理芯片,非常适合于便携式设备的充电管理应用。ASC8512 集内置功率MOSFET、高精度电压和电流调节器、预充、充电状态指示和充电截止等功能于一体,采用TSSOP-14、SSOP-14两种封装形式。ASC8512对电池充电分为三个阶段:预充(Pre-charge)、恒流(CC/Constant Current)、恒压(CV/Constant Voltage)过程,恒流充电电流通过外部电阻决定,最大充电电流为2A.ASC8512 集成电流限制、短路保护,确保充电芯片安全工作。ASC8512 集成NTC 热敏电阻接口,可以采集、处理电池的温度信息,保证充电电池的安全工作温度。 两节锂电池充电IC ASC8512特点: 1.充2节锂离子和锂聚合物电池 2.开关频率达400K 3.充电电流最大可做2A 4.输入电压9V到18V 5.电池状态检测 6.恒压充电电压值可通过外接电阻微调 7.千分之五的充电电压控制精度 5.防反向保护电路可防止电池电流倒灌 6.NTC 热敏接口监测电池温度 7.LED充电状态指示 8.工作环境温度范围:-20℃~70℃ 9.TSSOP-14 应用领域:应用 ●手持设备,包括医疗手持设备 ●Portable-DVD,PDA,移动蜂窝电话及智能手机 ●上网本、平板电脑、MID ●自充电电池组

    标签: 8512 ASC CN 充电

    上传时间: 2013-11-06


  • 交流瓦特/瓦特小时,乏尔/乏尔小时转换器

    交流瓦特/瓦特小时,乏尔/乏尔小时转换器 特点: 精确度0.25%满刻度 多种输入,输出选择 输入与输出绝缘耐压2仟伏特/1分钟 冲击电压测试5仟伏特(1.2x50us) 突波电压测试2.5仟伏特(0.25ms/1MHz) (IEC255-4) 尺寸小,稳定性高 主要规格: 精确度: 0.25% F.S. (23 ±5℃) 输入负载: <0.2VA (Voltage) <0.2VA (Current) 最大过载能力: Current related input:3 x rated continuous 10 x rated 30 sec. ,25 x rated 3sec. 50 x rated 1sec. Voltage related input:maximum 2 x rated continuous 输出反应速度: < 250ms(0~90%) 输出负载能力: < 10mA for voltage mode < 10V for current mode 输出之涟波 : < 0.1% F.S. 脉波输出型态: Photocouple of open collector (max.30V/40mA) 归零调整范围: 0~±5% F.S. 最大值调整范围: 0~±10% F.S. 温度系数: 100ppm/℃ (0~50℃) 隔离特性: Input/Output/Power/Case 绝缘阻抗: >100Mohm with 500V DC 绝缘耐压能力: 2KVac/1 min. (input/output/power/case) 突波测试: ANSI C37.90a/1974,DIN-IEC 255-4 impulse voltage 5KV(1.2x50us) 使用环境条件: -20~60℃(20 to 90% RH non-condensed) 存放环境条件: -30~70℃(20 to 90% RH non-condensed) CE认证: EN 55022:1998/A1:2000 Class A EN 61000-3-2:2000 EN 61000-3-3:1995/A1:2001 EN 55024:1998/A1:2001

    标签: 瓦特 交流 转换器

    上传时间: 2013-11-11


  • 三相固能继电器

    Specification: 输入信号:DC9-32V&AC100-240V 适用负载:电热负载,电感负载 控制方式:零点触发(Zero cross turn-on) 输入额定电压:AC 110-440±10% 输入额定电流:200-400A 使用频率:50/60Hz 使用环境:-10℃-50℃ 90%RH 冷却方式:风冷式

    标签: 三相 继电器

    上传时间: 2013-11-14


  • 使用H桥变压器驱动器,充电超级电容器

    Abstract: With its small size and large load (10W) capability, the MAX13256 H-bridge transformer driver is an attractive solution forcharging supercapacitors (supercaps). However, a large capacitance on the output of the circuit can force the driver into fault modeat startup, due to the high initial charge current. This application note presents a solution that allows users to charge a largecapacitance without going into fault.

    标签: H桥变压器 驱动器 充电 超级电容器

    上传时间: 2013-10-20


  • 电感开关稳压器提高输入电压

    Abstract: Uses the MAX641 switching controller and an external discrete charge pump to step up the input voltage. This circuitcan service low loads and is efficient when the output is two, three, four times the input voltage. Adding the MAX627 MOSdriver can further increase the output current capability.

    标签: 电感 开关稳压器 输入电压

    上传时间: 2013-11-15


  • 如何保护集成FET的电源开关

    Abstract: Some types of loads require more current during startup than when running. Other loads can be limited to a lower-powercurrent during startup but require a higher operating current. This article describes an application circuit that automatically adjusts apower circuit’s overcurrent protection level up or down after startup is complete.

    标签: FET 保护 集成 电源开关

    上传时间: 2013-10-23
