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  • 过采样精确重构余弦调制滤波器组的设计

    本文首先推导出过采样滤波器组精确重构的条件,由于此时所需的约束条件数比临界采样时少,因而可以设计出频域衰减特性更好的滤渡器组 然后提出了精碲重梅约束条件下原壅低通滤波器的一种新的设计方法.采用矢量的二次型约束优化算法。谈算法优化方便,收敛速度快.与其它方法相比,滤渡器的阻带衰减大。

    标签: 过采样 调制 滤波器

    上传时间: 2013-10-13


  • 功率MOSFET驱动保护电路方案


    标签: MOSFET 功率 驱动保护电路 方案

    上传时间: 2014-01-25


  • 过采样∑—△ADC的原理及实现


    标签: ADC 过采样

    上传时间: 2013-11-17


  • 功率MOSFET的开通和关断原理

    开通过程[ t0 ~ t4 ]: -- 在 t0 前,MOSFET 工作于截止状态,t0 时,MOSFET 被驱动开通; -- [t0-t1]区间,MOSFET 的GS 电压经Vgg 对Cgs 充电而上升,在t1 时刻,到达维持电压Vth,MOSFET 开始导电;

    标签: MOSFET 功率 关断

    上传时间: 2013-10-14


  • 揭开∑—△ADC的神秘面纱

    越柬越多的应用 例如过程控制、称重等 都需要高分辨率、高集成度和低价格的ADC。 新型Σ .△转换技术恰好可以满足这些要求 然而, 很多设计者对于这种转换技术并不 分了解, 因而更愿意选用传统的逐次比较ADC Σ.A转换器中的模拟部分非常简单(类似j 个Ibit ADC), 而数字部分要复杂得多, 按照功能町划分为数字滤波和抽取单元 由于更接近r 个数字器件,Σ △ADC的制造成本非常低廉.

    标签: ADC

    上传时间: 2013-10-24


  • MTK电路原理分析


    标签: MTK 电路原理

    上传时间: 2013-11-23


  • 过采样法提高A_D分辨率和信噪比

    介绍一种简便的方法, 只用软件就可以将转换器位数提高, 并且还能同时提高采样系统的信噪比。通过实际验证, 证明该方法是成功的。

    标签: A_D 过采样 分辨率 信噪比

    上传时间: 2013-11-11


  • 应用笔记-校准激光驱动器POT和DAC

    Abstract: A laser module designer can use a fixed resistor, mechanical pot, digital pot, or a digital-to-analogconverter (DAC) to control the laser driver's modulation and bias currents. The advantages of a programmablemethod (POT or DAC) are that the manufacturing process can be automated and digital control can be applied(e.g., to compensate for temperature). Using POTs can be a more simple approach than a DAC. There can be aslight cost advantage to using a POT, but this is usually not significant relative to other pieces of the design.Using a DAC can offer advantages, including improved linearity (translating to ease of software implementationand ability to hit the required accuracy), increased board density, a wider range of resolutions, a betteroptimization range, ease of use with a negative voltage laser driver, and unit-to-unit consistency

    标签: POT DAC 应用笔记 校准

    上传时间: 2013-11-13


  • 校准复用器简化系统校准设计

    Abstract: IC switches and multiplexers are proliferating, thanks to near-continual progress in lowering the supply voltage,incorporating fault-protected inputs, clamping the output voltage, and reducing the switch resistances. The latest of these advancesis the inclusion of precision resistors to allow two-point calibration of gain and offset in precision data-acquisition systems.

    标签: 校准复用器 校准

    上传时间: 2013-11-12


  • 利用数字电位器调整并校准升压型DC-DC转换器

    The purpose of this application note is to show an example of how a digital potentiometer can be used in thefeedback loop of a step-up DC-DC converter to provide calibration and/or adjustment of the output voltage.The example circuit uses a MAX5025 step-up DC-DC converter (capable of generating up to 36V,120mWmax) in conjunction with a DS1845, 256 position, NV digital potentiometer. For this example, the desiredoutput voltage is 32V, which is generated from an input supply of 5V. The output voltage can be adjusted in35mV increments (near 32V) and span a range wide enough to account for resistance, potentiometer and DCDCconverter tolerances (27.6V to 36.7V).

    标签: DC-DC 数字电位器 升压型 校准

    上传时间: 2014-12-23
