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  • Software developers need to have a number of traits in order to practice their craft well. First, t

    Software developers need to have a number of traits in order to practice their craft well. First, they must be good analytical thinkers and problem solvers. A developer’s primary role is to create software that solves business problems. This requires analyzing customer needs and coming up with successful, creative solutions.

    标签: developers Software practice number

    上传时间: 2014-06-01


  • 统架构:ASP+ACCESS 版本系列:个人版 开发时间:2005年12月20日 开发者: 搏天网络 联系QQ:359042595 演示地址:http://www.bootweb.cn/oa

    统架构:ASP+ACCESS 版本系列:个人版 开发时间:2005年12月20日 开发者: 搏天网络 联系QQ:359042595 演示地址:http://www.bootweb.cn/oa/customer/ 适用群体:1.业务量大并具有个人电脑的业务精英 2.一般的中小型企业 功能说明: 1.在V1.0的基础上加强了登录安全验证及防SQL注入 2.新增了管理密码修改功能 3.新增了客户搜索功能,支持模糊搜索 4.新增了页面跳转功能 用户名:admin 密 码:admin(区分大小写)

    标签: 359042595 bootweb ACCESS 2005

    上传时间: 2014-12-21


  • written as well. 8.Strong leadership skills to keep the team motivated and focused at all times to

    written as well. 8.Strong leadership skills to keep the team motivated and focused at all times to meet customer deliverables. 9. Experience in managing a team of developers as their technical leader Nice to have requirements: Proven experience on Symbian and/Windows mobile, etc. Familiar with mobile

    标签: leadership motivated written focused

    上传时间: 2014-01-19


  • Understanding of software development methodologies and concepts, experience with full product lifec

    Understanding of software development methodologies and concepts, experience with full product lifecycle from scope to customer release 5. Strong design decomposition skills, analysis and testing 6. Proactive approach to problem solving 7. Strong communication skills are paramount as is drive and determination, and stron

    标签: Understanding methodologies development experience

    上传时间: 2013-12-25


  • 一个课程作业



    上传时间: 2013-12-10


  • Of the password is: Server: "1." Client: + for the month of the date of the machine. Such as

    Of the password is: Server: "1." Client: + for the month of the date of the machine. Such as "2005/08/05", compared with the number "85" Database: "xzxq". I made the changes: 1, stations and customer-service once every 30 seconds to exchange information (to ensure continuous line) 2, computer services-an increase of the serial number 3, client-service to send the card serial number and send IP addresses to the service side 4, the desktop client by the embargo, since the definition of the icon to start the process faster (from the window Superman Code) 5, CS-shielding some function keys, but CTRL + ALT + DEL keys can not shield the hope that a revised modify these friends 6, there are some corners of Laws (such as title, etc.). Client desktop icon in the Settings page set up first class to enter FXZWN999 open on to add, delete icon button

    标签: the password machine Client

    上传时间: 2016-06-27


  • As information technology is more and more in-depth and wide range of applications, management infor

    As information technology is more and more in-depth and wide range of applications, management information system has been gradually implemented in the technical maturity. Management Information System is a continuous development of new disciplines. Library Management System is a typical management information system (MIS), the development includes the background of the establishment and maintenance of database and front-end application development aspects. Database requested data consistency, integrity and the security of the data, and front-end applications require complete functions, such as easy-to-use. After analysis, I chose companies MICROSOFT VISUAL BASIC and Access prospects were as database development tools and background. With the provision of the various object-oriented development tools, in particular the data window convenient and simple objects developed intelligent customer satisfaction systems.

    标签: more applications information technology

    上传时间: 2013-11-29


  • 文件说明java模式

    文件说明java模式,The CustomerFacade class offers a higher level business service in the form of the saveCustomerData method. Instead of interacting with each of the subsystem components directly, the client AccountManager can make use of the higher level, more simplified interface offered by the CustomerFacade object to validate and save the input customer data.

    标签: java 模式

    上传时间: 2016-12-10


  • (1)、航空订票系统: 通过此系统可以实现如下功能: 1] 录入航线信息 每条航线信息包括航班号、飞机号、目的地、订票数、余票数共5项。假设现在有3条航线, 目的地分

    (1)、航空订票系统: 通过此系统可以实现如下功能: 1] 录入航线信息 每条航线信息包括航班号、飞机号、目的地、订票数、余票数共5项。假设现在有3条航线, 目的地分别是北京, 上海, 广州, 飞机上可乘坐100人[ 即初始订票数为0, 余票数为100] , 将这3条航线信息存入文件“airline.dat” 中。 2] 订票业务 客户信息包括姓名, 航班号, 座位号[初始为0], 假设已有3个客户信息存入文件“customer.dat”中。 有新客户订票时, 先输入客户的姓名和他提出的航班号, 查询该航线的订票情况, 若有余票, 则为客户办理订票手续, 分配给客户一个座位号, 然后将新客户的信息添加到文件“customer.dat”中, 并修改文件“airline.dat”中该航线的订票数和余票数。若无余票, 则输出客满信息。进一步可实现如果该航班已经无票,可以提供相关可选择航班信息。 3] 退票业务 根据客户提出的航班号, 办理退票, 从文件“customer.dat”中删除该客户的信息, 并修改文件“airline.dat”中相应航线的订票数和余票数。 4] 修改航班信息:当航班信息改变可以修改航班数据文件。 5] 输出全部航线信息和全部客户信息。 6] 退出系统。

    标签: 航空 飞机

    上传时间: 2017-03-24


  • (1)、航空订票系统: 通过此系统可以实现如下功能: 1] 录入航线信息 每条航线信息包括航班号、飞机号、目的地、订票数、余票数共5项。假设现在有3条航线, 目的地分

    (1)、航空订票系统: 通过此系统可以实现如下功能: 1] 录入航线信息 每条航线信息包括航班号、飞机号、目的地、订票数、余票数共5项。假设现在有3条航线, 目的地分别是北京, 上海, 广州, 飞机上可乘坐100人[ 即初始订票数为0, 余票数为100] , 将这3条航线信息存入文件“airline.dat” 中。 2] 订票业务 客户信息包括姓名, 航班号, 座位号[初始为0], 假设已有3个客户信息存入文件“customer.dat”中。 有新客户订票时, 先输入客户的姓名和他提出的航班号, 查询该航线的订票情况, 若有余票, 则为客户办理订票手续, 分配给客户一个座位号, 然后将新客户的信息添加到文件“customer.dat”中, 并修改文件“airline.dat”中该航线的订票数和余票数。若无余票, 则输出客满信息。进一步可实现如果该航班已经无票,可以提供相关可选择航班信息。 3] 退票业务 根据客户提出的航班号, 办理退票, 从文件“customer.dat”中删除该客户的信息, 并修改文件“airline.dat”中相应航线的订票数和余票数。 4] 修改航班信息:当航班信息改变可以修改航班数据文件。 5] 输出全部航线信息和全部客户信息。

    标签: 航空 飞机

    上传时间: 2014-01-18
