上传时间: 2013-11-30
wu zi qi suan fa
上传时间: 2013-12-21
上传时间: 2014-01-11
wu shji iisdjn sjdjsj skjncowj klsdjnmk kjvcks ksjdknk kajkal
标签: klsdjnmk skjncowj ksjdknk iisdjn
上传时间: 2015-09-22
wu ewd weafwefewffwwewfqfqfwefwqf
标签: weafwefewffwwewfqfqfwefwqf ewd wu
上传时间: 2015-10-21
VoiFax is a program that manage voice/data/fax modem in the same manner of vgetty and mgetty.VoiFax is thinking for use in the small businness as in the enterprises. It is fully compatible with vgetty scripts and manage (via efax) modem fax 1.0/1.1/2.0
标签: VoiFax program manage manner
上传时间: 2014-01-18
Carrier-phase synchronization can be approached in a general manner by estimating the multiplicative distortion (MD) to which a baseband received signal in an RF or coherent optical transmission system is subjected. This paper presents a unified modeling and estimation of the MD in finite-alphabet digital communication systems. A simple form of MD is the camer phase exp GO) which has to be estimated and compensated for in a coherent receiver. A more general case with fading must, however, allow for amplitude as well as phase variations of the MD. We assume a state-variable model for the MD and generally obtain a nonlinear estimation problem with additional randomly-varying system parameters such as received signal power, frequency offset, and Doppler spread. An extended Kalman filter is then applied as a near-optimal solution to the adaptive MD and channel parameter estimation problem. Examples are given to show the use and some advantages of this scheme.
标签: synchronization Carrier-phase multiplicativ approached
上传时间: 2013-11-28
use a simply manner to transfer little lendian ASCII number to hexcdemical, and vice versa.
标签: hexcdemical transfer lendian simply
上传时间: 2013-12-12
SCO Unix 5.0.5 下网卡和协议安装调试.doc SCO UNIX技能培训.ppt vi全屏幕编辑器.doc 安装软盘的制作.doc 配置WU-FTP服务器.doc
上传时间: 2016-09-24
最新的HHT时频分析程序By Huang and Wu
上传时间: 2017-05-30