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  • Reader Writer Problem to solve synchronization issues

    Reader Writer Problem to solve synchronization issues

    标签: synchronization Problem Reader Writer

    上传时间: 2013-12-11


  • 【经典的天线书籍】Practical Antenna Handbook

    ·基本信息Practical Antenna Handbook, 4th EditionbyJoseph J.Carr作者 Jeseph J. Carr 美国国防部航空电子(avionics)资深工程师one of the worlds leading and prolific Writer and working scientist on electronics and radio, and an

    标签: nbsp Practical Handbook Antenna

    上传时间: 2013-04-24


  • SUNPLUSIT编程工具Q-Writer使用说明书

    Important Notice SUNPLUS INNOVATION TECHNOLOGY INC. reserves the right to change this documentation without prior notice.  Information provided by SUNPLUS INNOVATION TECHNOLOGY INC.  is believed to be accurate and reliable.  However, SUNPLUS INNOVATION TECHNOLOGY INC.makes no warranty for any errors which may appear in this document.  Contact SUNPLUS INNOVATION TECHNOLOGY INC.to obtain the latest version of device specifications before placing your order.  No responsibility is assumed by SUNPLUS INNOVATION TECHNOLOGY INC. for any infringement of patent or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. In addition, SUNPLUSIT products are not authorized for use as critical components  in life support systems or aviation systems, where a malfunction or failure of the product may reasonably be expected to result in significant injury to the user, without the express written approval of SunplusIT

    标签: SUNPLUSIT Q-Writer 编程工具 使用说明书

    上传时间: 2013-10-13

    上传用户:brain kung

  • SPMC65系列单片机编程工具Q-Writer使用说明书


    标签: Q-Writer SPMC 65 单片机

    上传时间: 2013-10-16


  • pic mcu code:This application note describes the design and implementation of a USB Mass Storage De

    pic mcu code:This application note describes the design and implementation of a USB Mass Storage Device (MSD) using a Secure Digital card, which should prove useful to developers of USB mass storage solutions. This application may be used as a stand-alone MSD or as a Secure Digital/Multimedia Card (SD/MMC) reader/ Writer interface.

    标签: implementation application describes Storage

    上传时间: 2014-11-23


  • 窗口上的文本行显示当前文件的路径

    窗口上的文本行显示当前文件的路径,文本区用于编辑文件,3个按钮 [打开],[保存…],[另存为…]。 单击[打开]按钮时,弹出打开文件对话框,将选择的文件显示在文本区中。 单击[保存…]按钮时,如果当前文件为空,则弹出保存文件对话框,并按设置的文件名保存文件;如果已有文件,则按设置的文件名保存文件。 单击[另存为…]按钮时,则弹出保存文件对话框,并按设置的文件名保存文件。 程序中以字符文件输出流FileWriterWriter方法写入文本区内容,以字符缓冲输入流BufferedReader的readLine()方法按行读取文本文件。

    标签: 窗口 路径

    上传时间: 2013-11-30


  • Delphi for PHP 用户手册

    Delphi for PHP 用户手册,英文版,格式PDF。 The IDE User s Guide includes an overview of Delphi for PHP, information on using the IDE, debugging, creating a database application, and a VCL for PHP Component Writer s Guide.

    标签: Delphi for PHP 用户手册

    上传时间: 2015-10-02


  • This program uses the HF flag of a FIFO to trigger reads, guaranteeing that the FIFO is never blocke

    This program uses the HF flag of a FIFO to trigger reads, guaranteeing that the FIFO is never blocked for the Writer, giving high throughput for the reader (bursts of D/2 = 128) and guaranteeing that the the reader will not be stuck in the top half of the FIFO.

    标签: FIFO guaranteeing the program

    上传时间: 2016-05-05


  • Java I/O操作

    Java I/O操作,字节流InputStream和OutputStream,字符流Reader和Writer,Java I/O库的设计原则,字符集的编码,RandomAccessFile类,管道流,对象的序列化。

    标签: Java 操作

    上传时间: 2016-05-25


  • Build your own RFID reader with the http://www.elektor.es/ schematic. It works great with tag MiFare

    Build your own RFID reader with the http://www.elektor.es/ schematic. It works great with tag MiFare (ISO 14443). RFID Writer will be here next.

    标签: with schematic elektor MiFare

    上传时间: 2016-11-15
