upsd_flash.c These functions are provided to help you develop your initial code. They are optimized for speed rather that size. As a result, you will see very few nested function calls. If speed is not critical, you can use function calls for common tasks (like dat polling after WriTIng a byte to Flash) The penalty is the extra processor time to make the nested calls.
标签: upsd_flash functions are provided
上传时间: 2013-12-23
Just what is a regular expression, anyway? Take the tutorial to get the long answer. The short answer is that a regular expression is a compact way of describing complex patterns in texts. You can use them to search for patterns and, once found, to modify the patterns in complex ways. You can also use them to launch programmatic actions that depend on patterns. A tongue-in-cheek comment by programmers is worth thinking about: "Sometimes you have a programming problem and it seems like the best solution is to use regular expressions now you have two problems." Regular expressions are amazingly powerful and deeply expressive. That is the very reason WriTIng them is just as error-prone as WriTIng any other complex programming code. It is always better to solve a genuinely simple problem in a simple way when you go beyond simple, think about regular expressions. Tutorial: Using regular expressions
标签: expression the tutorial regular
上传时间: 2013-12-19
The IA-32 Intel Architecture Software Developer’s Manual, Volume 2: Instruction Set Reference (Order Number 245471) is part of a three-volume set that describes the architecture and programming environment of all IA-32 Intel® Architecture processors. the IA-32 Intel Architecture Software Developer’s Manual, Volume 2, describes the instructions set of the processor and the opcode structure. These two volumes are aimed at application programmers who are WriTIng programs to run under existing operating systems or executives.
标签: Architecture Instruction Developer Reference
上传时间: 2013-12-15
The second volume in the Write Great Code series supplies the critical information that today s computer science students don t often get from college and university courses: How to carefully choose their high-level language statements to produce efficient code. Write Great Code, Volume 2: Thinking Low-Level, WriTIng High-Level, teaches software engineers how compilers translate high-level language statements and data structures into machine code. Armed with this knowledge, a software engineer can make an informed choice concerning the use of those high-level structures to help the compiler produce far better machine code--all without having to give up the productivity and portability benefits of using a high-level language
标签: information the critical supplies
上传时间: 2014-02-21
The jxcell allows any Java developer to automate any manual spreadsheet process within their organization. Automate the delivery of Excel reports and give your users the data they need in the format they want. Web-enable your existing spreadsheet business logic as a scalable server-side calculation engine. embed Excel-compatible grids in applets and applications to automate spreadsheet data entry processes. enables you to integrate Excel-compatible spreadsheet functionality in your Windows applications without relying on Excel or WriTIng VBA code.
标签: spreadsheet any developer automate
上传时间: 2016-04-29
The core of Java(TM) technology, the Java virtual machine is an abstract computing machine that enables the Java(TM) platform to host applications on any computer or operating system without reWriTIng or recompiling. Anyone interested in designing a language or WriTIng a compiler for the Java virtual machine must have an in-depth understanding of its binary class format and instruction set. If you are programming with the Java programming language, knowledge of the Java virtual machine will give you valuable insight into the Java platform s security capabilities and cross-platform portability. It will increase your understanding of the Java programming language, enabling you to improve the security and performance of your programs.
标签: machine Java technology computing
上传时间: 2016-05-03
This LDPC software is intended as an introduction to LDPC codes computer based simulation. The pseudo-random irregular low density parity check matrix is based on Radford M. Neal’s programs collection, which can be found in [1]. While Neal’s collection is well documented, in my opinion, C source codes are still overwhelming, especially if you are not knowledgeable in C language. My software is written for MATLAB, which is more readable than C. You may also want to refer to another MATLAB based LDPC source codes in [2], which has different flavor of code-WriTIng style (in fact Arun has error in his log-likelihood decoder).
标签: LDPC introduction simulation software
上传时间: 2014-01-14
AppWizard has created this DigitRec application for you. This application not only demonstrates the basics of using the Microsoft Foundation classes but is also a starting point for WriTIng your application.
标签: application demonstrates AppWizard DigitRec
上传时间: 2014-01-09
编写testbench的超好教程,网上这种资料比较少。(Kluwer) WriTIng Testbenches--Functional Verification of HDL Models.pdf
上传时间: 2014-01-05
This LDPC software is intended as an introduction to LDPC codes computer based simulation. The pseudo-random irregular low density parity check matrix is based on Radford M. Neal’s programs collection, which can be found in [1]. While Neal’s collection is well documented, in my opinion, C source codes are still overwhelming, especially if you are not knowledgeable in C language. My software is written for MATLAB, which is more readable than C. You may also want to refer to another MATLAB based LDPC source codes in [2], which has different flavor of code-WriTIng style (in fact Arun has error in his log-likelihood decoder).
标签: LDPC introduction simulation software
上传时间: 2014-12-05