《JSP留言薄》使用MySQL数据库,请你先在你的数据库服务器上建立一个数据库,然后将sql目录下的ddl.sql文件导入数据库,该文件将创建两个数据表td_guestbook和td_guestbook_admin,并在td_guestbook_admin数据表中插入一条数据,该数据是有关留言薄设置和管理设置的。 请你将td文件夹COPY到WEB-INF\classes目录下,该文件夹中包含了留言薄需要使用的JavaBeans文件。 ************************************************ 注:当你成功导入ddl.sql文件后,请对config.jsp文件进行设置,这里记录的是你的数据库连接信息。
上传时间: 2015-08-07
This book is intended for "hands-on" developers or advanced students interested in understanding the strategies and tactics of concurrent network programming using C++ and object-oriented design. We describe the key design dimensions, patterns, and principles needed to develop flexible and efficient concurrent networked applications quickly and easily. Our numerous C++ code examples reinforce the design concepts and illustrate concretely how to use the core classes in ACE right away. We also take you "behind the scenes" to understand how and why the IPC and concurrency mechanisms in the ACE toolkit are designed the way they are. This material will help to enhance your design skills and to apply C++ and patterns more effectively in your own object-oriented networked applications.
标签: understanding developers interested advanced
上传时间: 2015-08-09
The application wizard has created this SoccerDoctor application for you. This application not only demonstrates the basics of using the Microsoft Foundation Classes but is also a starting point for writing your application.
标签: application SoccerDoctor created wizard
上传时间: 2015-08-09
三星44BOX的中文文档,主要内容为:1 产品预览, 2 管脚描述, 3 指令集, 4 存储管理,5 时钟和电源管理模式,6 CPU WRAPPER & BUS PRIORITIES,...... 18 IO (同步 I/O)
上传时间: 2013-12-16
ACE自适配通信环境(ADAPTIVE Communication Environment)是可以自由使用、开放源码的面向对象(OO)框架(Framework),在其中实现了许多用于并发通信软件的核心模式。ACE提供了一组丰富的可复用C++ Wrapper Facade(包装外观)和框架组件,可跨越多种平台完成通用的通信软件任务,其中包括:事件多路分离和事件处理器分派、信号处理、服务初始化、进程间通信、共享内存管理、消息路由、分布式服务动态(重)配置、并发执行和同步,
标签: Communication Environment Framework ADAPTIVE
上传时间: 2014-01-22
This is a little console mode utility program which is able to (de-)compress single files with a static Arithmetic compression algorithm. You could easily add the RLE/BWT/MFT data transformation algorithms. Just rip the corresponding classes out of my HuffComp source code. I won t add these ones in the next time.
标签: compress console utility program
上传时间: 2015-08-27
为你的MFC程序添加宏脚本语言。AppWizard has created this ScriptDemo application for you. This application not only demonstrates the basics of using the Microsoft Foundation classes but is also a starting point for writing your application.
标签: application ScriptDemo AppWizard created
上传时间: 2014-01-27
本书以4个面向来表现C++的本质:procedural(程序性的)、generic(泛型的)、object-based(个别对象的)、object-oriented(面向对象的)。本书的组织围绕着一系列逐渐繁复的程序问题,以及用以解决这些问题的语言特性。循此方式,你不只学到C++的函数和结构,也会学习到它们的设计目的和基本原理。 你可以由本书发现以下关键主题: ● Generic (泛型)编程风格和Standard Template Library(STL) ● Object-based(个别对象)编程风格和class的设计 ● Object-oriented(面向对象)编程风格和classes阶层体系的设计 ● Function template 和class template 的设计和运用 ● Exception handling(异常处理)与执行期型别鉴定(Run-Time Type Identification)
标签: object-oriented object-based procedural generic
上传时间: 2013-12-30
By Tom Christiansen and Nathan Torkington ISBN 1-56592-243-3 First Edition, published August 1998. (See the catalog page for this book.) Search the text of Perl Cookbook. Table of Contents Copyright Page Foreword Preface Chapter 1: Strings Chapter 2: Numbers Chapter 3: Dates and Times Chapter 4: Arrays Chapter 5: Hashes Chapter 6: Pattern Matching Chapter 7: File Access Chapter 8: File Contents Chapter 9: Directories Chapter 10: Subroutines Chapter 11: References and Records Chapter 12: Packages, Libraries, and Modules Chapter 13: Classes, Objects, and Ties Chapter 14: Database Access Chapter 15: User Interfaces Chapter 16: Process Management and Communication Chapter 17: Sockets Chapter 18: Internet Services Chapter 19: CGI Programming Chapter 20: Web Automation Index Colophon
标签: Christiansen Torkington published Edition
上传时间: 2014-02-20
This project does not contain a full, runnable application program. Instead, the only package ope.account contains two classes which represent basic bank customer and account information.
标签: application runnable Instead project
上传时间: 2013-12-25