上传时间: 2013-12-18
A Wine database for Pocket Windows
标签: database Windows Pocket Wine
上传时间: 2014-01-16
Wine-doors 是基于Wine的GNOME桌面软件。 Wine-doors是一个软件安装管理包(类似新立得),用户可以选择要安装的软件。Wine-doors可以在linux,Solaris和Unix 下运行。Wine-doors将计划开发支持Cedega, cvscedega and Crossover Office的版本。
标签: Wine-doors GNOME Wine 软件
上传时间: 2013-12-27
linux Wine的一个中文补丁,解决Wine D版中文乱码问题
上传时间: 2017-01-09
Wine (Wine Is Not an Emulator)[即Wine不仅仅是一个模拟器]是一个在X和UNIX之上的,Windows 3.x 和 Windows APIs的实现.它是一个Windows兼容层,用通俗的话说,就是一个Windows模拟器,这个层即提供了一个用来从Windows源进出到UNIX的开发工具包(Winelib),也提供了一个程序加载器,该加载器允许不用任何修改Windows 3.1/95/NT的二进制文件,就可以运行在Intel Unix及其衍生版本下
标签: Wine Windows Emulator Window
上传时间: 2017-04-15
Neural Network Application. Iris Dataset and Wine Dataset.
标签: Dataset Application Network Neural
上传时间: 2014-12-06
本书籍由十部分组成:LINUX新手基础技能、LINUX系统管理及桌面应用精华、Linux Shell教程、红联论坛更新网、LINUX培训信息、LINUX价值新闻、Redhat教程、LINUX安装相关、LINUX学习指导、Wine使用者指南,300多编精彩实用的Linux技术文章。制作此书籍的目的是给大家一个离线学习平台
上传时间: 2013-12-03
With all the recent hype over radio frequency identification (RFID) and the requirements to implement it, you might think that RFID can turn water into Wine, transform lead into gold, and cure the world’s diseases. You might also be worried that RFID will enable Big Brother to track your move- ments to within a foot of your location from a satellite five hundred miles up in space. The truth is, RFID can do none of these things. In this chapter, you find out the basics of what RFID is, what forces are dri- ving RFID as a replacement for the bar code in the marketplace, and what benefits RFID can offer
标签: ForDummies_RFID_For_Dummies
上传时间: 2020-06-08