Abstract: Build a composite amplifier featuring high gain, wide bandwidth, good DC accuracy and low distortion
上传时间: 2014-12-23
The purpose of this application note is to show an example of how a digital potentiometer can be used in thefeedback loop of a step-up DC-DC converter to provide calibration and/or adjustment of the output voltage.The example circuit uses a MAX5025 step-up DC-DC converter (capable of generating up to 36V,120mWmax) in conjunction with a DS1845, 256 position, NV digital potentiometer. For this example, the desiredoutput voltage is 32V, which is generated from an input supply of 5V. The output voltage can be adjusted in35mV increments (near 32V) and span a range wide enough to account for resistance, potentiometer and DCDCconverter tolerances (27.6V to 36.7V).
上传时间: 2014-12-23
Digital convergence, in recent history, has been prevalentin the consumer equipment domain and the designengineers in this area have been struggling with a plethoraof emerging standards and protocols. What lessons can welearn from their struggle? The same dilemmas now existin in-vehicle telematics and infotainment systems but withthe added issues of extremes of temperature, safety,security, and time in market.
上传时间: 2014-12-23
Photodiodes can be broken into two categories: largearea photodiodes with their attendant high capacitance(30pF to 3000pF) and smaller area photodiodes withrelatively low capacitance (10pF or less). For optimalsignal-to-noise performance, a transimpedance amplifi erconsisting of an inverting op amp and a feedback resistoris most commonly used to convert the photodiode currentinto voltage. In low noise amplifi er design, large areaphotodiode amplifi ers require more attention to reducingop amp input voltage noise, while small area photodiodeamplifi ers require more attention to reducing op amp inputcurrent noise and parasitic capacitances.
上传时间: 2013-10-28
High input impedance and a wide input range are twohighly desirable features in a precision analog-to-digitalconverter, and the LTC®2449 delta-sigma ADC has both.With just a few external components, the LTC2449 formsan exceptional measurement system with very high inputimpedance and an input range that extends 300mV beyondthe supply rails.
上传时间: 2013-11-02
Digital-to-analog converters (DACs) are prevalent inindustrial control and automated test applications.General-purpose automated test equipment often requiresmany channels of precisely controlled voltagesthat span several voltage ranges. The LTC2704 is ahighly integrated 16-bit, 4-channel DAC for high-endapplications. It has a wide range of features designed toincrease performance and simplify design.
上传时间: 2013-11-22
Low power operation of electronic apparatus has becomeincreasingly desirable. Medical, remote data acquisition,power monitoring and other applications are good candidatesfor battery driven, low power operation. Micropoweranalog circuits for transducer-based signal conditioningpresent a special class of problems. Although micropowerICs are available, the interconnection of these devices toform a functioning micropower circuit requires care. (SeeBox Sections, “Some Guidelines for Micropower Designand an Example” and “Parasitic Effects of Test Equipmenton Micropower Circuits.”) In particular, trade-offs betweensignal levels and power dissipation become painful whenperformance in the 10-bit to 12-bit area is desirable.
上传时间: 2013-10-22
The equal-area theorem●This is sinusoidal PWM (SPWM)●The equal-area theorem can be appliedto realize any shape of waveforms ●Natural sampling●Calculation based on equal-area criterion●Selected harmonic elimination●Regular sampling●Hysteresis-band control●Triangular wave comparison withfeedback control
上传时间: 2013-11-22
Abstract: This document details the Lakewood (MAXREFDES7#) subsystem reference design, a 3.3V input, ±12V (±15V) output, isolated power supply. The Lakewood reference design includes a 3W primary-side transformer H-bridge driver for isolated supplies, and two wide input range and adjustable output low-dropout linear regulators (LDOs). Test results and hardware files are included.
标签: MAXREFDES Lakewood Isolated Output
上传时间: 2013-11-02
Abstract: This document details the Riverside (MAXREFDES8#) subsystem reference design, a 3.3V input, 12V (15V) output, isolated power supply. The Riverside reference design includes a 3W primary-side transformer H-bridge driver for isolated supplies, and one wide input range and adjustable output low-dropout linear regulator (LDO). Test results and hardware files are included.
标签: Riverside MAXREFDES Isolated Output
上传时间: 2013-11-16