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  • *** HyperString v6.0 *** (c)1996-2000 EFD Systems, All rights reserved

    *** HyperString v6.0 *** (c)1996-2000 EFD Systems, All rights reserved efd@mindspring.com *** THIS IS NOT PUBLIC DOMAIN SOFTWARE *** See below for license agreement, disclaimer, installation and use. Introduction --------------------------------------------------------- WelCOMe to HyperString! One of the most significant new features with Delphi32 is long dynamic strings. However, the built-in functions don t really exploit the full potential of these new strings. HyperString provides over 400 fast, efficient string management routines to help you realize the full power of this highly versatile new data type.

    标签: HyperString reserved Systems rights

    上传时间: 2017-07-04


  • videodenoise-meanfilter

    OpenCV实现中值滤波视频去噪,效果还行,仅供大家学习交流,欢迎评论! -The OpenCV achieve the median filtering video denoising effect, we only  learn exchanges are WelCOMe to comment!

    标签: videodenoise-meanfilter

    上传时间: 2016-04-25


  • WelCOMe to Yunnan


    标签: WelCOMe Yunnan to

    上传时间: 2017-02-22


  • Wireless Broadband Handbook

    WelCOMe to the world of wireless communications and the logical extension to the broadband architectures that are emerging as the future of the industry. No aspect of communications will be untouched by the wireless interfaces;no part of our working environment will be left untouched either. As the world changes and the newer technologies emerge, we can expect to see more in the line of untethered communications than in the wired inter- faces. 

    标签: Broadband Wireless Handbook

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • Wireless+World+Research+Forum

    WelCOMe to the third volume of the book entitled Technologies for the Wireless Future, which is produced by WWRF. The idea is to take the most important outputs from the working groups and special-interest groups that compose the Forum and bring them together in a series of one-volume surveys. The latest of these will give the reader a good overview of the WWRF approach to analyzing the future of wireless and mobile communications, as well as an insight into the trends themselves and the key technologies that will be deployed.

    标签: Wireless Research Forum World

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • Programming Your Hom

    WelCOMe to the exciting, empowering world of home automation! If you have ever wanted your home to do more than just protect you against the outside elements and want to interface it to the digital domain, this book will show you how. By demonstrating several easy-to-build projects, you will be able to take the skills you learned from this book and expand upon and apply them toward custom home automation projects of your own design.

    标签: Programming Your Hom

    上传时间: 2020-06-06


  • Tcl_and_The_Tk_Toolkit

    This manuscript is a partial draft of a book to be published in early 1994 by AddisonWesley (ISBN 0-201-63337-X). Addison-Wesley has given me permission to make drafts of the book available to the Tcl community to help meet the need for introductory documentation on Tcl and Tk until the book becomes available. Please observe the restrictions set forth in the copyright notice above: you’re WelCOMe to make a copy for yourself or a friend but any sort of large-scale reproduction or reproduction for profit requires advance permission from Addison-Wesley

    标签: Toolkit

    上传时间: 2020-07-05


  • 代码大全Steve McConnell著 919页高清文字版

    软件开发人员必备工具书,,目录如下WelCOMe to Software Construction [1]1.1 What Is Software Construction?1.2 Why Is Software Construction Important?1.3 How to Read This Book......7.1 Valid Reasons to Create a Routine7.2 Design at the Routine Level7.3 Good Routine Names7.4 How Long Can a Routine Be?7.5 How to Use Routine Parameters7.6 Special Considerations in the Use of Functions7.7 Macro Routines and Inline RoutinesDefensive Programming [5.6 + new material]8.1 Protecting Your Program From Invalid Inputs8.2 Assertions8.3 Error Handling Techniques8.4 Exceptions8.5 Barricade Your Program to Contain the Damage Caused by Errors8.6 Debugging Aids8.7 Determining How Much Defensive Programming to Leave in Production Code8.8 Being Defensive About Defensive ProgrammingThe Pseudocode Programming Process [4+new material]9.1 Summary of Steps in Building Classes and Routines9.2 Pseudocode for Pros9.3 Constructing Routines Using the PPP9.4 Alternatives to the PPP......

    标签: 代码大全 软件开发

    上传时间: 2021-12-08


  • arduino电子秤程序

    HX711_1Kg#include "HX711.h"float Weight = 0;void setup(){ Init_Hx711(); //初始化HX711模块连接的IO设置 Serial.begin(9600); Serial.print("WelCOMe to use!\n"); delay(3000); Get_Maopi(); //获取毛皮}void loop(){ Weight = Get_Weight(); //计算放在传感器上的重物重量 Serial.print(float(Weight/1000),3); //串口显示重量 Serial.print(" kg\n"); //显示单位 Serial.print("\n"); //显示单位 delay(1000); //延时1s}

    标签: arduino 电子秤

    上传时间: 2022-03-20


  • VIP专区-嵌入式/单片机编程源码精选合集系列(50)

    VIP专区-嵌入式/单片机编程源码精选合集系列(50)资源包含以下内容:1. 冷光源 产品的控制器 HT48R系列和HT48E系列.2. 冷光源 产品的控制器 HT48R系列和HT48E系列.3. 冷光源 产品的控制器 HT48R系列和HT48E系列.4. MT28F128J3 flash 编程 也适用intel flash 28F 系列 里面是pdf文档.5. 流水灯 使用定时器控制.6. moder 51汇编程序框架 D4为串口发送中断指示灯; D5为外部中断1指示灯; D6为外部中断0指示灯; D7为串口接收中断指示灯; D8为定时器指示灯;.7. 计数器0的实验程序 intT0 取时钟电路产生计数脉冲.8. SMDK2410boardTestProgram.9. tini的http-slientC程序.10. TINI的pop3的c代码.11. 用VC做的PC与单片机通信的程序,很实用的.望此代码给大家带来方便或有所启发.12. cypress usb 68013a examples.13. 本文件用于spi接口的键盘扫描模块.14. 跑马灯设计.15. 在smartarmm2200上显示波形实现暂停退出的功能.16. 解决smartarm2200串口下载问题的程序.17. smartarm2200d的ad转换程序.18. 自己画的经244隔离的JTAGFORAVR.19. 第一次上传.20. at91sam7s64 arm的A/D转换测试代码.21. 8279键盘显示芯片实验源程序(C语言编写).22. 菲利普单片机LPC900系列的I2C读写程序.23. 当前SOC是嵌入式系统设计的一大热点.24. 自己收藏的单片机程序——洗衣机的工作原理。c语言编写。.25. 用C8051F300设计锂离子电池充电器的解决方案!给大家参考!.26. 触摸屏驱动源码.27. MSP430 串口通讯通过中断实现.28. 综合电子设计实验部分元件功能管脚详细说明电子原理图.29. sc2410测试程序.30. atmel at91sam7s header file extented, some extra register definitions are set and extra functions ar.31. IAR开发平台下.32. IAR下.33. atmel at91sam7s和7x下.34. LM16032DDC-0B-Manual-Rev0[1]液晶屏幕使用.35. ucos-ii的图形界面移植.36. 很好的一个菜单处理程序.37. 嵌入式系统开发 TOPPERS and JSP Kernel Release 1.3 TOPPERS = Toyohashi Open Platform for Embedded Real-Tim.38. 嵌入式系统开发用源代码 包含At91C arm芯片相关各种例程 包括整数性能测试,浮点测试,硬件驱动等.39. WelCOMe to PMOS. PMOS is a set of modules, mostly written in Modula-2, to support multitasking. PMO.40. 用于motorala 68K系列处理器的小实时多任务操作系统 The OMU Kernel was written to provide a cut-down Unix-like O/S for a.

    标签: 机械 实用手册 电器

    上传时间: 2013-07-22
