针对运行中火车测速运用多普勒效应采用DSP 设计雷达测速系统并阐述了其基本设计思想与工作原理给出系统硬件软件设计结构和原理图改善了原有光电测速精度提高了系统工作稳定性和可靠性经实验证明DSP 采集板工作稳定测速效果好关键词DSP; 雷达测速; 多普勒效应 On Board DSP-Based Radar Speed Measurement System TANG Wei, SUN Zhi-fang, CHEN Quan (Dept.of computer Science,Yangtze University,Jingzhou 434023,China)Abstract: This paper presents a DSP-based train speed measurement by using Doppler radar. The structure of the system is introduced.The hardware and software are also discussed.Key words: DSP; rader speed measurement; doppler principle
上传时间: 2013-10-27
Integrated EMI/Thermal Design forSwitching Power SuppliesWei ZhangThesis submitted to the Faculty of theVirginia Polytechnic Institute and State Universityin partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Integrated EMI/Thermal Design forSwitching Power SuppliesWei Zhang(ABSTRACT)This work presents the modeling and analysis of EMI and thermal performancefor switch power supply by using the CAD tools. The methodology and design guidelinesare developed.By using a boost PFC circuit as an example, an equivalent circuit model is builtfor EMI noise prediction and analysis. The parasitic elements of circuit layout andcomponents are extracted analytically or by using CAD tools. Based on the model, circuitlayout and magnetic component design are modified to minimize circuit EMI. EMI filtercan be designed at an early stage without prototype implementation.In the second part, thermal analyses are conducted for the circuit by using thesoftware Flotherm, which includes the mechanism of conduction, convection andradiation. Thermal models are built for the components. Thermal performance of thecircuit and the temperature profile of components are predicted. Improved thermalmanagement and winding arrangement are investigated to reduce temperature.In the third part, several circuit layouts and inductor design examples are checkedfrom both the EMI and thermal point of view. Insightful information is obtained.
上传时间: 2013-11-16
对于信号的奇异性检测,也是一个道理。 % 小波变换用于奇异检测 % 编程人: 沙威(Wei Sha) 安徽大学(Anhui University) ws108@ahu.edu.cn
上传时间: 2014-01-06
清华大学第二版,xin yun Wei ma suxia 等人
标签: 清华大学
上传时间: 2014-12-04
It about c++ senior traing course. it very usefull for someone who want to enhance c++ programing. it comes frome hua Wei company s traning course
标签: programing enhance someone usefull
上传时间: 2016-11-21
alter table tbl_name add col_name type 例如,给表增加一列Weight mysql>alter table pet add Weight int 删除列 alter table tbl_name drop col_name 例如,删除列Weight: mysql>alter table pet drop Weight 改变列 alter table tbl_name modify col_name type 例如,改变Weight的类型: mysql> alter table pet modify Weight samllint 另一种方法是: alter table tbl_name change old_col_name col_name type 例如: mysql> alter table pet change Weight Weight samllint 给列更名 mysql>alter table pet change Weight Wei 给表更名 alter table tbl_name rename new_tbl 例如,把pet表更名为animal mysql>alter table pet rename animal
上传时间: 2013-12-06
精度除法函数。 调用函数,并输入被除数、除数和精确到小数点后多少位。即可得到商的整数部分和小数部分。 /*************************精度除法函数********************************/ //======================================================================== // 函数: Void chufa(unsigned long beichushu,unsigned long chushu, unsigned char Wei) // 描述: 精度除法 // 参数: unsigned long beichushu, 被除数 // unsigned long chushu, 除数 // unsigned char Wei 精确到小数点后多少位 // 返回: 无. // 版本: V1.0, 2017-8-3 //========================================================================
上传时间: 2018-04-16
基于LabVIEW2012FPGA模式的数据采集和存储系统摘 要:为了提高数据采集系统精度,减少开发成本,提高开发效率,基于LabVIEW虚拟仪器开发工具研究并设计了一 种数据采集系统。该系统采用FPGA编程模式和网络流技术实现大批量数据实时传输,并对数据进行分析处理和存储。系 统硬件采用美国NI实时控制器CRIO⁃9025,实现16路数据可靠采集与存储。实验仿真及实际运行结果表明该数据采集系 统能够精确地对数据进行实时采集以及分析处理,达到了项目要求。 关键词:FPGA;FIFO;网络流;数据采集系统;SQL数据库 中图分类号:TN98⁃34 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1004⁃373X(2014)14⁃0142⁃04 Data acquisition and storage system based on LabVIEW 2012FPGA pattern WANG Shu⁃dong1,2 ,Wei Kong⁃zhen1 ,LI Xiao⁃pei1 (1. College of Electrical and Information Engineering,Lanzhou University of Technology,Lanzhou 730050,China; 2. Gansu Key Laboratory for Advanced Industrial Process Control,Lanzhou 730050,China)
上传时间: 2022-02-18