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  • This is the source for a C compiler that generates 386 or m68K code. Code generation is fairly good

    This is the source for a C compiler that generates 386 or m68K code. Code generation is fairly good although the optimizer is a little naive... the code itself should be highly portable although there are some issues involved with porting from MSDOS that have to be resolved for example the size of LONG on unix machines is so big some of the code generated gets messed up. Code generation requires TASM to assemble the compiler output you can use the borland TLINK to produce executables, or the Watcom WLINK can also be used. PMODE systems written by TRAN are used for the DPMI interface.

    标签: generation generates compiler fairly

    上传时间: 2016-08-01


  • C++ is a programming language. It is a programming language of many different dialects, just like

    C++ is a programming language. It is a programming language of many different dialects, just like each language that is spoken has many dialects. In C though, they are not because the "speakers" live in the North, South, or grew up in some other place, it is because there are so many compilers. There are about four major ones: Borland C++, Microsoft Visual C++, Watcom C/386, and DJGPP. You can download DJGPP http://www.delorie.com/djgpp/ or you may already have another compiler. Each of these compilers is a little different. The library functions of one will have all of the standard C++ functions, but they will also have other functions or, continuing the analogy, words. At times, this can lead to confusion, as certain programs will only run under certain compilers, though I do not believe this to be the case with the programs in these tutorials.

    标签: programming language different dialects

    上传时间: 2014-01-17


  • 程序员实用算法

    如今大多数关于算法的图书都是大学教科书,或者是令人厌倦的相同算法集合改头换面后的作品。本书是给出所有算法的完整代码实现的第一本书,这些算法在开发人员的日常工作中非常有用本书重点关注的是实用。立即可用的代码,并且广泛讨论了可移植性和特定于实现的细节。本书作者介绍了一些有用但很少被讨论的算法,它们可用于语音查找,日期和时间例程(直到公元1年),B树和索引文件、数据压縮、任意精度的算术,校验和与数据验证,并且全面地介绍了查找例程、排序算法和数据结构本书只要求读者具有C语言的初级知识以及基本代数的相关知识。源代码经过测试符合ANS|标准,可以运行在UNX下,以及 Borland. Micros和 Watcom的编译器上作者简介Andrew Binstock是《 UNIX Review》的主编和《 C Gazette》的创刊编辑。他是aserJet Programming》( Addison-Wesley,1991)的第一作者John Rex是一位计算机顾问,专攻C和C++。他是《 C Gazette》的前任技术编辑,并且为许多杂志撰写文章。

    标签: 程序员 算法

    上传时间: 2022-06-26
