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  • 首先确保MySQL4.0数据库已经正确安装

    首先确保MySQL4.0数据库已经正确安装,并且设置好root用户的密码(本例中设置为admin)部署jnestore.War到WebLogic Server9.0

    标签: MySQL 4.0 数据库

    上传时间: 2013-12-16


  • jsp2.0技术手册的随书附带源码


    标签: jsp 2.0 技术手册 源码

    上传时间: 2016-10-15


  • ant进阶:使用ant来开发java的web项目


    标签: ant java web 进阶

    上传时间: 2016-11-21


  • The literature of cryptography has a curious history. Secrecy, of course, has always played a centra

    The literature of cryptography has a curious history. Secrecy, of course, has always played a central role, but until the First World War, important developments appeared in print in a more or less timely fashion and the field moved forWard in much the same way as other specialized disciplines. As late as 1918, one of the most influential cryptanalytic papers of the twentieth century, William F. Friedman’s monograph The Index of Coincidence and Its Applications in Cryptography, appeared as a research report of the private Riverbank Laboratories [577]. And this, despite the fact that the work had been done as part of the War effort. In the same year EdWard H. Hebern of Oakland, California filed the first patent for a rotor machine [710], the device destined to be a mainstay of military cryptography for nearly 50 years.

    标签: cryptography literature has Secrecy

    上传时间: 2016-12-08


  • WebSphere安装部署一步一图文档

    WebSphere安装部署一步一图文档,目的是只要你会点击鼠标就会安装和使用IBM WebSphere部署J2ee应用 步骤: 1、安装IBM WebSphere AppServer; 文档:IBM WebSphere6.1安装文档.doc 2、安装IBM Http Server; 文档:IBM HTTP server6.1安装文档.doc 3、安装Http Server Plugin; 文档:Http Server Plugin安装文档.doc 4、安装补丁(可选) 文档:WDS补丁安装文档.doc 5、部署War; 文档:WebSphere部署应用文档.doc 7、重新启动WebSphere和Http Server。

    标签: WebSphere 文档

    上传时间: 2014-01-01


  • zk框架与ajax


    标签: ajax

    上传时间: 2017-03-08


  • 旅游自助管理系统 本系统基于struts1.2, tomcat5.5.17, mysql5.0, eclipse3.1, myeclipse5.1开发。 使用方法: 1、使用mys

    旅游自助管理系统 本系统基于struts1.2, tomcat5.5.17, mysql5.0, eclipse3.1, myeclipse5.1开发。 使用方法: 1、使用mysql数据库,将/etc文件夹下边的数据库脚本文件导入,顺序为:create_role.sql, tshs.sql(或者选择导入已经部分初始化了的tshs-initialized.sql),完成后会新建一个tshs用户,密码为tshs; 2、将/WebRoot目录下的tshs.War复制到${CATALINA_HOME}/webapps目录下(其中CATALINA_HOME是tomcat的安装目录),然后启动tomcat; 3、完毕后使用http://localhost:8080/tshs访问系统,通过旅游管理部门帐户email:admin@buaa.edu.cn password:admin 访问(若前一步导入的是tshs-initialized.sql,则系统增加了客户帐户email:client@163.com password:client 和公司帐户email: travelcorp@163.com password: travelcorp,你可以尝试用各个帐户登陆系统)。 本系统开发仓促,难免存在不足,请提出宝贵意见,谢谢!

    标签: myeclipse eclipse struts tomcat

    上传时间: 2013-12-21


  • 这个是JBOSS自我告警管理的模块。把它放到JBOSS DEPLOY目录下即可。将文件展开

    这个是JBOSS自我告警管理的模块。把它放到JBOSS DEPLOY目录下即可。将文件展开,使用misge1_5.War。源代码在包内。

    标签: JBOSS DEPLOY 模块 目录

    上传时间: 2013-12-14


  • This is montecarlo cards game to choose pairs. I have developed using a single servlet. uncompress a

    This is montecarlo cards game to choose pairs. I have developed using a single servlet. uncompress and deploy the application to a webserver like tomcat. java files also comressed with the War file.

    标签: montecarlo uncompress developed servlet

    上传时间: 2017-09-20


  • GSM+Networks

    Someone who wants to get to know the customs of a country frequently receives the advice to learn the language of that country. Why? Because the dif- ferences that distinguish the people of one country from those of another are reflected in the language. For example, the people of the islands of the Pacific do not have a term for War in their language. Similarly, some native tribes in the rain forests of the Amazon use up to 100 different terms for the color green.

    标签: Networks GSM

    上传时间: 2020-05-27
