PCA人脸识别 This package implements basic Principal Component Analysis in Matlab and tests is with grayscale portion of the FERET database. Images are not preprocessed and it is up to the user to preprocess the images as Wanted, not changing the filenames
标签: implements Component Principal Analysis
上传时间: 2016-06-25
PCA人脸识别 This package implements basic Principal Component Analysis in Matlab and tests is with grayscale portion of the FERET database. Images are not preprocessed and it is up to the user to preprocess the images as Wanted, not changing the filenames
标签: implements Component Principal Analysis
上传时间: 2016-06-25
PCA人脸识别 This package implements basic Principal Component Analysis in Matlab and tests is with grayscale portion of the FERET database. Images are not preprocessed and it is up to the user to preprocess the images as Wanted, not changing the filenames
标签: implements Component Principal Analysis
上传时间: 2013-12-16
The goal of our final project was to design an efficient elevator simulator that can accept input from a user and mechanically operate (on a small scale) a system of 4 floors and 3 elevators using pulleys and stepper motors. Users enter input using physical pushbuttons or the computer. This input is then processed by the MCU and orders are given to the elevators. We attempted to devise an algorithm that can optimally handle any number of floors. This project seemed like a fun challenge and something that had practical applications. Both of us have been frustrated at times by the inefficiency of some of the elevators here at Cornell, and we Wanted to see if we could do a better job.
标签: efficient simulator elevator project
上传时间: 2013-11-25
Artistic Style is a reindenter and reformatter of C, C++, C# and Java source code. When indenting source code, we as programmers have a tendency to use both spaces and tab characters to create the Wanted indentation. Moreover, some editors by default insert spaces instead of tabs when pressing the tab key, and other editors (Emacs for example) have the ability to "pretty up" lines by automatically setting up the white space before the code on the line, possibly inserting spaces in a code that up to now used only tabs for indentation.
标签: reformatter reindenter and Artistic
上传时间: 2013-12-20
We both want to thank everyone at Microsoft Press and all the people who reviewed the manuscript for their kind support throughout this project. Eric Stroo, thanks for your patience as we completed the chapters (not always as fast as you Wanted them). Sally Stickney and Rebecca McKay, thanks for your excellent job editing the manuscript and making it readable. Sally Stickney and John Pierce, thanks for managing the project. Jim Fuchs at Microsoft Press, Jason Whittington at DevelopMentor, and Rick Watson at RogueWave Software, thanks for doing technical reviews of our manuscript.
标签: manuscript Microsoft the everyone
上传时间: 2016-08-29
Description The art galleries of the new and very futuristic building of the Center for Balkan Cooperation have the form of polygons (not necessarily convex). When a big exhibition is organized, watching over all of the pictures is a big security concern. Your task is that for a given gallery to write a program which finds the surface of the area of the floor, from which each point on the walls of the gallery is visible. On the figure 1. a map of a gallery is given in some co-ordinate system. The area Wanted is shaded on the figure 2.
标签: Description futuristic galleries the
上传时间: 2017-02-17
have recently become very interested in the area of genetic algorithms and Ant Colony Optimization techniques. I was determined to write a complete program demonstrating these two techniques. In particular I Wanted to compare the efficiency of these two approaches in the area of finding solutions to the Traveling Salesman Problem
标签: Optimization algorithms interested recently
上传时间: 2013-12-21
That s how the temperature monitor/controller came to be. It was an obvious task for a small processor and I ve always Wanted to test the Dallas temperature sensors.
标签: temperature controller monitor obvious
上传时间: 2013-12-26
Implementation of GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) that rendered triangle based models. Our goal was to generate complex models with a movable camera. We Wanted to be able to render complex images that consisted of hundreds to thousands of triangles. We Wanted to apply interpolated shading on the objects, so that they appeared more smooth and realisitc, and to have a camera that orbitted around the object, which allowed us to look arond the object with a stationary light source. We chose to do this in hardware, because our initial implementation using running software on the NIOS II processor was too slow. Implementing parallelism in hardware is also easier to do than in software, which allows for more efficiency. We used Professor Land s floating point hardware, which allowed us to do calculations efficiency, which is essential to graphics.
标签: Implementation Processing Graphics rendered
上传时间: 2014-11-22