上传时间: 2013-12-18
how to use recusive medthod to generate Solomon sequence number http://www.programming-challenges.com/pg.php?page=downloadproblem&probid=110607&format=html
标签: programming-challenges generate recusive sequence
上传时间: 2013-12-30
欢迎光临最大的源码下载中文网站http://www.pudn.com 本站以语言和语言、嵌入式开发、算法实现为主,源码数量达几十万个,有200多个分类,很多都是本站会员的私家珍藏,互联网上其他地方是找不到的
上传时间: 2013-12-16
文献:基于声卡的振动信号分析监控系统 这个是声振实验室出品 有兴趣的人可以去www.bjvn.com
上传时间: 2013-12-21
文献:频谱分析法测量高层建筑的自振频率.有声振研究所编写 有兴趣的同学可以到 www.bjvb.com查看更多资料
上传时间: 2013-12-21
Project file for MS Visual C++ 6.0. Requires GLUT DLL (www.opengl.org) Adjust program constants in Landscape.h and Utility.cpp. MAPS: Default map is read from HeghtXXX.raw where XXX is the MAP_SIZE (as defined in Landscape.h). If this map is not found, the program attempts to open "Map.ved", a Tread Marks map file. Tread Marks maps will only work for MAP_SIZE == 1024. Also, the MULT_SCALE to view Tread Marks maps correctly is "0.25f". (www.TreadMarks.com)
标签: constants Requires Project program
上传时间: 2014-12-03
某天在看英国KISS的时候发现WWW.HDTV.COM.HK没有关闭时候的EM85XX DVDPLAY的代码。
上传时间: 2013-12-13
1602液晶显示 //MSP430 Advanced Developping Components - [LCD12864A_430.C] ////->>> http://www.dutzm.cn ////->>> tel :(0)13130044096 /**********************************************************/ //MSP430高级实验开发组件 - LCD12864(字符型)液晶显示驱动
标签: Developping Components 430 Advanced
上传时间: 2014-01-26
网站短信平台 www.easy366.com 人才 房源
上传时间: 2016-08-17
For build this project you can use ant (www.apache.org). Before build project rename file build.properties.pattern in build.properties and set specific for your machine parameters, then start build.bat (for Windows platform) or build.sh (for Linux) in root project folder. After compile process all binary files will be copy into build forlder. For additional information please visit web site http://www.m-g.ru/corba To subscribe on news about MT_DORB send e-mail with subject subscribe to corba@m-g.ru We recommend that you place the MTDORB_UCUtils.dll ( or MTDORB_UCUtils.so for Linux) in the Windows\System directory (or Windows\System32 for WinNT and Win2K and /lib for Linux). Main MTDORB author: Oleg V. Safonov <safonov@m-g.ru>
标签: build project Before apache
上传时间: 2016-08-20